Fallout 4 hopes and dreams?


New member
Jan 21, 2010
I think I'd like to see Europe. Part of me wants it to go to the midwest for a story arc involving the great lakes but I think fallout needs a change of scenery. There's so much unexplored culture there to tap into. Hell, I might even learn something, hailing from the elephant in the room.


New member
Aug 27, 2010
Billy D Williams as the DJ.

I would preorder the game just so I could give Bethesda more money.


New member
Dec 18, 2010
Jovip said:
linkvegeta said:
Jovip said:
alright, I'm a big follower if the fallout series, since the first one.
but i enjoy Bethesda's version as well. (i don't consider new vegas a game in the fallout series, because i hated it so much)

But is anyone else excited for fallout 4? i know it will run on the same engine that skyrim is being developed on. but even then, if the developers completely leave that stupid barren piece of shit Mojave wasteland and get back to big city's, a well developed story. plus a chance at bug-less game play. well it's something to be excited about. what do you guys think?

umm, doesn't Fallout New Vegas count as fallout 4? What do you mean? the Mojave wasteland was epically better then the capital wastelands. Also while it would be nice I hope they don't make a new one so soon. if they did it would only turn out for the worst. Good games need a lot of development and if they were to throw a new fallout every few years they would degrade and become a cash cow. Bethesda isnt like that....yet.
Fallout three continued the general storyline of the first and second one.
mainly coming from the vault and that stuff. But new Vegas was an entirely pointless money maker. had no real story in it, just big stupid American city people want. who cares. fallout 1,2,3 had substance and something deeper then a kiddie pool. nothing in new Vegas mattered to the general universe.
the Mojave wasteland was bland and boring also, capital wasteland, or vault city. great areas, immersed you onto the world of fallout. a big desert with bandits and big bugs? that's not a nuclear fallout in post apocalyptic status. it's Texas on acid...
Fallout New Vegas followed the story just as much as fallout 3. Fallout new vegas had a much more immersive story. you got to play for yourself and it was way more immersive than fallout 3. Capital wastelands were a mostly copy paste type of land scape while New Vegas had a pile of different colorful environments that were fun to play in. New Vegas had better weapons, more variety, they brought back game play elements to fallout from the first 2.

here i Was about to argue with you when I realized that you must be a troll. Nobody is that arrogant while making claims with nothing to back them up. bye.


New member
Feb 4, 2011
Lost In The Void said:
DaysBefore said:
Xzi said:
My one hope and dream for Fallout 4 is for it to be developed by Obsidian. Fallout 3 was equal parts short, easy, and unengaging.
Yes we all remember how well Obsidian did with New Vegas......
Quite well indeed, having just finished my 5th playthrough. I'm glad we agree.
Jovip said:
linkvegeta said:
Jovip said:
alright, I'm a big follower if the fallout series, since the first one.
but i enjoy Bethesda's version as well. (i don't consider new vegas a game in the fallout series, because i hated it so much)

But is anyone else excited for fallout 4? i know it will run on the same engine that skyrim is being developed on. but even then, if the developers completely leave that stupid barren piece of shit Mojave wasteland and get back to big city's, a well developed story. plus a chance at bug-less game play. well it's something to be excited about. what do you guys think?

umm, doesn't Fallout New Vegas count as fallout 4? What do you mean? the Mojave wasteland was epically better then the capital wastelands. Also while it would be nice I hope they don't make a new one so soon. if they did it would only turn out for the worst. Good games need a lot of development and if they were to throw a new fallout every few years they would degrade and become a cash cow. Bethesda isnt like that....yet.
Fallout three continued the general storyline of the first and second one.
mainly coming from the vault and that stuff. But new Vegas was an entirely pointless money maker. had no real story in it, just big stupid American city people want. who cares. fallout 1,2,3 had substance and something deeper then a kiddie pool. nothing in new Vegas mattered to the general universe.
the Mojave wasteland was bland and boring also, capital wasteland, or vault city. great areas, immersed you onto the world of fallout. a big desert with bandits and big bugs? that's not a nuclear fallout in post apocalyptic status. it's Texas on acid...
technically nv was fallout 4 but it was a side game with nods to the first two and second the worst thing about new vegas is not being able to continue after the final battle it was a little buggy but still amazing clearly better than fallout three but they are so similare it almost doesnt matter


New member
Jul 4, 2009
What I'm hoping for is a long succession of fallout: (insert) titles, such as Fallout: New Vegas. Each one set in a different location with the same engine.

