FANBASES! Do they affect you?


New member
Jan 27, 2010
*sigh* I kinda hate the Final Fantasy fans, particularly the guys convinced that the older games were the greatest gifts to mankind.

It's always been "FF10 is the worst game ever" "FF12 is the worst game ever" "FF13 is the worst game ever". Ok XD FF14 probably the worst game in the series, but that was just broken.

I love me the old school games (FF3 and 6 are my favourite pre-PS FFs), but it won't stop me from enjoying the newer ones (I loved 10 and 13, only disliked 12 due to the battle system, but even then it was cool). I think some people just have expectations that will not be met anymore.

Other long running series have similar problems, FF just tends to be the most outspoken.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
SeaCalMaster said:
Vryyk said:
Must.. resist... urge to correct grammar in title...

OT: Yes, they get to me if I pay attention to them, so I try hard to ignore them so my favorite things aren't ruined for me.
What grammar in title? The author merely wants to know if you are set into motion by fanbases.

As for me, I try to ignore such things as much as I can.
It's just a little mind twitch for us grammar nazis. The word the OT should have used is Affect, not Effect. Which, now that I look, he has promptly rectified.


Elite Member
Jun 27, 2009
United States
I try to not let it get to me but CoD fans can really get on my nerves, since most of the ones I've been around refuse to try out any game that is not a Gray/Brown shooter, also one said Okami was the "Gayest thing ever".
I have heard this argument for why people don't get into anime but I really don't see it as the vehement anime haters always seemed much more unpleasant to be around then the devoted fans (With the exception of one creepy yaoi fangirl I knew who would follow guys around and offer to pay them if they kissed while she took pictures)
I agree on the DMC part, that fanbase is really annoying me, Look guys, taking a game in a new direction is a good thing. You don't want to play the same game over and over. Strangely I have a friend who will defend Metroid: Other M till his dieing breath but absolutely hates the new Dante.


New member
Oct 13, 2009
Yes, they do. The opposite way...

The bigger and more avid the fanbase the less likely I am to play the damn thing. Halo, CoD, WoW, etc., etc., etc... Admittedly I did play all of these. Halo, the first one, 'till I got to the driving mission and uninstalled it, 'nough said. CoD, the first one, it ripped Medal Of Honour Allied Assault so much I couldn't even tell the difference, except the missions gave me a strange dejá vu feeling. WoW I have an old roommate to blame for that one, he actually paid my subscription for a month, which felt like a year of grinding rice grains.


Eats With Her Mouth Full
May 3, 2010
Bloody Mass Effect fans.

Every damn thread I see on Mass Effect turns into either a long line of rants on how the series is "too streamlined" or "too linear" or "too simple" - or a decidedly creepy series of love letters to Tali.

They are so self-entitled and so creepily devoted to their own "favourite" companions - Bioware is never going to be able to please them all, but they act as if their worlds will be ruined if they don't get what they want.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Yes, yes they do.

The more obnoxious the fanbase, the less likely it is that I will enjoy whatever it is they are busy drooling over. Often times they miss anything about it that doesn't appeal to their crazed obsessiveness. It's happened to me before ? I had a friend who was a crazed, obsessive fan and it turned me off that series faster than you can say 'abandon ship!'

Sir Boss

New member
Mar 24, 2011
Dragon Age's "fans" didn't ruin it for me, however, it did make me want to cry

The Geek Lord

New member
Apr 15, 2009
PekoponTAS said:
Fanbases affect me in a different way actually. When a game I've never played before has a completely insane fanbase that constantly tells me I "NEED 2 PLAY THIS GAME!", it makes me completely uninterested in playing said game. Games like Chrono Trigger and Earthbound have become some unappealing to me due to their intolerable idiotic fanbases that any interest I might have had in playing them has long since vanished.
That's happened to me on more than a couple of occasions. See also: Portal. Seriously, one guy told me to "leave and never come back until I played Portal." What followed was basically a prolonged argument of me telling the guy to fuck off.

sravankb said:
Nope. I enjoy a game if I think it's good. Isn't that how it should be?

Honestly, I don't mind the fans who love their games. That really doesn't bother me, however enthusiastic they are. Why? Because liking something is a positive emotion. I'm completely okay with that.

What does bother me are the "fans" who constantly bash the sequel of their "favorite" games after they watch a teaser trailer or a short article where the dev says "we are appealing to a wider base". To them, I say -

- No, you haven't played the game.
- No, you're not a professional critic.
- No, you're not a game developer.

So, no, you do NOT know how it'll turn out. Please shut up now.
Huh. An intellectual argument? Sometimes I forget that these exist on the internet.

For clarification I don't glare at sequels with complete and utter contempt for attempting to appeal to a wider audience. I understand perfectly that we live in a competitive world and that everything isn't about MY needs. It's about the company getting money for their work.

For example, I don't hold it against Monster Hunter for being easier with later installments, because I know that Capcom isn't making as much money as it used to (at least the last time I checked), so they're trying to turn their cash-cow (at least in Japan) into a far bigger money maker.

As a matter of fact I didn't even know that they released an article about DMC5/Reboot/whatever talking about appealing to a wider audience.

The rest of what you said however, I more or less agree with, and will take to the face... If that last bit makes any sense.


