Fallout 4 lovin' thread


Oct 28, 2013
EDIT: Crafting and looting tips here [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.884772-Possible-spoilers-Fallout-4-loot-crafting-locations-components-and-tips].


Simple, really: splooge your lovin' for the game and tell everyone what makes you love it. Please avoid main storyline spoilers[footnote]Jokes about Bethesda plots notwithstanding.[/footnote] or other major spoilers where possible!

I absolutely adore the gunplay in the game, though there's a bit of reading up I have to do on workbenches and menus. I also wish I could widen the FOV a bit, particularly for the large power armour HUD, but boy oh boy is it fun to fight in this game. I actually haven't figured out how to open VATS yet, so I must have missed the relevant tooltip...*facepalm*.

I found the beginning of this game to be a lot more emotionally affecting than Fallout 3's, thanks in no small part to the beautiful musical cues. I've only seen one bug so far and it was so minor that it was more amusing than annoying. The faces and speech look so much better this time around.

Current assessment result: SO GOOD.



Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I haven't gotten the game, but I watched the first hour, so thats just as good right? just kidding

But from what I have seen I have to disagree a bit about the beginning OP, the bit where
your wife is killed
(no, no, thats not a spoiler), was so "Huh?" because it was pretty unclear. And you didn't react nearly long enough to her death. The part before it though was pretty good, but the lip sync bug killed a lot of the feeling for me. The return to the Commonwealth was pretty anti-climactic. Speaking of the Commonwealth, I spent half the video thinking "How the hell does a 200 year old radioactive bomb site look so colorful?". I like the look of the game world for sure, but it doesn't quite feel as "Fallout-y" as previous games. This next one is something that I know is being heavily debated over in the review thread. The only thing I will say about the dialog options are that they are sparse and are vague. All this and some dubious textures and animations sums up all of my negative criticisms of the game.

The good: I really want to play this game now. Just watching a gameplay video I could feel the itch to manage my perks, loot every Goddamn thing, explore every nook and cranny. And as the OP said, the combat looks so much better. Now VATS isn't your crutch for the entire game. The power armor looks fun(though weird that you can get it so early). I look forward to buying the GOTY version of the game when I finally get a gaming PC.


Sep 4, 2008
Bob_McMillan said:
I haven't gotten the game, but I watched the first hour, so thats just as good right? just kidding

But from what I have seen I have to disagree a bit about the beginning OP, the bit where
(no, no, thats not a spoiler),
EDIT - thanks for tagging it as such, I didn't know. :D


Oct 28, 2013
Bob_McMillan said:
It's integral to the main plot, so I'd mark things like that as spoilers, early as they may be. That segment in particular, while part of the initial set-up, was meant to be emotionally engaging and its significance is partially lost if you reveal it. Some people I know on the site are still waiting until after work to play it for a long stretch.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
SmugFrog said:
Bob_McMillan said:
I haven't gotten the game, but I watched the first hour, so thats just as good right? just kidding

But from what I have seen I have to disagree a bit about the beginning OP, the bit where
(no, no, thats not a spoiler),
Well, yeah it is because I didn't know that so... uh... thanks? Geez please mark content spoilers as so.
Barbas said:
Bob_McMillan said:
It's integral to the main plot, so I'd mark things like that as spoilers, early as they may be. That segment in particular, while part of the initial set-up, was meant to be emotionally engaging and its significance is partially lost if you reveal it. Some people I know on the site are still waiting until after work to play it for a long stretch.
Sorry, I assumed everyone knew this considering it's part of the review on this site. I'll change it.


Oct 28, 2013
Bob_McMillan said:
All good. Reviews usually try to avoid spoilers but are sometimes forced to include them, whereas my hope here is to avoid them. Like a lot of things, that one's pretty minor if you've seen it already but less so if you haven't.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Really enjoying it so far. I took the trip into town to pick it up at midnight and had a great time talking with everyone else who had turned up. Grabbed the game and my free bobblehead and drove back home like the Stig to install, got a couple of hours in and then suffered with 5 hours sleep.

Only encountered one bug that required a restart so far - when I exited a terminal and couldn't move or take any action - and a couple of the npcs have had one or two minor twitches in their dialogue but honestly I didn't expect perfection, just improvement.