BTW I thought New vegas was far superior to fallout 3, though I wish they'd have fixed some of the more heavily modded things such as being able to continue after the end of the main quest, higher levels, and skills above 100. Hardcore mode was awesome though.


New member
Apr 6, 2011
Warning- Text Wall.

Just a few things. Like others have said, remove invisible walls. Period. I am perfectly fine with the "You cannot go in this direction any further" line.

Introduce rock climbing or don't have inaccessible areas show on the map. I hated being right next to new location (that's what I like to do in that game, discover locations) and having to squirrel around a rock formation.

Add a mini map. The Pip Boy is awesome, but c'mon. Even if that tech doesn't exist in game it could easily represent all the information that someone would glean if they were in the game world.

Better AI/ engine.

Being able to use cover a la Mass Effect or even Red Dead would be nice. Sans cover the game never really seemed like a shooting game to me.

Vehicles but only if you can explain them without ruining the verisimilitude. Maybe if the setting was days after the Great War it could work.

Undo the progress- as others have said things are going too well :) Again backing up the timeline may help, though I would prefer the series continues forward.

A settlement creator system would be cool to. Set up your own shack. Set up a shop, gather building materials and make your own settlement! What a cool thing to do even if it didn't help you out very much.

Bigger maps, more people, more believable world economy/resource allocation.

I like the midwest/ central US idea, maybe around the great lakes. Call it Frostburn or the Frozen Wastes or some such. Nuclear winter and all that jazz.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Going far, far away from the NCR. Being caught in the middle of the whole manifest destiny style eastward expansion felt less like a post apocalyptic environment and more like living in a rural area IRL shortly before wal-marts started popping up everywhere.


New member
Aug 12, 2010
linkvegeta said:
Jovip said:
linkvegeta said:
Jovip said:
alright, I'm a big follower if the fallout series, since the first one.
but i enjoy Bethesda's version as well. (i don't consider new vegas a game in the fallout series, because i hated it so much)

But is anyone else excited for fallout 4? i know it will run on the same engine that skyrim is being developed on. but even then, if the developers completely leave that stupid barren piece of shit Mojave wasteland and get back to big city's, a well developed story. plus a chance at bug-less game play. well it's something to be excited about. what do you guys think?

umm, doesn't Fallout New Vegas count as fallout 4? What do you mean? the Mojave wasteland was epically better then the capital wastelands. Also while it would be nice I hope they don't make a new one so soon. if they did it would only turn out for the worst. Good games need a lot of development and if they were to throw a new fallout every few years they would degrade and become a cash cow. Bethesda isnt like that....yet.
Fallout three continued the general storyline of the first and second one.
mainly coming from the vault and that stuff. But new Vegas was an entirely pointless money maker. had no real story in it, just big stupid American city people want. who cares. fallout 1,2,3 had substance and something deeper then a kiddie pool. nothing in new Vegas mattered to the general universe.
the Mojave wasteland was bland and boring also, capital wasteland, or vault city. great areas, immersed you onto the world of fallout. a big desert with bandits and big bugs? that's not a nuclear fallout in post apocalyptic status. it's Texas on acid...
Fallout New Vegas followed the story just as much as fallout 3. Fallout new vegas had a much more immersive story. you got to play for yourself and it was way more immersive than fallout 3. Capital wastelands were a mostly copy paste type of land scape while New Vegas had a pile of different colorful environments that were fun to play in. New Vegas had better weapons, more variety, they brought back game play elements to fallout from the first 2.

here i Was about to argue with you when I realized that you must be a troll. Nobody is that arrogant while making claims with nothing to back them up. bye.
Not trolling bud. technical aptitude wise, new Vegas is better then 3. but a story about being some tough individual bad ass ruling a massive dessert with boring people? that's an American fantasy. wheres the humor of the fallout series. the actually well written not Americanized everything revolves around money and power bullshit. How about survival, the constant knowledge that war never ends, the sub text to human nature? it was all thrown away in new Vegas for a cheap side game. sure, theirs ads mode now. big fucking whoop. it has to much structure. there's no hopeless, no horrible onslaught of shit. really the world seems like a badly designed desert game with rpg aspects tacked on.

