Honestly, The gameplay is pretty good for a fair bit of the game and the boss fights aren't bad either, but the game is overloaded with cutscenes that last way too long and don't say enough for their running time. I sat through them patiently, most of the time waiting for something interesting or insightful, and was often disappointed.Neurotic Void Melody said:Aw, now that seems like the kind of nonsense a few bottles of wine and a like-minded friend could transform into worthwhile entertainment. And Raiden always came off as the type of character who would channel seasonal affective disorder when it suits him.Dalisclock said:Nanomachines. Nanomachines? NANOMACHINES! RETCON! RETCON!
Big Boss. Big Boss? Big BOSS!
Johnny poops his pants a bunch. Ocelot is hilariously hammy. Snake is old and feels old. Raiden goes full anime because it RAINED THE DAY HE WAS BORN!
Also, Some Metal Gears with chicken legs.
There, you're caught up. You're welcome.
The only real standouts were the times Ocelot was on sceen being the worlds largest ham, which was more then enough to keep me going. And of course, the final fight at the end where Snake and Ocelot have a no holds barred brawl which is truly amazing(it really helps that at each stage of the battle, an iconic piece of music from the previous MGS games plays and the moveset shifts to reflect that particular game).
Kojima really just needs a damn editor. Someone to tell him to rein it in every so often so the cutscenes don't drag on past the point they were trying to make.
No mans sky
It's super pretty and you can explore the entire galaxy however you want. You'll spend a majority of that time finding fuel, looking for resources, running back and forth between resource clusters and your ship, mostly because the amount of inventory space you have on both you and your ship is far too small so it becomes very grindy, new, vastly more expensive ships do not help the storage problem much and all the planets are fairly similar.
But now theres base building and freighters and such. So there's that.
Outer Wilds
It's like Majoras Mask but with a spaceship made of duct tape and lumber in a very small solar system that's apparently very interesting.
It's not out yet so nobody has played it , but anyway. It looks like the creators said "What if Dark Souls but 2d? And then make it look spanish and insert about 500% more catholic symbolism?"
Also, the twist is probably "God is Evil". Because that's always the twist when a Catholic-style Religion is in a video game("God is Dead/Powerless" is the 2nd most common) I will be quite shocked if this isn't the case.
Resident Evil
Umbrella makes zombies for some reason that presumably is meant to make a profit but I have no clue how that works, and they keep doing it despite how poorly it keeps ending for them. Ada Wong is a spy. Albert Wesker is a bad guy(apparently this was a surprise in the first one). Jill is apparently thick as a brick. Apparently there's a weird midget napoleon dude in 4. 2, 4 and 7 are apparently pretty good, 6 is apparently awful and then there's some side games.