Glademaster said:
The thing is Evolution is only a theory ...
An idea or notion is a hypothesis, not a theory.
You start by saying: "Pah to your blondes, Frederick, for it is the brunettes who have the strongest sex-drives!"
Frederick tells you you're talking tosh.
You formalise your statement into a hypothesis: "Women with natural hair colour darker than #404040 have higher sex drives than those with natural hair colour paler than #B0D0D0."
You then devise an experiment to test this hypothesis, using ... erm ... well, I'm not actually sure how to go about testing that one but anyway, you'd need a lot of women with no idea what you were up to, a lot of opportunities for sex and a way to record how much sex happened and with whom ... accurately. You'd also need to know their natural hair colours.
Having gathered your data, you then analyse it and come up with a probability that you were wrong. If your data indicate that the brunettes are more up for it than the blondes and the probability that the results you got arose from sheer chance is less than 5%, you write it all up and send it off to
Nature, it goes through the peer review process, if it makes it past that it gets published and if noone shoots big holes in it or runs a better experiment that gets results that don't support it, your hypothesis gets accepted as a theory.
... Although the general idea of it does exist we can't really say we can from apes. I am sure we have a similar ancestor going back millions of years but then again if you go back far enough we all came from space dust.
What we have, according to mitochondrial DNA drift analysis, is a shared female ancestor a long way back.
Once upon a time, there were ape-like things. They had baby ape-like things, which were almost all very similar to their parents but not all alike. Some of those babies had babies with others of those babies, and those grandchildren of the ones first mentioned had children of their own and so on, and so the ape-like things continued to breed and wander and mingle in the forests of Pangea. As different parts of Pangea had different conditions at the time, different traits were favoured in different parts, and the apes with the traits favoured by one location tended to do better there, while those with less favourable traits tended not to do so well and either moved to places where they were better suited to having grandchildren or had fewer grandchildren until eventually there were none.
Over thousands of generations, the ape-like things in different areas changed more and more in visible (like the shapes of their hands) and invisible (like the numbers of chromosomes they had) ways until they were so different from each other that they could not have babies together and instead stuck with their local populations. Thus speciation had happened: one species had given rise to two.
This process happened again and again, with the ape-like things in each group always obviously the same sort of ape-like thing as their parents but never quite identical to their great-great-great-grandparents, not that anyone was checking.
When Pangea split up and drifted apart, the groups in different areas were separated by seas and oceans, and conditions changed a lot, favouring different traits and causing the species in what became South America [] to evolve rather differently from those in what became Madagascar [] and those in south-east Asia []. Those that remained in Africa split into two groups, of which one eventually gave rise to today's gorillas and the other split further into two that evolved into chimpanzees and early humans.
What mitochondria have to do with it goes back further. Way back in the primordial ooze days, a mess of DNA with a membrane around it engulfed a mess of DNA with a membrane around it. Instead of one of them digesting the other or the two merging into one, they co-existed, with the smaller one existing in a membrane bubble within the larger. When the smaller one divided, the membrane bubble divided too, to the larger cell then had two of those little bacterium-like things in separate pockets within it, then four. When it in turn divided, the two cells formed had some each. As this went on, the two species both benefited from their unusual relationship, and they pretty much took over the world. No, really. You find the same arrangement in fungi, green plants, plankton and all large animals, along with a few other adaptations that distinguish those things from bacteria [].
One of those changes is sexuality. Random mutations happen over time. DNA gets changed by transcription errors or radioactivity. It happens. Sometimes it's fatal. Sometimes it's beneficial. Sometimes it's utterly irrelevant. If you've only got one copy of each gene, that's about it. If you have two copies of each, though, you can get away with having changes in one as long as the other keeps working, and you might just get lucky and get one essential gene turned into a helpful variation on it, which would have been fatal to a single-chromosome creature.
Once you've got two of each gene on two nearly-identical chromosomes, you could, conceivably (heh, pun), meet up with another thing a lot like yourself and rather than just duplicating yourself, make a new baby that's got a copy of one of your chromosomes and a copy of one of your partner's chromosomes. Fungi do this. If you've got two version of the chromosome, A1 and A2, and your partner's got two versions, A3 and A4, the possible offspring are:
A1,A3; A2,A3; A1,A4; A2,A4.