look at fallout 3's megaton. crazy city built around a bomb. someone wants to blow it up because he can. humans with souls live there. most developed and amazing part of new Vegas? new fucking Vegas. wow. congrats America. can't shove your unsustainable city down the rest of the worlds throats any harder can you. really just stupid idea there.

and while i'm at it, don't let obsidian make any more knock offs of good games. please. it's just stupid. fucked up kotor 2, screwed up new vegas. adding new features does not justify taking away the soul of the game.


New member
Sep 28, 2010
hmmmm my quickest idea would be set on the west coast(maybe towards mexican border)where a beatup aircraft carrier lands on the shore along with a medium-large (idk yet) militarized Chinese occupying force, you escape/negotiate and travel to the north to either warn/destroy/spy on the NCR of/for the Chinese force. and fill the journey with tonnes of obsticals, factions and stuff.


Local Cat
Aug 15, 2008
DaysBefore said:
I would like to see Canada, due to the following:

-The US Annexation, I would love to see that expanded upon
-It's post-Great War state, Ashur in The Pitt refers to a "Ronto" being a great military power, possibly referring to Toronto, Ontario
-A Vault-Tec letter found in FO3 suggests that either Vaults were constructed in Canada or it is so low priority that it may have been largely overlooked by the Reds
I was just thinking the same thing. But I have one more thing to add:

-Mutant Mooses (Mice, Moosi?)


New member
Aug 12, 2010
Zaik said:
Going far, far away from the NCR. Being caught in the middle of the whole manifest destiny style eastward expansion felt less like a post apocalyptic environment and more like living in a rural area IRL shortly before wal-marts started popping up everywhere.
finally someone who gets it. 2 weird factions fighting with bad quality weapons and armor that is effectively curtains and cow skin sowed together isn't fallout. it's American fantasy's fighting over each other.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
xXxJessicaxXx said:
distortedreality said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
I think they might have trouble thinking up dangerous animals for England.
Fallout : Australia.

Everything fucking kills you here.
Even the sheep cobber, even the sheep. :<

Australia could be a good choice as it would unlikely to be directly nuked but would still be a victim of fallout leaving most structures intact but story wise still able to have giant tarantulas and so forth...

Don't go anywhere near the bunnies though. Bunnies are scary enough as it is.
A Fallout game set in Australia could act as a deep reflection of the multiculturalism in Australia. I would think a lot of people in Fallout would be travelling to Australia to get away from the radiation and mutated wildlife because, as you said, we wouldn't have been directly nuked. This could lead to all sorts of racial dilemmas for the character. Of course, there'd be plenty of other Fallout-related stuff in there, but I think the idea has merit. Or not. Whatever. Also, they could have a nice little in-joke about the banning of medicine by whatever qualifies for a post-apocalyptic government in Australia.

Personally, I'm just waiting for someone in the games to actually acknowledge our existance.


New member
Aug 12, 2010
ChupathingyX said:
Jovip said:
Fallout three continued the general storyline of the first and second one.
mainly coming from the vault and that stuff. But new Vegas was an entirely pointless money maker. had no real story in it, just big stupid American city people want.
What the holy, god-only-knows fuck are you talking about?

Fallout: New Vegas was a direct sequel to Fallout 2. It was set closer to the west coast and had the NCR in it. Not to mention it had intelligent super mutants from the original Fallouts and there were plenty of references to characters, places and encounters from the original Fallouts.

Fallout had almost nothing to do with Fallout 1 or 2, it was on the other side of America and just took factions and ideas from the first two and plunked them in DC.

Whatever you're sniffing I don't want it.
You do realize that a good sequel is exactly that right? taking good parts of the previous game, then putting it in a new environment and situation to see the differences and contrasts? if we kept with the same stuff it would get boring and stupid. fallout 3 changed things up with themes of the past. new Vegas tried to make homages to the past games. but just couldn't hold up. Sure it has some old factions, smart mutants. but that stuff was boring in the first few games. why bring it back. cut the fat. always makes for a better meal.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
I want another one set in the capital waste (or somewhere near it). The brotherhood's increased power along with increased violence and backlash with PP could created a rather Fallout 2 like experience. Which would be very good in my book.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Andronicus said:
A Fallout game set in Australia could act as a deep reflection of the multiculturalism in Australia.

