KirbyKrackle said:
What is it that I said that you feel is a straw man?
You used a distorted version of what I said too make my argument moot. You misinterpreted what I said and then started attacking me for that.
Why do believe that what you said isn't racist?
Because my argument is being based on statistics that are proven. I'm the one trying to show that race has absolutely nothing to do with it other than the fact that it happens to be the situations minorities are in.
Please tell me what the foundation is (since you hate unfounded claims) for the claim that inner-city students don't play video games.
Let's get this straight, I'm talking about lower class innercity students, such as poor areas like Detroit and The Bronx (if that are is still poor). Pretty much the simple fact that by your logic, everyone who shoots up a school plays videogames (along with this guys claims). I'm simply stating that News organizations don't place videogames to blame because these kids don't have video game consoles. It doesn't happen It's not like a case where over half the nations have Xbox's. Out of 10 kids who shoot up a school, let's say 3 of them own a console. Those three are gonna get blamed for going crazy whilst gaming. How could you possibly link the other 7 to gaming?
And that mass violence such as school shootings can be linked to poverty and aren't committed by members of the white middle class
This was strangely worded, but I'll take a shot at it anyway.
Like I said. Middle white class kid probably owns a Console. He's gonna get blamed for it.
Let's try some more statistics. White people make up most of the US with 72.4%. African Americans make up about 12.6%.
Keep those numbers in your head, we'll be going back to that after I explain some American History to you.
(on that note, I like that you don't argue that you aren't classist as all get out).
Honestly, I skipped over that part on accident. No, I'm not classist. Me saying that lower class people are more poorer than middle class people is not classist. That's common fucking sense.
Also, I missed all of the 3rd grade American history, so please explain how segregation leads to school shootings. I'm very interested. I'm also very interested in what parts of American history could have changed to make the minorities majorities; since I've never taken 3rd grade American history, I'm sure you could inform me.
Way long ago America used to love Slavery.
After the Civil War, it was abolished. But unfortunately, heavy racism still remained. Due to this Heavy Racism, laws were put in place by governments segregating Colored people from White people. There were two different water fountains for each race, and many places made it illegal for Black people to walk inside. It was extremely hard for a Black man to make a decent living, which in turn made them poor.
Down in city areas, they kind of became trapped where they lived creating poor neighborhoods. White people didn't have a problem with Racism. They basically had had a head start for the past 100 years.
When the civil rights act happened (look it up if you don't know), situations became much easier, except the fact that all these people were still dirt poor because they received no damage money from the past 100 years of segregation. These poor towns are still very much alive because these people couldn't escape the situation. That's why there are still towns and cities in the United States still heavily filled with minorities.
Now due to poor conditions, crime remains rampant to this day. Crime forms in poor areas. Now these poor areas happen to be filled with African Americans.
Are you starting to get it?
Now if 73% of Americans are white, how much more often are you going to see them shoot up a school? If 12% are Black, how often are you going to see them shoot up a school?
Fill in the rest yourself.