Fallout 1+2: Free?


Token Irish Guy
Oct 22, 2008
Ago Iterum said:
Explain to me how it works better than a legit copy...
Faster loading times due to not having to load from a CD. (Data transfer speeds from a HDD>data transfer speeds from a DVD/CD drive.) No DRM, no disks, no steam.

Ago Iterum

New member
Dec 31, 2007
Nimbus said:
Ago Iterum said:
Explain to me how it works better than a legit copy...
Faster loading times due to not having to load from a CD. (Data transfer speeds from a HDD>data transfer speeds from a DVD/CD drive.) No DRM, no disks, no steam.
If you have lower than a x8 speed DVD drive then it will be slower. *EDIT* and it also depends on your SATA port speed. All modern computers use SATA connection for their disk drives, which is the same thing your hard drive uses.

You seem to be a fan of illigally attained games, so there's no point in arguing with you, but ask most people and you will get stories of bad experience from pirating.


Token Irish Guy
Oct 22, 2008
Ago Iterum said:
If you have lower than a x8 speed DVD drive then it will be slower. *EDIT* and it also depends on your SATA port speed. All modern computers use SATA connection for their disk drives, which is the same thing your hard drive uses.

You seem to be a fan of illigally attained games, so there's no point in arguing with you, but ask most people and you will get stories of bad experience from pirating.
No, no you will not. Besides, if you believe the statistics, most gamers are pirates.
Mar 9, 2009
midpipps said:
mrpenguinismyhomeboy said:
midpipps said:
Yes people commit crimes but the difference is when people commit crimes and I see it I will turn them in for it. If I see someone murder or rob or steal from someone else you better believe that I will turn them in to the authorities. If I saw someone come on the escapist talking about how they murdered someone or raped someone I would definitely point the authorities to it to try and get them behind bars. The problem is there is nothing like that for this topic. Sure call me nosy I don't care but I am not prying into the affairs of others just to pry I am prying because it is hurting an industry that I love and would love to see continue to grow. But pirating is killing that industry.
There are very few small companies that can come up with the cash to create a full fledged game for systems out now and when they do they loose possible revenue due to people pirating it instead of buying it. Which stifles the creative processes. Even the bigger companies are stifled due to it why should they create new IP's when they know rehashing the old ones will at least get them the fans purchase where as if they create a new one there are no fans to purchase and half of the people that might like it pirate it to test it but never go out and buy it even if they like it.
Yeah sure I will not convert all the people but maybe one out of every one million people will read my posts and think about what they are doing by pirating. Maybe they will change their minds I know it is not a probable thing to happen but I will still try.
First off: Piracy is not killing the games industry. Piracy doesn't make as much of an impact on sales as you think its does. Sins of a Solar Empire shipped with no DRM, and still had high sales.
Second off: The amount of people that buy will always be greater then the amount of people that pirate, for all of the above reasons that have been stated in this thread. For example, Braid was pirated by a friend and given to me. I loved Braid. It was an amazing game. But Jonathan Blow already has more then enough money. My fifteen or twenty dollars wont make a difference.
Third off: In a paraphrase of Benjamin Franklin (and Yahtzee): He who trades freedom of the users for copyright protection deserves neither. In other words, Piracy will always happen, and because we are a free society, we must take the good with the bad.
(sarcasm)Yep piracy is not hurting the game industry and yep buying customers will always be higher then the pirating customers.(/sarcasm)
So not only are pirates stealing from the company they are also killing the servers for the paying customers which in turn causes bad reviews and in turn causes even less money spent on the game from potential customers.
Yeah sure maybe Jonathan Blow did make enough money off the game but how does that give you the right to steal from him. He put the hard work into making a game he should get reimbursed for it so that he has a reason to create more games and maybe that extra revenue that he would have gotten off all the people who might have bought the game if it was not free would have given him enough capitol to fund a new game.
What gives you the right to steal from someone? Especially when it is something that is not a requirement of your living it is an entertainment medium. You do not need to play the game you want to play the game.
Also this whole there will always be pirates BS is not a good argument by your logic there will always be killers and rapist, so you should go do that too?
First Off: What do you mean by killing the servers for paying customers and lowering review scores? Was that something in that article? Didn't read it. And besides, Demigod is only one game, And I doubt the entire games industry would be put into a recession due to the the sales of one game.
Second Off: Exactly, its not necessary for human survival. Therefore, why should we pay for it? If we don't need it to live, then it shouldn't be worth anything given that it doesn't really benefit us.
Third: No, you shouldn't go around killing people, because not only are you actually hurting someone, you'll go to jail for that. But there will always be killers and rapists. Some people just find a reason to do those things. I don't think its a good idea, but there will always be people who misuse freedom.
Fourth: In my opinion, it is okay to steal form people who are so rich they don't know what to do with all their money, because it obviously wont make any difference to them. Here: You are a poor person, with absolutely no money at all. You steal a penny from a rich man to buy a loaf of bread. It's your first meal in weeks. You do to jail for stealing the rich man's penny. Is that fair? All you wanted was a piece of bread, and without it you were going to die. Should you go to jail for taking one little penny out of thousands of dollars? A penny that this rich man obviously needs less then you do?

And also: There will always be more buyers then pirates. I don't get why you don't see that. After all, there will always be less people who rape and kill then people who don't right? I thought as much.

Nimbus said:
Faster loading times due to not having to load from a CD. (Data transfer speeds from a HDD>data transfer speeds from a DVD/CD drive.) No DRM, no disks, no steam.
I can second that.

