The wonderful 101: a game about many tiny superheroes (possibly 101 of them) that had a button prompt ending, commercially failed real hard and left to stagnate under the placid Waters of the Wii U platform, but was good and made people sad, possibly resulting in more suicides.
Beyond two souls: creepy developer creeps on and out Ellen Page. The only game I refused as a free. Mainly cos watching it LP'd is essentially the only positive version of the experience.
Black Mirror: it's definitely totally one hundred percent not the brilliant TV show.
Road Rage: No, it's not Road Rash, Road Redemption, Road Rules, Road Rambles or Road Rickets. It's worse than even Road Kill. Oops, typed 'road' too much and now it looks wonky.
Lovecraft versus Tesla: it's, well...that, am left to assume.
Metal gear solid 4: it's an ending but also a movie, also narratively frustrating. But I will never truly know because Konami won't allow it on PS4.
Crypt of the necrodancer: dance! No, not literally, idiot! Press buttons to the music while the game presses buttons to music too, and whoever presses the buttons the most conformist gets to feel like they may have danced in between all that violent bloodshed.
Sims pets: can't be trusted with real animals? This is for youuuu!
New fire emblems: can't be trusted with real kids? weeeell...