Far Cry 6 Impressions - Amazon broke street date!


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
This has been my reaction to the last 5 or 6 years of Ubisoft games. I remember people used to complain about how in Assassin's Creed, you just need to press one button to kill a dude. Honestly, I vastly prefer a well animated one button takedown with chunky sound effects to grinding for a few hours for the Level 6 Anal Beads of Redemption that kills your enemy in 10 hits instead of 11.

Apply that concept to shooters, and you're guaranteed to lose me. Every time I watched The Division gameplay, I felt myself falling into a coma.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Apply that concept to shooters, and you're guaranteed to lose me. Every time I watched The Division gameplay, I felt myself falling into a coma.
Whaaaat, you couldn't believe that a game coming from a purveyor of "ultra-realistic" shooters featured beanie caps that could deflect half a belt of light machine gun fire?


Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
For the record, the enemies in 6 aren't bullet spongey. It's a soft barrier system pushing the players exploration direction. A region with a threat rating of 5 wants you to have a comparable guerrilla rating. If you go there without that rating they will be tougher to deal with, and take more hits. The guerrilla rating xp is awarded for... basically everything.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
To each their own. I played all three Crysis games and found them mediocre. 2 and 3 in particular were really the kind of dated 'cinematic' FPS that was so en vogue during the PS3/360 era. None of those games had the kind of freeform and emergent gameplay of Far Cry but instead rather boring, scripted setpieces.
Crysis and Warhead to a somewhat lesser extent were pretty much the epitome of emergent (sandbox) gameplay for a shooter.

I’ve only played the first two Far Cry games but found the original to be more of a tech demo that was greatly expanded upon by Crysis (which sounds ironic given a lot of people considered Crysis to be just that). FC2 was amazing in several way especially played on higher difficulties but was hamstrung by some of the scripted occurrences in the open world. Wish they could’ve followed through on original vision when it was still PC exclusive.

Crysis 2 and 3 were still higher watermarks within the scripted “cinematic” shooter pool of the time. Way more streamlined than the original (a good thing in some cases with suit functionality) but still had instances of what made it feel great to play. Not many shooters have the versatility afforded by the nanosuit and being able to grab/kick things. 3 had slightly more open maps and a bow but ultimately felt pretty phoned in, with the latest tech flourishes sprinkled on top as some compensation.

That said, I might actually check out the Remastered Trilogy that releases this Thursday when it’s cheaper, and I hopefully have an RTX card.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
That said, I might actually check out the Remastered Trilogy that releases this Thursday when it’s cheaper, and I hopefully have an RTX card.
The trilogy is getting ported into consoles as well. I had no idea until now. I'll pick up the PS4 version at some point. I was going to scout and buy the 360 versions, but now I feel it might be unnecessary. Funny enough, there's a Walmart in Livonia that still sells copies of Crysis 3. It's the copies that have the new label to let you know it's backwards compatible on Xbox One & Series X.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace

Yahtzee's on fire with this one.
After hearing Nick and Yathzee talk about this, even if I was still buying Ubisoft shit I wouldn't bother because it sounds so fucking...well, like every other game they've made in the last decade. Hell, I bought FC4 a few years ago on deep discount and still haven't even installed it. I have an Entire AC game(Unity) that I own but also can't be bothered to boot up because I know it's gonna be 30+ hours of map scouring BS(and i really like the setting of Revolutionary Paris, so there's the setting vs the gameplay).
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States

Yahtzee's on fire with this one.
It sounds like he lost interest in it before even getting too far into its conveyor belt mechanics. Ive been playing an hour or two here and there mostly with a friend which makes it a tad more enjoyable. My friend has been playing more, but hes a lot more easily amused than me. I was introduced last night to some deal where you need to build stores at a base that do something involving makes squads to send on missions or something and rather than be intrigued I'm somehow less engaged because its just some other bland minigame.