Personally, I'm just waiting for someone in the games to actually acknowledge our existance.
I think Fallout could go this way pretty easily as they already have the ghoul and mutant prejudice issue.
They could make it a metaphor for the problems in Australia.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Lt. Vinciti said:
I know I will get flamed...

Perhaps a Hardcore mode that removes Fast Travel....and replaces it with sorta car...ala Highwayman...would be nifty

Memorable characters (Randall Clark being a badass from HH)
Memorable Vaults (Along the lines of the horror of 87 really scary govt stuff)
A very large map
Ownable Housing (I can not find a decent home in NV worth a damn)

I want more people on the map....or perhaps more seeing of a different style of living per people...if its going to be a war....make it that way...
Fallout 2 had a car, so maybe. OT: I would like to see more dark humor from the games like there was in the first Fallouts.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
It's been said before, but a different setting would be great. I'd love it if developers could break the mould and allow other countries to have a slice of their games industry. A Fallout: Moscow would really set them apart from the huge majority of games.

But, realistically, that's not going to happen. Publishers always assume that Americans are all so arrogant and annoyingly patriotic that they won't play a game that forces them to acknowledge the existence of other nations, so unless it's a Call of Duty game, publishers prefer to just assume that anything beyond the Florida coast is just an empty black void which Russians, Chinese and Arabs come from.

A smoother engine would be nice, as would some better voice acting and an overhaul of the NPC interface. Dyes wouldn't go amiss either.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
Jovip said:
alright, I'm a big follower if the fallout series, since the first one.
but i enjoy Bethesda's version as well. (i don't consider new vegas a game in the fallout series, because i hated it so much)

But is anyone else excited for fallout 4? i know it will run on the same engine that skyrim is being developed on. but even then, if the developers completely leave that stupid barren piece of shit Mojave wasteland and get back to big city's, a well developed story. plus a chance at bug-less game play. well it's something to be excited about. what do you guys think?
Fallout 4 hopes and dreams? That it isn't developed by Bethesda.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Jovip said:
ChupathingyX said:
Jovip said:
Fallout three continued the general storyline of the first and second one.
mainly coming from the vault and that stuff. But new Vegas was an entirely pointless money maker. had no real story in it, just big stupid American city people want.
What the holy, god-only-knows fuck are you talking about?

Fallout: New Vegas was a direct sequel to Fallout 2. It was set closer to the west coast and had the NCR in it. Not to mention it had intelligent super mutants from the original Fallouts and there were plenty of references to characters, places and encounters from the original Fallouts.

Fallout had almost nothing to do with Fallout 1 or 2, it was on the other side of America and just took factions and ideas from the first two and plunked them in DC.

Whatever you're sniffing I don't want it.
You do realize that a good sequel is exactly that right? taking good parts of the previous game, then putting it in a new environment and situation to see the differences and contrasts? if we kept with the same stuff it would get boring and stupid. fallout 3 changed things up with themes of the past. new Vegas tried to make homages to the past games. but just couldn't hold up. Sure it has some old factions, smart mutants. but that stuff was boring in the first few games. why bring it back. cut the fat. always makes for a better meal.
Fallout 3 wasn't a direct sequel at all you realize that right? It was a completely different story taking place in the same universe. Change the name and a few small names and it could have easily been it's own franchise. The fact that it is set in the fallout universe gives it a chance to fill out more of the world and give more possibilities for stories in the future. New Vegas was a direct sequel taking place in direct conjunction with the story of the first 2 games, which a lot of people wanted. Not just "big stupid American people", fans of the franchises roots everywhere, I found the factions and references smart and well-placed. New Vegas in no way leaned on the first two games for anything, all of the factions have expanded or been destroyed, all of the returning characters have changed and grown. The NCR was a collection of fledgling collection of towns in 2, and now it's one of the greatest powers in the wasteland. New Vegas preserved the old games fantastic setting and factions and brought them back in a way that while being familiar, was totally different.