Far Cry 5 Teaser Trailer Welcomes You to Hope, Montana


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
altnameJag said:
sagitel said:
lacktheknack said:
tfw I'm now the enemy in a video game

I don't know how I feel about this.
wellcome to the club mate
It'll be interesting to see how this shakes out in the gaming community.

I mean, seeing some caricature of "yourself" as the bad guy might give some gamers a smidgen of empathy for folks who aren't as well represented in general. Could be eye-opening.
Why are you guys acting like killing CIS white male (usually americans too and also presumably christian, not like you usually stop to ask a goon what their faith is or even their sexual orientation) is something amazingly new in videogaming that will make people have an epiphany? xD

I never rated rednecks that highly on my list of favorite enemy types, but clearly there is an untapped market here if they can have this potent of an effect for some. Redneck Rampage needs to make a comeback!


New member
Oct 15, 2011
so this game is set in Montana and has you fighting red necks? I just yawned three times while typing this. I have never seen a more boring premise for a game. The most boring enemies imaginable set in the most boring location on earth. I liked the exotic locales of the far cry series, and we have enough open world games set in the US. I wouldnt want to play a game set in Montana even if it was fallout.

Although the resistance looks interesting.


New member
May 7, 2016


I'm STILL laughing over that statement.

Anyway, as a rural US hillbilly who himself get's sick of the stereotypes the media paints of this region myself, I am EFFIN ELATED to see this game's setting and general premise.

See, I dont' see this game as making fun of rural people. I see this game as poking at people who take Alex Jones seriously, the people who dress in fatigues and build fortresses in the woods with AR-15's in hand, the people who try to assassinate judges and cops for giving them traffic tickets.

To the guy railing on about AntiFa and how right wing types are harmless, tell that to Gabriel Giffords.

Go tell me that when I DIDN'T hear Sharon Angle hollar about "second amendment solutions" and "taking out" Harry Ried of the Democratic party right after.

Tell it to judges Charles Rose and Don Marshall whom the "Mutual Defense Pact Militia" sent them notices that they were to overturn a weapons violation or face being abducted, put on trial for "treason", and shot.

Tell it to the three appellate judges who, after a right wing radio show host declared "Let me be the first to say this plainly: These judges deserve to be killed", got doxxed, complete with blueprints of their courthouses showing anti- bombtruck barriers.

Tell it to the church goes killed by James Adkisson.

"This was a symbolic killing. Who I wanted to kill was every Democrat in the Senate & House, the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg's book. I'd like to kill everyone in the mainstream media. But I know those people were inaccessible to me. I couldn't get to the generals & high ranking officers of the Marxist movement so I went after the foot soldiers, the chickenshit liberals that vote in these traitorous people. Someone had to get the ball rolling. I volunteered. I hope others do the same. It's the only way we can rid America of this cancerous pestilence."
Yea, those right wingers are just harmless mischievous scamps.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Ryotknife said:
so this game is set in Montana and has you fighting red necks? I just yawned three times while typing this. I have never seen a more boring premise for a game. The most boring enemies imaginable set in the most boring location on earth. I liked the exotic locales of the far cry series, and we have enough open world games set in the US. I wouldnt want to play a game set in Montana even if it was fallout.

Although the resistance looks interesting.
Out of curiosity, what's your definition for exotic?

Because over the course of a three hour drive I crossed 4 rivers, rolling hills, steppes, holes in the terrain where plants grew in abundance while sheltered from the wind, a swamp ringed by mountains, passed over the continental divide, and got back home, with was 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and I could see a mountain with snow on it.


Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
I wonder what the crossover is between people who get upset at Farcry 5 and people who get upset when they see USA in the 'Ethnic food' section of supermarkets while abroad. (Because USA food isn't ethnic, that's for weird shit like indian and Asian and stuff, duh)

(The logic being shaped around some expressions that US locales cant be exotic, and while its 'just a fictional story' when its other culture, its a big deal when its US culture.)


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Elijin said:
people who get upset when they see USA in the 'Ethnic food' section of supermarkets while abroad.
Funny you should mention that. I'm in Australia, and my local supermarket (Coles) do carry American produced food, in the ethnic section. They do sell Dr Pepper, but it isn't in the "Ethnic" aisle, or with the other carbonated sugar drinks. They keep it near the instant coffee(?).

OT; How many people, besides myself, giggle at the name of the bar; The Spread Eagle?


New member
Oct 5, 2014
I fear this game may be seen as insensitive, now that the "Evergreen State College" compound in nearby Washington State has actually been taken over by a crazed cult. Strangely, though, the authorities are reputedly not stepping in to curb the cult activities, so that part at least is surprisingly realistic, for what it's worth.


New member
Jul 5, 2015
008Zulu said:
Elijin said:
people who get upset when they see USA in the 'Ethnic food' section of supermarkets while abroad.
Funny you should mention that. I'm in Australia, and my local supermarket (Coles) do carry American produced food, in the ethnic section. They do sell Dr Pepper, but it isn't in the "Ethnic" aisle, or with the other carbonated sugar drinks. They keep it near the instant coffee(?).

