Far Cry 5 Teaser Trailer Welcomes You to Hope, Montana


Oct 5, 2011
United States
LysanderNemoinis said:
erttheking said:
LysanderNemoinis said:
While I have no doubt this game will be as blatantly anti-American and/or anti-southern as you can get, there's part of me that nurses the hope the game's about an American liberating his state from Antifa by any means necessary. After all, unlike said fascist thugs, I prefer to take out any anger I may have on one and zeroes rather than innocent people.
Talks about how it's going to be anti south. Talks about how he hopes it's going to be about anti fascists (liberals?) so he can kill them. Because I guess the first isn't acceptable but the second is?
Both are acceptable because it's just media and unlike the social justice types, I don't freak out if someone disagrees with me or if there's a game that doesn't conform to my worldview. I personally find BioShock Infinite a generic shooter with a predictable, boring, P.C. story, but pointing that out isn't complaining. Neither is saying that the new Far Cry isn't going to be anything but the same anti-Christian/anti-southern crap we always see in media. I was just hoping that if we are going to get a game where the goal is to massacre fake people, it might be a bit interesting to for once have a little diversity in bad guys. And honestly, I thought the left is all about that.
Three things. One, there are plenty of games were you fight leftists. Bioshock Infinite comes to mind. Two, in Montana I think we know which end of the spectrum is in control and has guns, which are needed for Far Cry, and it's not left wingers. Three, I was mainly concerned with you actively wanting to kill American left wingers. I mean, I didn't download Bioshock thinking "time to kill some right wing scum." It's just a bit...extreme. IMHO.
Mar 26, 2008
Looks like we're progressing from the zombie fad to religious rednecks. Outlast 2 and now Far Cry 5. I'm not saying I'm not interested.


New member
Jun 21, 2013
This matches the rumors I found. It's a neat idea and I wonder how they will keep the far cry formula going or if they will bust out of it. My worry is that it might actually feel too much like ghost recon. That game had a kind of bible bent to it.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
LysanderNemoinis said:
erttheking said:
LysanderNemoinis said:
erttheking said:
LysanderNemoinis said:
While I have no doubt this game will be as blatantly anti-American and/or anti-southern as you can get, there's part of me that nurses the hope the game's about an American liberating his state from Antifa by any means necessary. After all, unlike said fascist thugs, I prefer to take out any anger I may have on one and zeroes rather than innocent people.
Talks about how it's going to be anti south. Talks about how he hopes it's going to be about anti fascists (liberals?) so he can kill them. Because I guess the first isn't acceptable but the second is?
Both are acceptable because it's just media and unlike the social justice types, I don't freak out if someone disagrees with me or if there's a game that doesn't conform to my worldview. I personally find BioShock Infinite a generic shooter with a predictable, boring, P.C. story, but pointing that out isn't complaining. Neither is saying that the new Far Cry isn't going to be anything but the same anti-Christian/anti-southern crap we always see in media. I was just hoping that if we are going to get a game where the goal is to massacre fake people, it might be a bit interesting to for once have a little diversity in bad guys. And honestly, I thought the left is all about that.
Three things. One, there are plenty of games were you fight leftists. Bioshock Infinite comes to mind. Two, in Montana I think we know which end of the spectrum is in control and has guns, which are needed for Far Cry, and it's not left wingers. Three, I was mainly concerned with you actively wanting to kill American left wingers. I mean, I didn't download Bioshock thinking "time to kill some right wing scum." It's just a bit...extreme. IMHO.
Well, I hope you're just as worried about all the people in this thread getting all excited about killing religious conservatives. And while you may not have thought that booting up BioShock Infinite, I'm sure my friend Saelune was positively orgasmic, as he already is about this game.
None of them have talked about wanting to kill conservatives, just that it's interesting to see them as bad guys. Big effing difference.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Montana, eh?

So... will the enemies be wearing little red caps? I vaguely remember enemies having red headgear in FC3 and FC4.

Regardless, don't be fooled. It's just going to be the same fucking game Ubisoft have be repainting since 2009.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
See when I think Hope, Montana I think of the U.S.'s first great victory in World War Z. With a proper Raj Singh Square


Regular Member
Nov 28, 2013
Why not just release Far Cry 5 as an audio+texture DLC pack for Far Cry 3/4? From what I remember, Far Cry 4 was basically just a re-skin of Far Cry 3 with a few extra bits tacked on, like rappelling etc.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
LysanderNemoinis said:
While I have no doubt this game will be as blatantly anti-American and/or anti-southern as you can get, there's part of me that nurses the hope the game's about an American liberating his state from Antifa by any means necessary. After all, unlike said fascist thugs, I prefer to take out any anger I may have on one and zeroes rather than innocent people.
Mate, we've got veins of white nationalists trying to make Montana their white, racist Mecca. Between Neo-Nazis, Soverign Citizens, Anti-Government militias, and general crazies, we've got plenty of fascist analogues to brain.

And you know Montana isn't even remotely Southern, right? I mean, I live here, so I'd know more than most, but still.

pookie101 said:
anyone else gleefully waiting for fox news to latch onto this haha
I'm literally going out to buy a popcorn machine.