Sep 4, 2008
Bob_McMillan said:
Sorry, I assumed everyone knew this considering it's part of the review on this site. I'll change it.
Thanks! I try to avoid as much as I can which... begs to ask why I'm even opening Fallout 4 topics? I should know better? :O I got Phantom Pain on release day but was taking my time playing through it - and there for a while the internet was a landmine of things I had to try and avoid reading.


New member
Jul 5, 2015
ive had no issues to speak of from the first few hours, its a great game even if building is very fiddly


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Hey can anyone tell me what combat is like?

One of my favorite things to do in New Vegas was sneak around headshotting people from a mile away. Sniping in that game was fantastic. Is that possible in this game, or does it suffer from FO3's "bag o' hit points" balancing?

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
I have no idea what makes me love it. But I know that I do because I've spent 8h playing yesterday and I have no idea how that happened. Immersion level = over 9000.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
As a general PSA to the PC users on the forum, there are articles/threads available with instructions on how to disable mouse acceleration and change the default FOV.


Jun 5, 2013
BloatedGuppy said:
Hey can anyone tell me what combat is like?

One of my favorite things to do in New Vegas was sneak around headshotting people from a mile away. Sniping in that game was fantastic. Is that possible in this game, or does it suffer from FO3's "bag o' hit points" balancing?
Combat actually has some weight to it. Some well-needed "umph" that the series was very much lacking. Kinda like how Halo gunplay or even Killing Floor gunplay has that crunchyness to it. It just feels good. And power armour actually feels like power armour, big, heavy, tank-like, not totally slow, but it has some heft. It's more shooter than RPG, and definitely doesn't feel like FO3 stat-based gunplay. Not too sure about sniping, but VATS works alright. You get manually activate criticals and that's based on consecutive hits on a body part you're aiming at.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Foolery said:
Combat actually has some weight to it. Some well-needed "umph" that the series was very much lacking. Kinda like how Halo gunplay or even Killing Floor gunplay has that crunchyness to it. It just feels good. And power armour actually feels like power armour, big, heavy, tank-like, not totally slow, but it has some heft. It's more shooter than RPG, and definitely doesn't feel like FO3 stat-based gunplay. Not too sure about sniping, but VATS works alright. You get manually activate criticals and that's based on consecutive hits on a body part you're aiming at.
Hey, thanks for the reply.

My biggest issue with FO3 was how "weak" combat felt. Low damage weapons, high hit point enemies. I remember modding it so it felt more like STALKER, where guns were lethal to you and your enemies. Made combat much more tense. I've seen gameplay videos of people shotgunning enemies in the head and taking off 1/3rd of their health rather than insta-killing them as it should, and was worried we were back to FO3's "everything is healthy as fuck" gameplay. Part of what ruined Old World Blues for me was the hit point scaling was out of control...my AM Rifle, which could one-shot Alpha Deathclaws with a headshot, took 4-5 headshots to kill a single cyberdog. Do not want.


Jun 5, 2013
BloatedGuppy said:
Foolery said:
Combat actually has some weight to it. Some well-needed "umph" that the series was very much lacking. Kinda like how Halo gunplay or even Killing Floor gunplay has that crunchyness to it. It just feels good. And power armour actually feels like power armour, big, heavy, tank-like, not totally slow, but it has some heft. It's more shooter than RPG, and definitely doesn't feel like FO3 stat-based gunplay. Not too sure about sniping, but VATS works alright. You get manually activate criticals and that's based on consecutive hits on a body part you're aiming at.
Hey, thanks for the reply.

My biggest issue with FO3 was how "weak" combat felt. Low damage weapons, high hit point enemies. I remember modding it so it felt more like STALKER, where guns were lethal to you and your enemies. Made combat much more tense. I've seen gameplay videos of people shotgunning enemies in the head and taking off 1/3rd of their health rather than insta-killing them as it should, and was worried we were back to FO3's "everything is healthy as fuck" gameplay. Part of what ruined Old World Blues for me was the hit point scaling was out of control...my AM Rifle, which could one-shot Alpha Deathclaws with a headshot, took 4-5 headshots to kill a single cyberdog. Do not want.
Well, I'm only a couple hours in, so I can't really speculate too much on the bullet-spongeyness of enemies. I did fight a Deathclaw, using power armour, but that felt like a mini-boss battle. I sunk more ammo into him than average enemies. Raiders drop pretty easy, and I did have a run-in with two mildly well-armored mirelurks, but I just used molotovs and it was all good.


