Explain to me how concealed carry protects against a mugging


New member
Oct 8, 2009
moretimethansense said:
I never claimed that everybody in America is a gun crazy loon, but any twit CAN in fact buy a gun, here in England it takes a special kind of criminal to have one (one that pl;ans to use it), in America anyone can own a gun, anyone, here you might get mugged at knife point or even bare hands, wheras in america any low class filth can pull a gun on you if they want your money.
I don't know where you get your information, but America has very strict laws in terms of buying a gun.

We sell them where I work, and if you even so much as make an unnecessary mark on the paperwork, or incorrectly make a letter, you're not getting a damn thing.

You have to be a legal citizen, be background checked, your photo ID has to have information that's 100% correct. Your forms have to be absolutely perfect, along with a number of other things to be able to buy one. If you mess up your paperwork once, you can't even attempt to get one for months without being instantly turned down.

It isn't as easy as walking into a store and taking one through a self checkout.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
The gun advocates here clearly haven't paid much attention to the concept of escalation. And the typical response to anybody proposing stricter gun control, which is "if you want something you'll get it anyhow", is a cop out. If I want a Mars Bar, I go down to the store and get it. If want hard drugs, that's a heck of a lot more difficult and is usually a step in a direction that in itself, often serves as a deterrent.

So yes, the much abused Right to Bare Arms in the USA is a valid "way", but so is the strict gun control in other nations. The arguments of pro-gun voices are generally far too subjective, however, raging against research and common sense in order to swallow what is honestly, a pretty difficult pill.

Tying gun ownership so tightly and indiscriminately to the general concept of "Freedom", appears to me to be logically troubled, if not flawed. Guns are not needed to be free, and think of the other freedoms sometimes lost on its behalf?

Elf Defiler Korgan

New member
Apr 15, 2009
Scenario: mugger approaches, corners, does the whole thug intimidation act. He doesn't grab you, he gestures and shows you the knife. He acts reasonable and assertive. This is fun for him and a confidence game, that he won't have to stab you since knives, and by extension he, are very scary at that moment.

Having a concealed gun can be very helpful in this situation. Still, the above thug has a slivver of reasonableness about him, and if you present superior power (such as a no-fuss high calibre pistol) he may just back down.

If it comes to a scrap, drawing and prepping a gun takes some time, but then it comes to footwork, how well you can move and coordinate your body and get it out and active. Of all things, fencing emphasises dodging cuts and thrusts and keeping the type of distance you want.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
The point of concealed carry is mostly a deterrent. If we had less gun control, less crime would happen. Why? Criminals like their lives just as much as most people, why risk getting shot in a mugging?


Legendary Table User
Jul 17, 2009
thedeathscythe said:
You may not be alone when you are mugged. I have a switchblade on me at all times, and we were walking near downtown but not in a bad area by any means, and it was just me and my 2 friends coming back from this cyber cafe we used to go to (we stopped for unrelated reasons) and this car with 5 guys came by us 3 times, and when we were about 5 blocks from the main road (the rest was residential, the main road was pretty much awake all night) they told us to give them all our wallets. We said no, and the passenger pulled a baseball bat from the car and let it hang out the car. I kept my hand on my knife (not drawn) and we told them to suck our dicks and we ran away from them behind their car. They backed up a bit, but then just drove off straight.

I think if they would have pursued us, and if there was a fight (assuming they didn't also have a gun), the knife would have helped a bit. It definitely would be intimidating if you know they're a threat (because they are a threat if they threaten you. You seem to think they have to attack you first. If you have a reason to feel threatened, it's not like the cops will say "Well they told you to give them your money but they never attacked you, so you attacked first. You're going to jail for life, buddy,") you can defend yourself. Now a gun may be different (Canadian, no right to bear arms *insert joke about having arms like a grizzly bear*), but I would think that if someone pulled a knife on you and said "Your money or your life," that you would be justified in then removing your fire arm and saying "Where do you want some fresh lead surgery?"
You sir are no John Wayne please refrain from attempting bad ass tough guy lines in the future.

Now OP not all muggers are going to run up and blind side you, there are going to be ones who come up draw a knife and nicely ask for all your valuables evenif they just say they haves weapon your friend can jsut flash his piece, guns have this fancy +20 to intimidate modifier.


New member
Jul 4, 2009
Never heard of someone being mugged anywhere around where I live in Australia so i can't really help here. I know you occassionally get break-ins but most of the time the only weapon is a crowbar, knife or stanley knife so that the robber can get through a window. Not to meantion big dogs tend to stop this too.

This level of violence is just sorta... strange to think about.


