On the subject of sequels, I cast my mind back to the Metal Gear Solid series, (PSX Onwards).
Although heavily criticised for being a total mind-bend, I still enjoyed playing/watching the series, and although I can't say that I entirely get the story...I just became engrossed, and it became a guilty-ish pleasure.
Now I'm sure we can say that the first Metal Gear Solid was great fun, (If you want to count the NES version as well, since that technically was the first, be my guest
). I was psyched at a sequel, but all the points raised in Yahtzee's posts were evident, direct sequelage can just water the experience.
Spoiler alert for anyone who hasn't gotten around to playing MGS Sons of Liberty. When I found out that Liquid snake was still alive, I rolled my eyes back. It was unnecessary. Granted, I know a few that think that the whole game was unnecessary, but you can tell that was just a bid to toss him into the sequel. This is why I agree with Yahtzee, and that the fans are being looked at to in-adversely 'guide' them to construct their sequels. When a game is made, the fans are created, and the problem with the fans is that their 'likes' and 'dislikes' are expressed to help shape what the sequel should be...I just don't see that as a positive thing.
Before that's misconstrued, Positives and Negative of game mechanic sure help in designing a game that appeals and works, but I'm talking about events of the game, or characters...take 'Pyramid Head' for example; we Silent Hill lovers mostly think that Pyramid head was inventive and probably the best Silent Hill monster to date. The Westerner Silent Hill pick-up team realise this, and say with a 'Bill & Ted esq.' tone, "That's a brilliant idea! What this game needs is more Pyramid Head! I need more Pyramid Head!" (Anyone else get the image of Walken and the Cowbell scene from reading that?). What I'm saying is, games should not be done to appease the fan-base, and Pyramid Head should have stayed in Silent Hill 2, where he belongs, *trying to urge not to rant about how Pyramid Head doesn't make sense being in anything else*.
Quickly back to Metal Gear: Did anyone 'really' enjoy playing as Raiden for the later-half of the game? If you did, fine, but the developers themselves admitted that Raiden was there to make you appreciate Snake. I get the impression that a lot of MGS Sons of Liberty was laid out with the skeleton of the old game, and new skin of different colours was just stapled on here and there, making the whole experience just botched in places and quite disjointed. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed it, but knew it could have been a far more engaging game.
Speaking of which, we all know that Riaden was the weaker of the two; why is it that weaker characters from previous titles need to be introduced into later ones as total bad-asses, (MGS 4 reference). We said: "Raiden's a Pussy", they said, "Then we'll stick him in Cyborg Armour and give him a Batman growl". I call it: Bad-Ass-Dertising a character, and when you say "BadAssDertising" it sounds like you're saying "Bastardising", which is about right.
Any games you can think of where pussy-characters are re-vamped as bad-asses in sequels?
Good post Yahtzee.