"Family Values" Groups Launch Email Campaign Against BioWare

El Ponto

New member
Jan 26, 2010
It seems you can send an e-mail via the American Decency Association link, in their name.

Yeah I sent an e-mail. I titled it "Keep Star Wars mature".
Apparently it got sent to various people in EA and LucasArts etc.

I suggest people do the same, a good chance to hit back here.

Cheeseman Muncher

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Apr 7, 2009
Suomimaster said:
This is little bit off topic, but this thread made me remember something. In Mass Effect, the Asari is all female alien race who can reproduce/mate/have sex with any specie AND with any gender. I wonder why this was never brought up, or then it was missed due the "sex scene" with less nudity then in any James Bond movies.
I think it was part of the same furore as the sex scene, which was described as being "virtual orgasmic rape...just the push of a button away" at one point by someone who later admitted to having never played the game. =/

People should be banned from complaining about something unless they've actually either read/watch/heard/played whatever the offending thing is. Think you'll be offended by it? Simple answer: Don't watch/play/hear/read it.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
I read somethere, RockPaperShotgun I think, that you can sleep with a widow after murdering her husband and make your slave watch it. Not onscreen, but the implications are there.
But hey, at least it's straight sex (with murder foreplay and forced voyeurism), not this unnatural gayness, right?!


New member
Dec 3, 2011
n reality, according to the Bible, homosexuals are going to Hell,
Actually, the bible doesn't say this anywhere. (Also, try to check on the concept of hell and what is actually in the bible)

What the bible does say is that men having sex with men like they'd have sex with women is a sin. An EQUAL sin to eating shellfish or wearing polyester Leviticus 11:10, for example.

What are your clothes made off? If it's polyester, then you, my friend, are sinning against god as much as a homosexual is. The bible states it. So, therefore, according to you, you are going to hell. If you shave, by the way, a similar fate awaits. Leviticus 19:27

Enjoy hell with the homosexuals. :)


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Ah family values, a solid way of life built on insecurities and bigotry. God bless us all!


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May 9, 2011
Toasty Virus said:
I don't want to live on the planet any more...

I know it isn't just America, but they seem to be the most noticeable offender when it comes to idiocy and homophobia. Makes me sad :[
It's just a vocal minority, man. It's tempting to stereotype, but I'm British and we have this shit here too. Idiots are everywhere.


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Aug 15, 2008
DaHero said:
That's actually a good question, and for the sake of asking an intelligent question, I'll give an intelligent answer. I still stand by my opinion that homosexuality should be allowed in a fantasy game, but since you asked, I'll try to explain the point of view many Christians have about homosexuality, just to give you an idea. This is to the best of my understanding, but I haven't studied this in as depth as many people.

It's true, the subject of homosexuality was not directly discussed by Jesus, or in the majority of the New Testament.
Okay, here's a question. Why are Christians up in arms so much more about Homosexuality, which only Paul talked about, instead of things that Jesus himself addressed? Shouldn't decency groups be concerned that games are indoctrinating children with greed and reflexive violence? What happened to the camel and the eye of a needle or storing up treasures on earth vs. heaven? Doesn't the waving of lightsabers remind anyone of Jesus's admonishment to Peter that those who take up the sword die by the sword?


New member
Jan 10, 2011
SpiderJerusalem said:
I also challenge you to present factual, true information and validation to what gives you and your ilk the right to dictate the lives of others simply because you think that your imaginary friend does not approve of it.

Reading, can you do it?

I never said I thought I should impose my life on someone else. I even said I AGREE that BioWare should do what they think is right. I AGREE that this family values group is out of line. Any decent Christian worth their salt (and light) is not about to say otherwise. God never gave Christians dominion over the world, Paul even said that we are not of the world, so why should what it do bother us?

Here's a better question, why does it bother YOU? Why does the concept of someone having beliefs bother you so much, that you are willing to throw their opinion to the wayside in favor of trying to cause a fight. Just like I provided no factual evidence (because worldly evidence can always be explained away) all you provided was theory, supposition, and conspiracy rhetoric. I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, but don't even think of putting me in with religious nuts that try to impose their life on others.