New member
May 23, 2010
I know a couple disarming techniques (sorta like the ones in Mirror's Edge) and I carry a knife if things get too sketchy.

One trick I've used before is when someone pulls a knife on you, pull yours out and act mentally unstable. Be sure to include disturbing behavior such as creepy smiling, talking to your knife, and licking the side of the blade.

It worked.

Devil's Due

New member
Sep 27, 2008
This is usually followed by tons of "ban guns!!!!!" type of posts by those who don't understand. Well news flash buds, if you ban guns who then has them? Criminals. Think they care if it's illegal to have them or not? No.

And for the mugging idea? If you simply give them a suspicion you're "packing", they'll probably move along. I've known people who've almost been attacked by groups who simply just unzipped their jackets and put their hands on their waist, parting the jacket enough to show that he was carrying a gun, and caused them to back off instantly.

(PS: And if my friendly UK Escapees try posting statistics, UK has a much, MUCH higher violent crime rate than America, including knifes and fist fights. We just have higher gun rates, obviously. Why can't people just butt-out of another countries' affairs? And yes, that includes I'm against America trying to be a world police force before you try that "Hurr, funny coming from an American!" point)


New member
Jul 10, 2009
I don't have to worry about concealed carry, my state is an open carry state. I doubt that a mugger would go after someone who is obviously armed. My current weapon in a Glock 17.

R Man

New member
Dec 19, 2007
Diamondback One said:
This is usually followed by tons of "ban guns!!!!!" type of posts by those who don't understand. Well news flash buds, if you ban guns who then has them? Criminals. Think they care if it's illegal to have them or not? No.

And for the mugging idea? If you simply give them a suspicion you're "packing", they'll probably move along. I've known people who've almost been attacked by groups who simply just unzipped their jackets and put their hands on their waist, parting the jacket enough to show that he was carrying a gun, and caused them to back off instantly.

(PS: And if my friendly UK Escapees try posting statistics, UK has a much, MUCH higher violent crime rate than America, including knifes and fist fights. We just have higher gun rates, obviously. Why can't people just butt-out of another countries' affairs? And yes, that includes I'm against America trying to be a world police force before you try that "Hurr, funny coming from an American!" point)
If the criminals already have guns, and they have the opportunity to take you by surprise, how would having a gun help you anyway? You'd have to be very quick on the draw or you'll just get killed.

Not only that but some 'criminals' are more likely to target people with guns, for the thrill, depending on the 'criminal'.

You also assuming that the only crime affected is muggins and robberies. But a lot of crimes are crimes of passion and domestic violence.


New member
May 14, 2010
True self defense starts before you enter a dark alley where a potential mugging could occur. Is it a high crime area? Is it a dimly lit alley? Do you see people loitering or are there things they could be concealed behind? Go the hell around or get a group to go with.

If it's not feasible to avoid entering the dangerous place at all, you should already have a hand on your weapon or be ready to respond to potential hostility. Simply being alert will make it hard for you to be taken completely off guard.

Ultimately, unless you are truly in danger it will cost you less to hand over your wallet then it will to deal with the court after you shoot someone. Not because of fines, but because of the time it will take you to get reports filled out and you may have to appear in court.

Devil's Due

New member
Sep 27, 2008
R Man said:
If the criminals already have guns, and they have the opportunity to take you by surprise, how would having a gun help you anyway? You'd have to be very quick on the draw or you'll just get killed.
I sincerely hope you're kidding about this post, because if you consider rather being unarmed when faced with an armed opponent just because you dislike guns thinks it's going to make him care the least bit, then that's just crazy.

Seriously, if you think that, this discussion is over, because that's just nuts. Sorry, friend. :(


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Diamondback One said:
This is usually followed by tons of "ban guns!!!!!" type of posts by those who don't understand. Well news flash buds, if you ban guns who then has them? Criminals. Think they care if it's illegal to have them or not? No.

And for the mugging idea? If you simply give them a suspicion you're "packing", they'll probably move along. I've known people who've almost been attacked by groups who simply just unzipped their jackets and put their hands on their waist, parting the jacket enough to show that he was carrying a gun, and caused them to back off instantly.

(PS: And if my friendly UK Escapees try posting statistics, UK has a much, MUCH higher violent crime rate than America, including knifes and fist fights. We just have higher gun rates, obviously. Why can't people just butt-out of another countries' affairs? And yes, that includes I'm against America trying to be a world police force before you try that "Hurr, funny coming from an American!" point)
Wow, that post is just so fucking wrong. Are you serious?
Ah well, let's go through this anyway. Firstly, I posted a link to a study earlier that showed how concealed carry licenses do not affect violent crime rates in the slightest. Here it is again: [link]http://hsx.sagepub.com/content/9/4/292.abstract[/link]
Or in other words, there is no deterrence factor whatsoever.

