Facial hair: yes or no?


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Not currently.

I've had a beard at times and it looked alright but I find trimming to be extremely annoying.

I often let it grow out for a few days for the stubbly look, but there's a treacherously fine line between manly stubble and scruffy slob stubble.

Oh, and I frequently grow out my sideburns if that counts. I've had the full Wolverine look going on a few times.

Musou Tensei

Anti Censorship Activist
Apr 11, 2007
I'd love to have a full beard like an 80's Bud Spencer, but sadly my beard grows very fuzzy and just not thick enough.


Until I get thrown out.
May 16, 2011

I'm not a fan. Not that I could grow any facial anyway, since I'm relatively hairless and the little hair I have is thin.


Reprogrammed Spambot
Nov 24, 2012
Yes. If you're working a job around food or chemicals, wear a cap. Don't let an employer tell you that they require their employees to shave for some weird reason not involving either of the former. I was at a job interview where the lady interviewing me said the manager required all the employees to be clean-shaven always, because he was a conservative and a Christian. Since this job was the last stop on a long list of interviews I intentionally sabotaged the interview from that point. Now granted I'm not a Christian, but from what I recall, Jesus had a beard, so what's more Christian than a trimmed stache/goatie? I never grow out a full "ZZ Top", always stay trimmed above the lip (hate getting food stuck in my hair) and so I'm always neat and washed. I personally think I look more suspicious fully shaved, like HRG from Heroes. Never trust a man who's that neat always because he'll be the one carrying a bag n tag kit in his black Polynesian leather suitcase.


A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Jan 24, 2009
Years ago I wished I had a beard, but I've come to realize I'll probably have to wait until at least middle age to be able to grow one. I'm like a bald chicken when it comes to body hair, and trying to grow out my beard just makes me look dreadful. These days I prefer to be clean shaven, and after watching a few too many Youtube videos, I've come to associate big beards with scraggly, overweight late 20s dudes playing videogames in their rooms. Which I'd rather not be a part of.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I hate my facial hair and if I could make a Faustian deal to keep my face from ever growing hair again I would seriously consider going through with it. It gets in the way of my food and isn't pleasant to touch but what's worse is how it ages me a decade or two. It might not be so bad if my face knew how to properly grow facial hair but no...it seems to concentrate on rough follicles directly out of the chin with odd patches on my cheeks and fine strands on my upper-lip...very freaking annoying but I'm such a lazy ass I wind up letting it grow...oh well...