ginty2 said:
so the family gets a big payday because of her stupidity. how wonderful.
They also get a dead mother. How wonderful.
Think before you post.
It is hard to put a price tag on something intangible like the love people share between each other. Moments that will be missing from the remaining family members lives due to her death. It was tragic, and maybe she could have just given up and peed, but really any of you ever actually been over hydrated, you wouldn't really realized it until to late.
The radio station needs to accept its part of this. And they will to the tune of $16 million. The employees did at the cost of their jobs.
Seems a large number of people think this was totally the fault of the Mother making bad decisions. I have to ask how many of you thinking that actually knew you could die from drinking to much water before you heard about this.