I feel like they lost sight of what makes Far Cry enjoyable. Its just an open world FPS where you wander around at your own pace killing bad guys. Its actually why I enjoyed Dead Island and Dying Light so much. As Yahtzee mentioned, you can only equip guns with 1 kind of bullet so you gotta have two guns or more with different bullets and *yaaawwn* its just like "why would anyone think its fun to add arbitrary mechanics that makes a game more time consuming?". I dont even bother I just walk in and blow shit up until everyone is dead or it gives me the big annoying mission cleared splash screen.

I imagine I'll probably finish Far Cry 6, but I wont be chomping at the bit to play next one like I was this time around. If Ubisoft doesnt get their shit together theyre going to be stuck with a very secular core audience who enjoys running on hamster wheels. This will be the second Ubisoft game I didn't pay full price for and quite possible the last one I bother with if this is the direction they're going.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I imagine I'll probably finish Far Cry 6, but I wont be chomping at the bit to play next one like I was this time around.
I'll hold you to it.

If Ubisoft doesnt get their shit together theyre going to be stuck with a very secular core audience who enjoys running on hamster wheels.
Not gonna happen. Even if they did, they not worth shit.

This will be the second Ubisoft game I didn't pay full price for and quite possible the last one I bother with if this is the direction they're going.
I have not paid full price for an Ubisoft game since 2013. Though that does not count either, as I got Rayman Legends on a sale at $39.99 a few months after its disasterous launch. The game was not a glitch nor a mess, but Ubisoft fucked up by getting cold feet not making it the one year exclusive for the Wii U. Had the bright idea to release all of the console versions available at the time around GTAV was a week from launch. For further irony, the Wii U version sold the best.
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
I'll hold you to it.

Not gonna happen. Even if they did, they not worth shit.

I have not paid full price for an Ubisoft game since 2013. Though that does not count either, as I guy Rayman Legends on a sale at $39.99 a few months after its disasterous launch. The game was not a glitch nor a mess, but Ubisoft fucked up by getting cold feet not making it the one year exclusive for the Wii U. Had the bright idea to release all of the console versions available at the time around GTAV was a week from launch. For further irony, the Wii U version sold the best.
Its hard to say because UIbsioft makes a lot of games. I know I bought the first 5 Far Cry games at retail, but my friends tried to get me to buy Breakpoint and I only bought subscription for that which turned out to be a shit show and Far Cry 6 I did as well because I didnt trust Ubisoft enough to actually give them $60 after Breakpoint and Division 2 were both hamster wheel trash.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
People can say what they will about Rockstar being stingy (mostly due to Take2) but

Even with their future looking sadly more GAS-oriented they’ll still probably be in a league of their own.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
I'm several hours into FC6, and there isn't much that's surprising me so far. It is a very typical Far Cry experience. I've seen others complain about the weapons and progression... and I'm not seeing a problem. You get weak weapons early in the game, you can improve them as you go along... shocking. You get better ones later, and you can improve them too. It isn't a "radically different" system than you get in a lot of games. I haven't had any problems yet... then again I'm not a speedrunner rushing into high security and late game areas with my starting weapons and crying about headshots not being instakills either. As long as you follow along and actually play at a measured pace, the balance is fine. The easiest way to deal with the "different resistances and bullet types" that people are complaining about... JUST GET THE ARMOR PIERCING ONES. Soft bullets are better against unarmored opponents... but the armor piercing ones are still plenty effective. You can get fire, poison, or explosive rounds... and there's no reason to bother. As long as you have some kind of explosives or launcher to deal with vehicles, all you ever need is to outfit guns with the armor piercing ones, and you can deal with anything.

The most surprising thing, they are not obtrusive with the microtransactions and nothing in the game has tempted me to bother with them. I really haven't seen a lot to complain about, but there isn't anything that stands out as particularly good either. Just more mindless shooting and really, that's all I expect or want out of a Far Cry game anyway. I even like the "perks" being tied to equipment change. In previous FC games you just become OP and able to do everything and the game loses all challenge pretty early on. At least in 6 you have to make a plan, outfit accordingly, and can still mess up and have to leg it if things go wrong.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I'm nearing the end of the game at this point. I'm nearly finished with the last area before going to tackle the big bad guy. I have a feeling that I still have quite a few hours ahead of me, simply because most of the individual stories have gone on about 20% too long. So I imagine that what i think is the final encounter will not be exactly the end of the game.

