Aurgelmir said:
jawakiller said:
and to end this: No Evolution does NOT require Faith... AT ALL! Faith is believing without seeing. But I have been presented enough facts to believe Evolution to be the most logical way that life occurs and change over time on our planet.
PS: If we exclude evolution and we exclude creationism, what then?
Well I think, THIS is the right point to just start it again.
There is a name for the religion you are belonging to and it is called 'Darwinism'. And yes of cause you need faith in that theory even if it sounds the most reasonable and acceptable one in between the millions of theories which exist about how life on earth developted.
I am neither a biologist, nor am I a fundamental christian or moslem or whatsoever but I have understood, that what we call knowlegde is just a certain accumulation of postulated theories at a certain aera of mankind.
A thausand years from now people believed in a geocentric worldview. They had formulars, and pretty good formulars which worked, to calculate the positions of sun and moon and all the planets everytime of the day. It was good enough that they never needed GPS to navigate their ships over the sea into the right harbour, an no they did not always were close enough to land, to orientate on that.
But then one man said, thats all bullshit, its not good enough, there are certain gaps, which we cannot fill and found proff that it was all wrong. Today is worldwide knowledge that the sun is centre of our solarsystem.
Funny about that is, EVERY scientist accepts, that a theory postulated by him is nothing but a theory and only true untill the moment someone prooves the opposite.
It's fine that you allready accepted, that your intellect is far from Einstein's. But just because something sounds 'intellectuell' it's not automatacally more true than something the silliest of man could say out of a mood having just a lucky guess.
Great Einstein himself for example always denied the wave-particle dualism of light, but it is till today the only way to describe certain processes and phenomenons occuring when dealing with light. He wordly said ' The old man ist not rolling the dies' (by old man meaning god.) And he was prooved wrong.
Going now again from the concept of a theorie being true untill one can proove the opposite, than tell me a scientific undeniable proof against a creator god.
As I said before I am no creationist, whatever you may think or tell. I have just accepted the fact, that poeple are failible. The rules in which we decribe the world surrounding us, are made by humans and therefore failible as well. We can only try to understand. And I think every intelligent person will notice the more we understand the more complex our world is presenting itself to us and the more there will be this one big question which living humans can never ever answer: Can all this be pure chance?
There is just one hope I can give you : One day everyone of us is going to know, what is behind the courtain.
Allright I need to admit, if those of you, who believe in pure chance, and darwinism are right, and everything on earth developed by itself, than no one will ever no, for there will be just nothing afterwards. Isn't that a wonderful appeasing thought?