FANBASES! Do they affect you?


New member
Mar 23, 2011
I consider myself a fan of some topics, but I never consider myself as part of a fanbase/fandom community; I'm just somebody who's really fond of the said topic. When you're part of a community, there's the unspoken rule that many of them prefer that you think like they do, and I don't like these kind of restraints.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
The fanbase only really influences me if I didn't particularly like the series/game/book in question. If the fanbase is obnoxious and claiming it's the best thing there ever was, when I looked at it myself and found it rather blah, said fanbase may change my inclination towards that series/game/book from 'blah' to 'I wish this would just die'.

I'm looking at you, Neon Genesis Evangelion fans.

Flailing Escapist

New member
Apr 13, 2011
Fans, you say?
I don't know what you mean.

And I usually spel all my wurdz right! Sur!


New member
Apr 14, 2009
The Geek Lord said:
Tales of, Zelda, Shin Megami Tensei, Monster Hunter, Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, BlazBlue..
PFFT! Those fanbases are mere children in the likes of the absolute worst: For you see...there is one fanbase that is hated and feared throughout the entirety of gaming culture and fandom history. The single most destructive and evil beings in all of creation that are so UTTERLY Beyond hope and more insane then even the Joker that it's a wander anyone even bothers with them anymore: The Sonic Fanbase.

Say ANYTHING...Anything at all about any aspect of that series, and 95% of the fanbase will likely tear you to pieces for no fucking reason. That fanbase is rabid beyond all recognition, and the stuff of nightmares to boot. If there is any fanbase out there that has ruined games, it is the Sonic Fanbase.

Now if you'll excuse me, i have to hide before the sonic fans show up and flay me alive... *hides under cardboard box in corner*


Add a beat to normality
Nov 16, 2009
While I want to say "Nah, I just ignore them", I tend to think like you, OP.
At the end of the day, I do enjoy my games regardless of their fanbase, but I'd be lying if I said that I don't want to pry some peoples eyes out at times.
I can't stand the majority of fanboys, especially when one tries to actually discuss something in a normal way. Is it THAT bad to admit that the game you love has some flaws?
I really liked FF13, but I would be a grade A retard if I said it was flawless.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Yeah the sonic fanbase can be abit crazy at times, but thats partly to do with the mental torture sega have subjected their fans year after year, by promising them that each new game will be the perfect sonic game that fans haves been dreaming about. And then giving them a gamebox with a turd in it (Sonic 4 with its dodgy physics system didnt even do it right).

Add the fact that new fans have entered the ranks with each new game all with different tastes and demands and what you get is a massive clusterfuck of a fanbase


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Only in the sense that all communities of MOBA's are absolute douchebags and make it impossible to have fun in such a game.


New member
Apr 29, 2011
Lemme get slightly off-topic by mentioning other fanbases aside from the gaming category.

My take on Justin Bieber and Twilight fanbases.

Pardon all that hate..


New member
Jul 25, 2008
My most hated ones are the apologists, such as for the Metal Gear series.

Hideo Kojima has created some of the greatest games in the history of the art form but he has also been extraordinarily hackish, self-derivative and inane yet is not held to account for it. I suppose it's George Lucas syndrome.

As an MGS fanboy I don't see these apologists as true fanboys, I look on them as Star Wars fans who like the Prequel Trilogy: traitors. A real fan is truer to the vision than even the creator and is not swayed by money or imitation or need to "outdo the previous".


New member
Jul 25, 2008
nbamaniac said:
Lemme get slightly off-topic by mentioning other fanbases aside from the gaming category.

My take on Justin Bieber and Twilight fanbases.

Pardon all that hate..
I can understand the hate of twilight, they have turned popular culture impression of vampires from badass creatures of the night into emo pussy-whipped douche-bags.

But Justin Beiber? Child pop singers have NEVER had a good reputation, there is no reason to like Beiber but no reason to hate him either, he is a complete non-factor.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
I,m afraid I might get mistaken for a weeabo,manchild or wapanese when I tell people I like anime.
I don,t mind game fanbases that much maybe COD,s for indirectly causing the stagnation of FPS industry.
I also hate anything that has a insane fanbase (Twilight,Justin Bieber,ICP etc.) just because they mostly have a like-it-or-die mentality.
luckily I never ran into them!


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Why is it people have such a hard time ignoring things on the internet?

Pro tip if you don't like what you are reading on a forum/messageboard/any site you are reading for your lesiure close the page and end the whining cycle


New member
Apr 29, 2011
Treblaine said:
nbamaniac said:
Lemme get slightly off-topic by mentioning other fanbases aside from the gaming category.

My take on Justin Bieber and Twilight fanbases.

Pardon all that hate..
I can understand the hate of twilight, they have turned popular culture impression of vampires from badass creatures of the night into emo pussy-whipped douche-bags.

But Justin Beiber? Child pop singers have NEVER had a good reputation, there is no reason to like Beiber but no reason to hate him either, he is a complete non-factor.
Look at my prev post. It clearly states my extreme hatred for the fanbases (I don't really hate the kid that much either). They are essentially douches, yeah I could ignore them but it takes a lot of willpower. >:D


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Mostly i dont care about fanbases and banboys/girls and whatever. In a negative way they never affect me. However i happen to run across few very cool fanbases like the civilization series fanatics. pretty cool people they are.