Well, DUHHHHH. Of course they're gonna have violent games! Violent games, no matter how you look at it, are an integral part of the video-game market. Without that backing them up, Nintendo, which is, admittedly, rather "family-friendly", will still not make as large a profit as it could. This NIMF organization needs to grow the hell up. JUST DON'T BUY THE GAME, if you don't want it played in your household. Furthermore, I agree with xmetatr0nx: these things are getting paranoid, and it's goddamn annoying. I mean, Christ! Games may be violent- there are even a few games that I think are just plain too sadistic to be good for ya- but hell, videogames are a better way for a kid to learn about violence and the pain it brings than, oh say, picking a fight or GOING TO WAR. It's just plain sad that this is such a hot-button issue nowadays, when kids are also just traipsing into disgusting horror and slasher flicks without their parents so much as batting an eye.
"Son, you may never play the game Madworld. NEVER!"
"Okay.... Uh, can I get some money to go see Saw 4 with some friends?"
"Sure, just be home before twelve."