New member
Jun 2, 2008
Averant said:
SeaCalMaster said:
Vryyk said:
Must.. resist... urge to correct grammar in title...

OT: Yes, they get to me if I pay attention to them, so I try hard to ignore them so my favorite things aren't ruined for me.
What grammar in title? The author merely wants to know if you are set into motion by fanbases.

As for me, I try to ignore such things as much as I can.
It's just a little mind twitch for us grammar nazis. The word the OT should have used is Affect, not Effect. Which, now that I look, he has promptly rectified.
I... I know. I was being sarcastic.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Steppin Razor said:
LobsterFeng said:
But that's why I'm glad this site exists, it always calms me down to know that there are smart people on the internet.

I shouldn't have to tell you this since it's fairly obvious, but this place isn't the bastion of intelligence that some people make it out to be. It's exactly like every other forum on the internet, except that every other forum on the internet doesn't have its head stuck up its arse and congratulate itself every five minutes over how much better it is than other places.
I didn't say everyone on this site was smart. I've met some of the smartest people here on this site is all.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
SeaCalMaster said:
I... I know. I was being sarcastic.
...Heh. It's the internet. Please be more obvious next time so that the slower ones among us *coughmecough* might see that and recognize it.

EDIT: this also teaches me to read the whole post. I might have caught that if I had actually thought about the second sentence.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Well I enjoy Dragon Age 2 and the group of people who seem obsessed with flaming that game every time someone talks about something even tangentally related aren't going to change that at all. But fanbases can be pretty annoying, especially the ones who constantly whined about FF12 being "omg too open world its like wow square sux ruined forever" who actually got what they asked for. >.<


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Hmmm as someone who has suggested to casual gamers to seek out fan forums for any perticular game they want to get more into Im starting to feel like Ive given out some bad advice.

However from my experience from been a part of the Eve online comunity and later the system11shmups forum I have found those two to be good places populated by ppl who are by and large mature ppl. That might be due to the fact both Eve and arcade shmups attracts a more mature and older gamer just by the nature of the games themselves.

For me personally been part of both communities was where I learnt how to play the games properlly and the correct mindset in how to approach the games.

I suppose it depends on the each individual game or genre and each little community on each forum. I imagine that the more casual or inmature the games the more imature and retarded the fan communities are. I suppose the better fan sites will be of the more mature games IE retro genres and games that are highly complex requiring deeper thinking for those who master them. Like RTS games and deep competative games like shmups, Vs fighters like SSFIV or puzzlers like Tetris.

EDIT: I will add that Touhou fans can be pritty retarded and are actually hated by the rest of shmup fandom. But thats mostly to do with 99% of Touhou fans rarely if ever play the original Touhou Shmups, instead they are into the platformer or VS fighter fan games or just as an otaku perverts due to the large cast of young girls. Not that im saying all touhou fans are like that though, but touhou fans are by and large a younger demograph then the rest of shmup fandom


New member
Jul 5, 2009
I don't give a flying fuck what fans of anything think. If I like a game, book, movie, etc, then I am going to like it.

OT though, I do like the Halo games quite a bit, even if Reach was somewhat...bluregh. And the books rock my socks. And then I see the comments on youtube videos, the Bungie boards, dedicated makes me want to cry in shame that so many of them aren't even legally allowed to play the game (By which I mean age. I'm certain the series is an M in the US, which I assume means no one under 17 is allowed to play this game...please correct me if I'm wrong. Live in New Zealand, and CBF googling at the moment).


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I tried not to let the yaoi fanbase of kingdom hearts get to me, but seeing it all the time, almost exclusively as the only fanart for the game, it really soured the series for me. :/


New member
Apr 18, 2008
Fanbases mainly affect me in terms of multiplayer, the sle reason I won't play LoL or HoN is because of the awful fanbases and their treatment of newbies.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Of course they do. There are a lot of games that I won't even try because the fanbases are so bad. They already ruined Halo for me, and I don't play L4D online anymore.
I can deal with some stupid fans, but when most of the fanbase is that way, it really does bother me.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Hell yeah, always a deal breaker when playing any game online ever, is having to listen to kids who's sacks hasn't grown about whether halo or COD is better. It pisses me off, and is the reason I stopped playing those series. But for some reason, its only on consoles, I've never met a fanboy of TF2 or any other shooter that isn't COD or Halo. So, PC = mature, console = fucked up retards who argue a whole bunch except for the occasional mature person. I've only met at least 100 mature people out of the 900 fanboys over Xbox live. Thats another thing, the fans of consoles constantly fighting over who's console is better, it pisses me off to see a PS3 guy going off at someone playing Xbox for no apparent reason other then their playing Xbox. Point being is, yes, it usually makes me stop playing a game because of the fan base.

PekoponTAS said:
Fanbases affect me in a different way actually. When a game I've never played before has a completely insane fanbase that constantly tells me I "NEED 2 PLAY THIS GAME!", it makes me completely uninterested in playing said game. Games like Chrono Trigger and Earthbound have become some unappealing to me due to their intolerable idiotic fanbases that any interest I might have had in playing them has long since vanished.
Those games are actually fun, I was in the same position as you are with them, but decided to give them a try and rather enjoyed it. Earthbound is quarky and has some neat game mechanics that are quite nice additions. Chrono Trigger is actually really awesome story wise, go check them out, their worth your time.