Bear in mind that evolution isn't about more things just like you being around in a thousand years' time. It's about a gene being around in a thousand generations. The gene that allows that recombination to happen has thereby given itself a way to get into a wider range of offspring, so it's got a better chance of making it through the next winter or the next sudden influx of cold water from a glacial lake or whatever.
The next change is to split the chromosome. Now you get A1,A2,B1,B2 meeting A3,A4,B3,B4 and producing:
A1,A3,B1,B3; A1,A4,B1,B3; A1,A3,B1,B4; A1,A4,B1,B4;
A1,A3,B2,B3; A1,A4,B2,B3; A1,A3,B2,B4; A1,A4,B2,B4;
A2,A3,B1,B3; A2,A4,B1,B3; A2,A3,B1,B4; A2,A4,B1,B4;
A2,A3,B2,B3; A2,A4,B2,B3; A2,A3,B2,B4; A2,A4,B2,B4;
The more it splits, the more extra on the ends you need and the more resources you're using to create each new cell but the more it splits the faster you can mix and change and the more independently versions of genes can meet up.
Without a partner, you duplicate yourself. There is one possible outcome.
With a partner and one chromosome pair, you each contribute one version, producing four possible offspring.
With a partner and two chromosome pairs, you each contribute one version of each chromosome, producing sixteen possible offspring.
With a partner and three chromosome pairs, you each contribute one version of each chromosome, producing sixty-four possible offspring.
With a partner and four chromosome pairs, you each contribute one version of each chromosome, producing 256 possible offspring.
Next change: sexual dimorphism. Whassat? Morph: shape. Di-: two. Sexual: sexual, duh. Males and females, and not exactly the same, that's what.
Salmon spray their gametes, their little half-a-cell thingies, into the stream, and they all mix together and form babies at random from all the salmon that came back.
Frogs grapple in pairs and release together, allowing female frogs to select male frogs that are obviously wonderful sources of wonderful DNA because they're not only alive and at the pond but also croaking really loudly. Other male frogs join in anyway, but it works.
Birds pair rather more carefully and produce much smaller broods and care for them, and in birds we see dimorphism. Male and female peafowl are rather different because, as explained in the video on page 1, the males display to attract female attention and the females are camouflaged. Some species display much less dimorphism, like corvids and pigeons.
Dimorphism can go to extremes, as seen in some spiders. Compare the long-lived female black widow with her generally single-use male relatives for an examples.
With selective mating as seen in any species with courtship (yes, including us) there comes a benefit associated with more secure couplings, for want of a better word. It's no good picking your partner with great care if you're going for the salmon approach to actual reproduction, after all, and if you can deliver it right to the target you don't need to produce gallons of semen. This has led to sexual dimorphism in sexual organs. Instead of just spurting out half cells and hoping they stick together, animals and plants have different organs producing different styles of partial cell. Some plants have male and female parts and clever ways to avoid fertilising themselves. Animals generally have only one kind. I said generally. Put the slug down. This is why penises and vaginas exist and fit together so well.
Can I leave out the evolution of the G-spot? Yes? Great! Thanks.
Having got male sexual bits and female sexual bits, we also got male partial cells and female partial cells, and the way it works is that the male part fuses with the female part and delivers its DNA, its copies of one version of each of the father's chromosomes, into the mother's partial cell, where the two DNA packets are combined to form the nuclear DNA (wikipedia link above will tell you about it) of the new baby ... whatever.
That's all the male delivers, though. The male's mitochondria in that delivery vehicle get left there. It's the female's mitochondria that get passed on in the cytoplasm and down through the generation. There's no exchange of genetic material there. They're clones. They just mutate at random as the years go by.
This means we scientific geeky types can get the DNA out of something's mitochondria and compare it to the DNA from something else's mitochondria and see how many differences there are and thereby draw up a family tree showing which things are more closely related to which other things by female line only and, given certain assumptions about how rapidly those mutations have been happening, how many generations back their female-line ancestry split.
It's by comparing mDNA that we get the pretty charts of tribal descents within humanity and of species descents within apes, all primates, all mammals, all vertebrae, all animals and even, if you were to go that far, all eukaryotes. You are, you probably won't be surprised to learn, more closely related to manatees than to eucalyptus ... unless you're a tree, which would make you unique among forum visitors, as far as I know.
Anyone wanting to know more about it, hit google with phrases like mitochondrial DNA family tree [] or mitochondrial Eve [].