OT; How many people, besides myself, giggle at the name of the bar; The Spread Eagle?
its funny because i saw an american going nuts about exactly that the other month in coles.. "how dare you put my countries food in the ethnic isle, we are not ethnics!!!"


New member
Aug 22, 2010
So, here's a thing:


On the one hand; crazy Christian cult in rural America is probably some of the lowest hanging fruit you can reach for. I mean fuck I just read Montana's wikipedia page and apart from learning why everyone is cackling at the 'anti-Southern' remark on page one I'm pretty sure they could have done a "GMO Conspiracy" thriller since the state's major economic output is ranching and grain farming which would have been if not original then less making the common man feel like they're being spat on. Plus it opens up the possibility of zombie cowboys and I'm told grain silos can make for pretty impressive explosions.

On the other hand, I looked up the word "miscegenators" (which appears in the petition) since I'd never seen it before and broadly speaking it means "race mixers", and since it also mentioned "degenerates" well it it rather nails their colours to the mast.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Gordon_4 said:
So, here's a thing:


On the one hand; crazy Christian cult in rural America is probably some of the lowest hanging fruit you can reach for. I mean fuck I just read Montana's wikipedia page and apart from learning why everyone is cackling at the 'anti-Southern' remark on page one I'm pretty sure they could have done a "GMO Conspiracy" thriller since the state's major economic output is ranching and grain farming which would have been if not original then less making the common man feel like they're being spat on. Plus it opens up the possibility of zombie cowboys and I'm told grain silos can make for pretty impressive explosions.

On the other hand, I looked up the word "miscegenators" (which appears in the petition) since I'd never seen it before and broadly speaking it means "race mixers", and since it also mentioned "degenerates" well it it rather nails their colours to the mast.
That's hilarious. I almost thought it was a parody, but there's a dull, sinking feeling as I read on, reminding that there are indeed a few committed to such mindsets. Also

We, the American gamers that make up the majority of your userbase, demand to you cancel this game...
497 supporters majority. And I wonder how many of them are young males too.


New member
Oct 5, 2014
Gordon_4 said:
So, here's a thing:


On the one hand; crazy Christian cult in rural America is probably some of the lowest hanging fruit you can reach for. I mean fuck I just read Montana's wikipedia page and apart from learning why everyone is cackling at the 'anti-Southern' remark on page one I'm pretty sure they could have done a "GMO Conspiracy" thriller since the state's major economic output is ranching and grain farming which would have been if not original then less making the common man feel like they're being spat on. Plus it opens up the possibility of zombie cowboys and I'm told grain silos can make for pretty impressive explosions.

On the other hand, I looked up the word "miscegenators" (which appears in the petition) since I'd never seen it before and broadly speaking it means "race mixers", and since it also mentioned "degenerates" well it it rather nails their colours to the mast.
By which you must mean "Obvious Troll" colors... because really: "the continued rejection of romantic partners when they find out our hobby, the appropriation of our culture by so-called "gamers" on twitter." And so on and so forth.

Of course, this hasn't prevented a number of intrepid GamesJournos from bravely baiting clicks with this totes sincere petition. (KiA has a growing list of these Pulitzer-worthy exposes for those interested.) It was hilarious when one guy who wrote for The Edge and such outlets made the mistake of pointing out the (once again) obvious on Twitter, and had to delete the tweet because he was "getting so much hate" from the ones who wanted to Listen & Believe. Nobody questions The Narrative, damn it!

Then again, it's always possible that this is part of the marketing of the game. Ubisoft did talk up the game as "controversial, but not for the usual reasons". So maybe said scribblers are not worryingly gullible rubes, just working for teh paycheck Uncle Ubi promised for delivering some righteous edginess. As in "Your Nazi Mom Will Hate This Game!"

Xsjadoblayde said:
497 supporters majority. And I wonder how many of them are young males too.
Maybe check out the comments they are posting? Sounds like a real legit bunch...

Edit: Bonus! The guy who broke the story comments on his reporting feat: https://archive.fo/SJ0XH

Games Fuckin' Journalism, everybody!


New member
Aug 22, 2010
StatusNil said:
Gordon_4 said:
So, here's a thing:


On the one hand; crazy Christian cult in rural America is probably some of the lowest hanging fruit you can reach for. I mean fuck I just read Montana's wikipedia page and apart from learning why everyone is cackling at the 'anti-Southern' remark on page one I'm pretty sure they could have done a "GMO Conspiracy" thriller since the state's major economic output is ranching and grain farming which would have been if not original then less making the common man feel like they're being spat on. Plus it opens up the possibility of zombie cowboys and I'm told grain silos can make for pretty impressive explosions.