New member
Apr 15, 2011
So far it's ... decent. It's okay. Nothing revolutionary. Quite frankly i expected a bit more from Bethesda in terms of gameplay. I am used too bad storytelling and tons of bugs, but at least they always had some unique new gameplay. Not so much with this one.
But it's still pretty fun. I still want to loot everything and the combat is enjoyable. I am not regretting my purchase, but i was hoping for more.
And i have to disagree with you on the story beginning. I found it actually a bit laughable how the game expected you to care a lot about characters that you haven't known for longer than five minutes. But it's Bethesda, i didn't really expect anything different.
Although on another note:
F*** you, Bethesda. I mean i know they don't care that much about the Pc, but the Pc controls feel like they have been done by one intern during his coffeebreak. Absolutly unacceptable for any game, let alone one as big as this.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I'm still trying to digest it all. I've been playing for about 4 hours, and the game throws so much at you I'm finding it hard to take it all in. The whole base construction shit is already making my head spin.

Combat is pretty good though a bit hectic. The gunplay definately feels more responsive and fun, but I am bummed you can't V.A.T.S. target with throwables anymore. It makes using grenades in the heat of battle a real hassle. And enemies don't show up as red icons on your compass anymore when not in combat, which has caused me to blindly walk into a bunch of enemy groups already.

Story is a bit lame, but that's never why I play Bethesda RPGs anyway. The intro was the most cookie cutter shit I'd ever seen.

I'll have to play some more and let it all settle to give my genuine opinion.


Lord Inquisitor
Aug 25, 2014
I'mma be that one guy and talk about something I don't like.

The faces look like they jumped off of a cliff and hit every rock on the way down before landing in the river that runs through the Uncanny Valley. Facial animations are even more atrocious than they were in previous games, and the better graphics (compared to its predecessors) make the faces look creepy. The G.E.C.K can't come out soon enough so that people can fix the multitude of little things wrong with this game.

That being said...I only got to play an hour or two so far, and I have to say, I really like listening to my character's reactions to the situation she's in. Listening to her heavy breathing and exclamations of "What the hell happened here?" added a lot of impact to the early part of the game.

I enjoy listening to my character react to things and talk to herself, and I hope I get to hear more of it.


This is a placeholder
Aug 24, 2009
United Kingdom
Barbas said:
I absolutely adore the gunplay in the game, though there's a bit of reading up I have to do on workbenches and menus. I also wish I could widen the FOV a bit, particularly for the large power armour HUD, but boy oh boy is it fun to fight in this game. I actually haven't figured out how to open VATS yet, so I must have missed the relevant tooltip...*facepalm*.
If you're on PC, VATS is on Q and you can widen the FOV through the use of the console. If you're not on PC, sorry about the FOV problem and check the controller settings, it should have it listed there. Source: I too missed the tool tip for VATs.

But yeah, so far 7 hours in, I'm liking it. Very few bugs as well, save for Dog falling through the floor once and an enemy just kinda falling from the sky. Runs pretty well as well, a definite improvement over the previous games. I also like the fact enemies now try and dodge your bullets instead of sponging them, and that feral ghouls are fucking ASSHOLES to deal with now. Nigh on shit myself when I turned the corner, saw two of them and about 6 more just appeared out of the walkway above me, then noticed they were actively dodging my shots.

Sold on the dialogue system as well. Sure, it's not in a list like the older games but you can still go digging to find out random shit that benefits you in no way what so ever.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Focusing on just the positives, combat feels great and the improvements are fantastic. I can wield a gun, hit people with said gun, and throw explosives without even going into my inventory once. I like that. Quest so far have been amazing, story I haven't touched too much so no comment there, and the level of detail in the world is pretty awesome.