If this did not bother you, you would not be sitting there thinking up a reply to this comment right now. But you can't, you HAVE to get the last word, even if it means boiling down into both of us replying "I'm right" every other time. I don't play the last word game, only forum kids and 4chan trolls do that.

You can sit there and write up half-thought posts all you want, but at the end of the day, I haven't once told someone they can't live, or do what they want, because it's not my place to judge, simply to say "this is what the Word says, if you don't believe it, we'll see." Meanwhile, you're sitting there imposing your thoughts on me, simply because what I believe isn't what you want me to believe. I said it before: If I'm wrong, nothing happens. I have NOTHING to lose believing what I do, because if I'm wrong then what is there really?

Bottom line: I don't care what anyone does on this planet, but this discrimination against people wanting to live their life their own way has gotten into hypocritical levels. A gay guy can live just fine, but if I think what he's doing is wrong, I'm suddenly not allowed to think that? It's my mind, I'll do what I want with it.

Captcha: One Hit Wonder

Seems fitting.

Veylon said:
DaHero said:
That's actually a good question, and for the sake of asking an intelligent question, I'll give an intelligent answer. I still stand by my opinion that homosexuality should be allowed in a fantasy game, but since you asked, I'll try to explain the point of view many Christians have about homosexuality, just to give you an idea. This is to the best of my understanding, but I haven't studied this in as depth as many people.

It's true, the subject of homosexuality was not directly discussed by Jesus, or in the majority of the New Testament.
Okay, here's a question. Why are Christians up in arms so much more about Homosexuality, which only Paul talked about, instead of things that Jesus himself addressed? Shouldn't decency groups be concerned that games are indoctrinating children with greed and reflexive violence? What happened to the camel and the eye of a needle or storing up treasures on earth vs. heaven? Doesn't the waving of lightsabers remind anyone of Jesus's admonishment to Peter that those who take up the sword die by the sword?
The funny thing in the last statement is that they actually do die by the sword, or blaster, whichever the script says.

That's the key point: The script. Star Wars is a fantasy with no actual God, no deity, and I have yet to see any social norms in place, it's rarely talked about.

As for why people are up in arms, it's simple: Why does any person, at any time, want power? So they can impose. Any solid, non-religious believer, wouldn't bother with power struggles. This kind of stunt doesn't help testimony, it hurts. The people doing this are less in it for faith, and more in it so they can mess with other people's business. This is the same level as Mothers vs. Violent Video Games, it just gets treated with an almost racist level because it's based on religion.

Now, as for why Homosexuality gets more screentime versus other issues? It's the one that everyone's talking about right now, plain and simple. Before this, it was sex/swearing on TV, before that it was (gasp!) married couples sharing the same bed on TV, before that it was Rock. Homosexuality is a needlessly overblown topic, made hot by everyone wanting to go up in arms about it.

Also, I'd be happy to take this to PMs with you, as I'm not a big fan of the Mos Eisley Spaceport brewing in this thread.


New member
Jun 14, 2011
DaHero said:
SpiderJerusalem said:
I also challenge you to present factual, true information and validation to what gives you and your ilk the right to dictate the lives of others simply because you think that your imaginary friend does not approve of it.

Reading, can you do it?

I never said I thought I should impose my life on someone else. I even said I AGREE that BioWare should do what they think is right. I AGREE that this family values group is out of line. Any decent Christian worth their salt (and light) is not about to say otherwise. God never gave Christians dominion over the world, Paul even said that we are not of the world, so why should what it do bother us?

Here's a better question, why does it bother YOU? Why does the concept of someone having beliefs bother you so much, that you are willing to throw their opinion to the wayside in favor of trying to cause a fight. Just like I provided no factual evidence (because worldly evidence can always be explained away) all you provided was theory, supposition, and conspiracy rhetoric. I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, but don't even think of putting me in with religious nuts that try to impose their life on others.
I think the guy has more of a problem with these people spouting their silly beliefs about things they don't understand, and then trying to force them on others.