On the other hand, I looked up the word "miscegenators" (which appears in the petition) since I'd never seen it before and broadly speaking it means "race mixers", and since it also mentioned "degenerates" well it it rather nails their colours to the mast.
By which you must mean "Obvious Troll" colors... because really: "the continued rejection of romantic partners when they find out our hobby, the appropriation of our culture by so-called "gamers" on twitter." And so on and so forth.

Of course, this hasn't prevented a number of intrepid GamesJournos from bravely baiting clicks with this totes sincere petition. (KiA has a growing list of these Pulitzer-worthy exposes for those interested.) It was hilarious when one guy who wrote for The Edge and such outlets made the mistake of pointing out the (once again) obvious on Twitter, and had to delete the tweet because he was "getting so much hate" from the ones who wanted to Listen & Believe. Nobody questions The Narrative, damn it!

Then again, it's always possible that this is part of the marketing of the game. Ubisoft did talk up the game as "controversial, but not for the usual reasons". So maybe said scribblers are not worryingly gullible rubes, just working for teh paycheck Uncle Ubi promised for delivering some righteous edginess. As in "Your Nazi Mom Will Hate This Game!"

Xsjadoblayde said:
497 supporters majority. And I wonder how many of them are young males too.
Maybe check out the comments they are posting? Sounds like a real legit bunch...

Edit: Bonus! The guy who broke the story comments on his reporting feat: https://archive.fo/SJ0XH

Games Fuckin' Journalism, everybody!
Suits me fine if its total bullshit either run by Ubisoft as a (stupid) bit of marketing or some bastion of intellect's attempt at satire.


New member
Oct 15, 2011
altnameJag said:
Ryotknife said:
so this game is set in Montana and has you fighting red necks? I just yawned three times while typing this. I have never seen a more boring premise for a game. The most boring enemies imaginable set in the most boring location on earth. I liked the exotic locales of the far cry series, and we have enough open world games set in the US. I wouldnt want to play a game set in Montana even if it was fallout.

Although the resistance looks interesting.
Out of curiosity, what's your definition for exotic?

Because over the course of a three hour drive I crossed 4 rivers, rolling hills, steppes, holes in the terrain where plants grew in abundance while sheltered from the wind, a swamp ringed by mountains, passed over the continental divide, and got back home, with was 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and I could see a mountain with snow on it.
anything outside of the US pretty much? With all of the games set in the US, its nice to have games set outside of the US. Dont get me wrong, i know the US has a varied environment (my job requires me to travel), but the Great Plain ( or a good chunk of the general area between the mississippi river and rocky mountains if you prefer) area of the US is visually boring.

While rednecks make excellent horror villains, they are kinda laughable as an organization to fight against as. They are the modern equivalent of farmers with pitchforks.

Listen, i get it, you are from Montana and dont like a damn yankee bad mouthing your home. understandable, but there is a reason why that area is called the "flyover states"


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Ryotknife said:
anything outside of the US pretty much? With all of the games set in the US, its nice to have games set outside of the US. Dont get me wrong, i know the US has a varied environment (my job requires me to travel), but the Great Plain ( or a good chunk of the general area between the mississippi river and rocky mountains if you prefer) area of the US is visually boring.

While rednecks make excellent horror villains, they are kinda laughable as an organization to fight against as. They are the modern equivalent of farmers with pitchforks.

Listen, i get it, you are from Montana and dont like a damn yankee bad mouthing your home. understandable, but there is a reason why that area is called the "flyover states"
I...wha? We're solidly yankees up here, thank you very much. Border Canada for cripes sake...*grumblegrumble*

Like, would you be as bored visually with the Mongolian Steppes? Because that's the terrain we're talking about here. With the continental divide being solidly in western Montana for that good old Rocky Mountain action. Makes Skyrim look like the pale imitation it is.


New member
Oct 15, 2011
altnameJag said:
Ryotknife said:
anything outside of the US pretty much? With all of the games set in the US, its nice to have games set outside of the US. Dont get me wrong, i know the US has a varied environment (my job requires me to travel), but the Great Plain ( or a good chunk of the general area between the mississippi river and rocky mountains if you prefer) area of the US is visually boring.

While rednecks make excellent horror villains, they are kinda laughable as an organization to fight against as. They are the modern equivalent of farmers with pitchforks.

Listen, i get it, you are from Montana and dont like a damn yankee bad mouthing your home. understandable, but there is a reason why that area is called the "flyover states"
I...wha? We're solidly yankees up here, thank you very much. Border Canada for cripes sake...*grumblegrumble*

Like, would you be as bored visually with the Mongolian Steppes? Because that's the terrain we're talking about here. With the continental divide being solidly in western Montana for that good old Rocky Mountain action. Makes Skyrim look like the pale imitation it is.
environmentally? probably, but the cultural/architexture/lifestyle difference would probably make up for it.

If its any consolation, i would probably rather live in Montana than in Louisiana, and i was born there. Now queue Jux being peaked that im bad mouthing his home (again).