Ago Iterum

New member
Dec 31, 2007
Nimbus said:
Ago Iterum said:
If you have lower than a x8 speed DVD drive then it will be slower. *EDIT* and it also depends on your SATA port speed. All modern computers use SATA connection for their disk drives, which is the same thing your hard drive uses.

You seem to be a fan of illigally attained games, so there's no point in arguing with you, but ask most people and you will get stories of bad experience from pirating.
No, no you will not. Besides, if you believe the statistics, most gamers are pirates.
Oh sweet lord you're stubborn. Just because you have had a good experience downloading games illigally doesn't mean it's fact that all pirated games work better than those attained legally! And the statistics may say that (I don't know whether they do, they might not) but it doesn't say most gamers are SATISFIED with the games they've pirated! I pirated, and it sucked, so I'm not bothering with it again.

Your opinions are not fact my friend, they're opinions, just like everything I've stated.

Just leave it now.


New member
Feb 23, 2009
mrpenguinismyhomeboy said:
midpipps said:
mrpenguinismyhomeboy said:
midpipps said:
If you won't even take the time to read cited materials there is no point in debating further with you. All I will say is if you want to have a intelligent discussion be ready to read the cited material and I will read any cited material you bring to the table. If you would have read the article you would have seen that they had ~120,000 connection 18,000 of which were legit payed for the game customers. Their servers were not ready to handle this load and the nonpaying customers were causing overhead server load causing people who actually payed for the game to be kicked from servers or not able to connect at all. Giving a bad experience to paying customers. I am sorry to the OP for pulling the discussion off track. I will no longer reply to this post/thread


Token Irish Guy
Oct 22, 2008
Ago Iterum said:
Nimbus said:
Ago Iterum said:
If you have lower than a x8 speed DVD drive then it will be slower. *EDIT* and it also depends on your SATA port speed. All modern computers use SATA connection for their disk drives, which is the same thing your hard drive uses.

You seem to be a fan of illigally attained games, so there's no point in arguing with you, but ask most people and you will get stories of bad experience from pirating.
No, no you will not. Besides, if you believe the statistics, most gamers are pirates.
Oh sweet lord you're stubborn. Just because you have had a good experience downloading games illigally doesn't mean it's fact that all pirated games work better than those attained legally! And the statistics may say that (I don't know whether they do, they might not) but it doesn't say most gamers are SATISFIED with the games they've pirated! I pirated, and it sucked, so I'm not bothering with it again.

Your opinions are not fact my friend, they're opinions, just like everything I've stated.

Just leave it now.
Name one pirated game that works worse than the real deal. Just name one game, and I'll drop it.

Ago Iterum

New member
Dec 31, 2007
Nimbus said:
Ago Iterum said:
Nimbus said:
Ago Iterum said:
If you have lower than a x8 speed DVD drive then it will be slower. *EDIT* and it also depends on your SATA port speed. All modern computers use SATA connection for their disk drives, which is the same thing your hard drive uses.

You seem to be a fan of illigally attained games, so there's no point in arguing with you, but ask most people and you will get stories of bad experience from pirating.
No, no you will not. Besides, if you believe the statistics, most gamers are pirates.
Oh sweet lord you're stubborn. Just because you have had a good experience downloading games illigally doesn't mean it's fact that all pirated games work better than those attained legally! And the statistics may say that (I don't know whether they do, they might not) but it doesn't say most gamers are SATISFIED with the games they've pirated! I pirated, and it sucked, so I'm not bothering with it again.

Your opinions are not fact my friend, they're opinions, just like everything I've stated.

Just leave it now.

Name one pirated game that works worse than the real deal. Just name one game, and I'll drop it.
Fifa 08, Assassins Creed, Sim City Societies, CoD4.

There's four for you. On Fifa 08 I kept getting severe slowdown, in Assassins Creed all of the shadows flashed, and again, slowdown. In SSC I woudl get error messages every now and then that closed the game, and in CoD4 online wouldn't work.

I bought them all on disc, and voila, problems solved.

EDIT: And they're the only ones that worked enough to get me into the gameplay. Don't get me started on the viruses, either.


New member
Jun 23, 2008
ShadowKirby said:
I'll make a confession.... I pirated Fallout 1 and 2 for Mac a few months ago, but only because it was impossible to find a legit copy for Mac. But now that I've installed Vista on my Mac Book Pro (<3 dual core) I repented myself and bought that sweet package on GOG. I repent of my piraty way.

IankBailey said:
I would say wow that sucks but I can't do anything to stop it. You need to learn to deal with the fact that some people pirate games and some people buy games. In an age when the only way to see if you enjoy the game is to play it. I rather dl it for free then spend 60 dollars to test a game.
I would say wow that sucks but I can't do anything to stop it. You need to learn to deal with the fact that some people pirate games steal cars and some people buy games cars. In an age when the only way to see if you enjoy the game car is to play buy it. I rather dl steal it for free then spend 60 dollars a certain sum to test a game buy a car.
Well since we're going to just mash things together like that every time you take a step you kill tiny spores and bacteria, even though it's not you're fault you had to go place to place you're still ending lives, in my eyes you should be put to death. people need to get it through there heads that certain crimes aren't equivalent to others. I mean if you ever went on youtube to listen to a song is that not stealing? You didn't pay for the song you just know a place to can hear it for free so that's exactly what you did.


New member
May 30, 2008
Get over it people, no one's going to persuade the other side to convert. "Goody 2 shoes" will continue to try to convert the pirates and act as if they themselves have NEVER done anything wrong and pirates will continue to take things that they want.

AND the music and video game industry will continue to cry that pirates are hurting the industry while they continue to churn out a stream of almost 100% SHIT. There are few games out there that are even worth renting.