Secondly, as TechNoFear pointed out, that bit about the UK being more violent is simply not true. Here's that post again, and much thanks to you, Tech.
TechNoFear said:
What data are you basing that on?

Because the US homicide rate is 2-5 times other 'first world' countries and the US has ~20 mass shootings a year (4+ killed).
For comparison, Australia (guns banned in 1997) has a homicide rate 4 times lower than the US and the last mass shooting in Australia was in 1996 (one in 2003 with 2 killed, 7 wounded). [murdering lots of people is not easy when armed with a bolt action .22 rifle, as opposed to a semi-auto 9mm Glock with extended mag]

homicide rates / 100,000 population in 2009

US 5.0
Canada 1.81
Australia 1.2
UK 1.28
Germany 0.86

Yeah, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Stick to horribly unrealistic shooters, k?


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
UberNoodle said:
The gun advocates here clearly haven't paid much attention to the concept of escalation. And the typical response to anybody proposing stricter gun control, which is "if you want something you'll get it anyhow", is a cop out. If I want a Mars Bar, I go down to the store and get it. If want hard drugs, that's a heck of a lot more difficult and is usually a step in a direction that in itself, often serves as a deterrent.

So yes, the much abused Right to Bare Arms in the USA is a valid "way", but so is the strict gun control in other nations. The arguments of pro-gun voices are generally far too subjective, however, raging against research and common sense in order to swallow what is honestly, a pretty difficult pill.

Tying gun ownership so tightly and indiscriminately to the general concept of "Freedom", appears to me to be logically troubled, if not flawed. Guns are not needed to be free, and think of the other freedoms sometimes lost on its behalf?
Well, people were allowed to own gun in America even before the American Revolution. In fact, people were allowed to own guns in England at that same time. It was less a "new" right, and more of a guarantee of a continuing right.

Freedoms that are lost to the right to bear arms? Okay. I'm curious. What rights are lost due to people being allowed to have guns?


New member
Nov 27, 2009
I have never mugged anyone, nor do I have any plans to ever do so.

That said, if I were going to mug someone in a state where concealed weapons are common, I'd just shoot first and rob the corpse.

Presumably I have a gun bought out of some guys trunk outside a gun show that can't be traced to me. I'd have no ties to the victim and as long as I were careful, I probably wouldn't leave any evidence. On top of which, if I targeted someone who was obviously carrying and got the jump on them, I'd have made a couple hundred off selling their gun even if they didn't have any cash.

Emotionally, I'm sure it would be extremely difficult to just walk up and kill someone, but from a purely logical standpoint, I don't see why that doesn't happen more often. If I'm mugging people on the street, I'm probably in dire enough straights that even prison might be a step up.

For the record: veteran with marksmanship medals, hunter, and gun owner. Who thinks the lack of regulation and tracking of handguns is absurd.


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Other than bravo for another wonderful empowerment of the criminal element. I guess someone has numbers and figures on people not mugged because a person doesn't know if they are packing? ahhh such things can not be recorded can they?

Devil's Due

New member
Sep 27, 2008
thethingthatlurks said:
that bit about the UK being more violent is simply not true. Here's that post again, and much thanks to you, Tech.
TechNoFear said:
homicide rates / 100,000 population in 2009

US 5.0
Canada 1.81
Australia 1.2
UK 1.28
Germany 0.86

You cannot even read a simple post where I stated that violent acts include assaults, knifes, and the such. And I did indeed already say that the US has higher gun rates than other worlds, and his post proves that as well. By the way, he stats he links is HOMICIDE, which means murder. You should retake school to understand how to read, apparently. Until then don't bother my time unless you actually look into the facts, as it just wastes both of our time, friend.

What did you say to me earlier? Oh yes,

thethingthatlurks said:
Yeah, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Stick to horribly unrealistic shooters, k?
Lets just lower the little hostile acts here and move on, eh?

Hawk eye1466

New member
May 31, 2010
they did a study they compared the mugging rates when you were allowed to carry a concealed weapon and when you werent the mugging rates went down about 80% when the muggers didnt know if you were armed or not


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
I believe it works, assuming that a mugger won't always try to sneak up on you, he may try to ambush you from the front, if so you've got enough time to draw your gun.
I don't think the legal thing is as big an issue as you say, you point a gun at someone who tries to mug you and they want to report you what are they going to tell the cops?