Noble and oppressed Kekistani
Nov 8, 2010
erttheking said:
LysanderNemoinis said:
erttheking said:
LysanderNemoinis said:
erttheking said:
LysanderNemoinis said:
While I have no doubt this game will be as blatantly anti-American and/or anti-southern as you can get, there's part of me that nurses the hope the game's about an American liberating his state from Antifa by any means necessary. After all, unlike said fascist thugs, I prefer to take out any anger I may have on one and zeroes rather than innocent people.
Talks about how it's going to be anti south. Talks about how he hopes it's going to be about anti fascists (liberals?) so he can kill them. Because I guess the first isn't acceptable but the second is?
Both are acceptable because it's just media and unlike the social justice types, I don't freak out if someone disagrees with me or if there's a game that doesn't conform to my worldview. I personally find BioShock Infinite a generic shooter with a predictable, boring, P.C. story, but pointing that out isn't complaining. Neither is saying that the new Far Cry isn't going to be anything but the same anti-Christian/anti-southern crap we always see in media. I was just hoping that if we are going to get a game where the goal is to massacre fake people, it might be a bit interesting to for once have a little diversity in bad guys. And honestly, I thought the left is all about that.
Three things. One, there are plenty of games were you fight leftists. Bioshock Infinite comes to mind. Two, in Montana I think we know which end of the spectrum is in control and has guns, which are needed for Far Cry, and it's not left wingers. Three, I was mainly concerned with you actively wanting to kill American left wingers. I mean, I didn't download Bioshock thinking "time to kill some right wing scum." It's just a bit...extreme. IMHO.
Well, I hope you're just as worried about all the people in this thread getting all excited about killing religious conservatives. And while you may not have thought that booting up BioShock Infinite, I'm sure my friend Saelune was positively orgasmic, as he already is about this game.
None of them have talked about wanting to kill conservatives, just that it's interesting to see them as bad guys. Big effing difference.
Right, because in video games, you as the player gets to always talk down the bad guys and teach them the error of their ways non-violently. The "bad guys" are the people you as the player kill. Finding it interesting to see X group as the bad guys or to quote an above poster to feel catharsis from having said group as the bad guys implicitly means you're looking forward to killing them in a video game, which makes little effing difference.

I could also make the point that my desire to inflict harm on imaginary members of Antifa is different from left wingers because the majority of liberals are NOT rioting and beating the shit out on innocent people on a regularly basis - they just happen to hold views I don't agree with. A closer equivalent would be liberals looking forward to beating up the twenty or so slack-jawed morons of the Westboro Baptist Church, because the vast majority of people on the right (myself included) hate those assholes too. Between the two groups, you're much more likely to be hurt by some jack-booted, black-masked thug than some toothless bumpkin. And as much as I hate them, to my knowledge the WBC have not actually physically hurt anyone whereas Antifa leaves bloody people wherever they go.


Noble and oppressed Kekistani
Nov 8, 2010
altnameJag said:
LysanderNemoinis said:
While I have no doubt this game will be as blatantly anti-American and/or anti-southern as you can get, there's part of me that nurses the hope the game's about an American liberating his state from Antifa by any means necessary. After all, unlike said fascist thugs, I prefer to take out any anger I may have on one and zeroes rather than innocent people.
Mate, we've got veins of white nationalists trying to make Montana their white, racist Mecca. Between Neo-Nazis, Soverign Citizens, Anti-Government militias, and general crazies, we've got plenty of fascist analogues to brain.

And you know Montana isn't even remotely Southern, right? I mean, I live here, so I'd know more than most, but still.
I'm well aware of that. Just using it as a sort of shorthand for anyone that's "country" because no matter where someone happens to be from, the media uses all the same signifiers to impugn them.

On another subject, I was amused by your using of Mecca, because that's certainly one group of people that is woefully unmentioned as bad guys in most media. Aside from a brief smattering of movies and the first Modern Warfare (where they were the dupes, not the true villains), they don't get much play...which is funny because for all the ways Neo-Nazis and other so-called fascists (even though the Nazis were actually on the left politically) are bad and for all the reasons people on the left hate them, the religion that must not be named is far, FAR worse on every count.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Good thing this is coming out in 2017 (unless it isn't), because if it was coming out in 2018 it would get skullfucked sideways by Red Dead.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
> Far Cry 5
> not in Russia

As to the trailer, I'm honestly getting more Resident Evil 4 vibes from this than anything. Maybe a little Bioshock Infinite as well.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Bindal said:
Not so much of a "Far" Cry anymore this time, now is it?
Pretty fuckin' far from where I am.
LysanderNemoinis said:
and/or anti-southern
Ah yes. Montana, the most Southern of states. And you just had to make it about those scaaaary antifas, didn't you?


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
LysanderNemoinis said:
While I have no doubt this game will be as blatantly anti-American and/or anti-southern as you can get...

Now, I confess, I'm not entirely certain what the cutoff point is for a US state to be considered "southern", but I do feel confident in saying that point does not begin at the northern border of the country.