And yes, the beliefs are silly. Believing a book that was written by a bunch of people with contradictory views, that spouts hatred and cruelty left right and centre, is silly.
Also, believing in a god that would create homosexuals, just to call them evil and send them to hell, is the height of either stupidity or masochism, I can't decide.
The Christian God is a total asshole.

P.S. I could write a book that denounces Christians, calling them evil, creating my own religion. But I'm not as much of an asshole as your god is.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
CM156 said:
GoaThief said:
Andy Chalk said:
"American families grew up with the Star Wars film series that was family fare. The films contained no profanity, no nudity and no sexual situations,"

If you say so [http://www.beertripper.com/OffTopic/star_wars/ot_Princess_Leia_Organa_Carrie_Fisher_Bikini.html].

I'd love to hear a comeback from them regarding the above.
She's not making out with a chick. So it's OK.

Not OK.

(Well... the BIBLE says incest is OK)


New member
Dec 6, 2010
I wonder why people are complaining when there aren't even any gay relationships in the game. And won't be for quite some time. They said 'this year', which could mean anything from September to December.


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Aug 17, 2009
Sandytimeman said:
Yeah, yet another hate group. I hate humans so very very much, evil evil evil things. Everywhere I go people want to kill or hurt or mistreat me and other homosexuals like me. I just want to live a normal life like everyone else.
Come to Belgium, or Holland :D .


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Innegativeion said:
leet_x1337 said:
Another day, another group of Leviticus Belt residents decide that "family values" means something other than what it actually does.

There's an awful lot of stuff in the Bible, but most of the stuff on crime and punishment is concentrated in Leviticus. (For homosexuality, see 18:22.)
As a practicing Jew, I can tell you that leviticus is so outdated as to the point of being laughable. The fact that Christians take any stock in it at all is downright hilarious, especially since they ignore entire chapters about the ritual sacrifice of animals, which are equally legitimate commandments.

It was written in ancient times when the Israelites were meant to be a community of priests, who would separate themselves from other cultures in Canaan (now Israel) by disallowing acts such as homosexuality, only to distinguish the Israeli community, mind you. 'Chosen People' and all that.

Granted, my ancestors failed miserably in being a community of priests at nearly every turn after that, and the temple necessary for sacrifice was destroyed, the ancient Jews kind of shrugged it off and prayed instead, kind of forgetting about leviticus.

Meanwhile all the Gentiles swept up to Christianity clung to the thing like bees to honey, probably because it condemned anything they found threatening, no matter harmless it actually was.

thiosk said:
G-d also hates shrimp.
heehee. If G-d really was looking over people's shoulders while they penciled the other testaments, G-d must've had a little bit too much "no longer traversing the desert for 40 years" wine by the time they got to leviticus.
See ! Why can't people be more like this guy ? I'm an atheist and I enjoyed this post.
Mar 30, 2010

So same sex relationships bad, incest ok? Something tells me I don't want any part in these groups' family values...


New member
May 21, 2010
Maybe instead of wasting their time trying to get a homosexual aspect of a game that you don't even have to encounter removed for incredibly backward stupid reasoning, they should realize that mature entertainment as a whole isn't going away and instead focus on, um, oh yeah, NOT LETTING THEIR KIDS PLAY GAMES THAT THEY FIND TO BE MORALLY INAPPROPRIATE and teaching parents to actually shield their children from what they don't want them to see while convincing them not to go look it up for themselves so that they don't have to worry about their kids being "tainted" by homosexual content, and Bioware can make a damn Star Wars game with homosexuality in it without being email flamed to hell over it by people who think that just about everything is family friendly except for homosexuality because apparently keeping straight sex slaves and mutilation and murder is family friendly, but if george lucas threw in two drunk dudes kissing in a bar in the corner of the screen then they suddenly need to boycott the star wars franchise.

Keith K

New member
Oct 29, 2009
Yes, Bioware, a company founded by Medical DOCTORS are going to edit their games just for the disgusting sociopaths who should simply not play the games they're so morally offended by.

I totally expect that to happen.