ThunderCavalier said:
Um... "u mad bro?"
You don't even work for fucking Nintendo. Hell, the guy doesn't even work for their competition, so it's not like he's trying to save face now by ragging on some console. Not to mention that, at least from my experience, Nintendo tends to have its own fanbase that doesn't overlap with the audiences that the Xbox One and the PS4 are now competing for. Sure, the Wii U won't make profits that Sony or Microsoft will inevitably rake in, but they'll certainly be able to sustain themselves, because in the specific niche of titles and gamers that they target, they're still virtually uncontested. There's still an audience for Mario and Zelda titles, despite many gamers' claims that they're tired concepts.
I agree with a fair bit of that, but this comment has little to do with the discussion.
This isn't a debate as to whether Nintendo will remain solvent in the face of the WiiU, of course if will. They're Nintendo. They're obscenely rich and own some of the most valuable gaming IPs there are. This question is whether the WiiU will succeed as a console, and so far this guy looks to be correct.
There is very little third party support for the WiiU, it's sales are abysmal a year on, the competition has hit the scene and is outselling them heavily. On the whole, the WiiU is in a bad spot, and it looks like it might fade into irrelevance. The WiiU doesn't appeal to anyone outside of the dedicated Nintendo fanbase, and even they have limits.
I'm a lifelong Zelda fan myself, it's by far away my favorite game series, but even if they released a new Zelda for the Wii U, I still wouldn't buy it because the price I'd pay for the small number of games I'd actually be interested in playing on it is far too great. The enjoyment I'd get from the console falls below the price of the console as it stands, well below. This is not an isolated sentiment, thousands of people are echoing this, and that's a big part of why WiiU sales are so dismal. Even the Nintendo fanbase is hard-pressed to fork over several hundred dollars for a glorified Mario player.