Nevertheless, the game is still fun enough to see me through and considering it's bloated as fuck that's quite the feat. I'll probably have this one bagged by the weekend, which will be nice because I still have a few weeks to clear up a couple of backlog games before the real time sink hits me in the face in the form of the FF14 expansion.

The Endwalker expansion set will likely be my GOTY, just giving people a warning ahead of time.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
People can say what they will about Rockstar being stingy (mostly due to Take2) but

Even with their future looking sadly more GAS-oriented they’ll still probably be in a league of their own.
I hate to be a pedant, but RDR is shooting big old bullets into what I assume is basic 1800s not-safety glass on a home. Far Cry 6 is a modern pistol firing through what is probably either toughened safety glass if not light ballistic glass/poly-carbonate (I base that assumption on the blue and white striping on the roof lining marking that as either a law enforcement or military building) which is going to provide a different impact profile.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I hate to be a pedant, but RDR is shooting big old bullets into what I assume is basic 1800s not-safety glass on a home. Far Cry 6 is a modern pistol firing through what is probably either toughened safety glass if not light ballistic glass/poly-carbonate (I base that assumption on the blue and white striping on the roof lining marking that as either a law enforcement or military building) which is going to provide a different impact profile.
Good point. Some of the comparisons aren’t really 1:1 and it does gloss over a lot of other stuff too, like actually shooting enemies. In a way it’s kind of an odd comparison given one’s primarily a TPS and the other’s an FPS.

It’s basically just the latest new game (last year it was Cyberpunk) against an older benchmark for attention to detail.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
It’s basically just the latest new game (last year it was Cyberpunk) against an older benchmark for attention to detail.
Look I'm all for dunking on Cyberpunk's failings. And it has many. But considering all the crunch Rockstar put its staff through that generated so much angst and hand wringing once it was made known, it feels weirdly disingenuous to then hold up that same work as a benchmark to meet lest other games be found inferior. Cyberpunk had crunch too, before anyone points that out, but that was at least the result of the game being fundamentally fucked at the most basic of levels. Its not good but its a reason that makes sense. Rockstar turning the screws because some cocaine addled auteur wasn't satisfied with the breaking patterns of glass or was dissatisfied with the sound work on a horse taking a shit on the other hand just reeks of a level of indulgence worthy of the French Aristocracy.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Look I'm all for dunking on Cyberpunk's failings. And it has many. But considering all the crunch Rockstar put its staff through that generated so much angst and hand wringing once it was made known, it feels weirdly disingenuous to then hold up that same work as a benchmark to meet lest other games be found inferior. Cyberpunk had crunch too, before anyone points that out, but that was at least the result of the game being fundamentally fucked at the most basic of levels. Its not good but its a reason that makes sense. Rockstar turning the screws because some cocaine addled auteur wasn't satisfied with the breaking patterns of glass or was dissatisfied with the sound work on a horse taking a shit on the other hand just reeks of a level of indulgence worthy of the French Aristocracy.
True, but they’re not the only ones by any means. They’ve since taken significant steps correcting course according to the same outlet that broke the original story about crunch.

Even beforehand they still had an eight year development cycle, which stretches far beyond what other big publishers would ever allow. CDPR’s issue stemmed from horrid corporate mismanagement in the aftermath of their IPO.

The quickest way to reduce these crunch practices in general though across the board will be to change the labor laws. Ubisoft has also had their own issues which have been ongoing since last year’s reports on workplace abuse.

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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Destiny 1, Star Citizen, Far Cry 6, and Cyberpunk 2077. Anytime a game features amazing Hollywood actors, it's compensating for something.

You don't see BOTW, Dark Souls 3, Skyrim, Halo 3, Saints Row 2, and Battlefield 2142 needing amazing TV and movie actors.