Fav. Song and Artist of '09


New member
Feb 13, 2009
Judging from all the death-metal and other forms of rock that are found on gamer websites, I'm not sure how much the rest of you will like this music

I have been listening to alot of kid Cudi recently, and this number is really mellow in a cool, feel-good, old school way.



New member
Apr 15, 2009
Song: "Man the Thinker" - BirdPen
This an awesome blend of impressive piano work and electronic overlay, creating something very resonant and meaningful. I'm expecting great things from this group.

Artist: Blind Pilot
Another new group. With their mixture of soft vocals, modern-folk stylings, and intelligent lyrics, their albumThree Rounds and a Sound is easily one of the most impressive debuts I've seen in a while. There is an earnest quality to both the vocals and the lyrics, creating something really raw and honest that you just don't see often enough.


New member
Oct 5, 2008
fluffybacon said:
Never heard of them...

I'll name five, because I can:

Neon indian, caribou, yeasayer, of monteal, flying lotus.
I think I've heard of Caribou, but couldn't name anything they've/he's ever done. I do like Neon Indian, but i don't own anything they've ever done; it's all youtube based.

I'm going to try and hedge my bets with a big band. I'm gonna go for The Cure

I'll also go for, i don't know, muse (old muse, not new muse) and The Horrors (who are actually pretty good)

A little hint for when you guess again (if you do): think older and broaden the horizons (although you did get one right).

It's hard trying to guess tastes based on a photograph, at least you knew I liked animal collective.


New member
Jan 28, 2010
Personally, a new band called The Bombay Bicycle Club, one of the only good bands that came out this year with an impressive ammount of singles from their debut album.

I was also taken back at the cleverness of some of the well thought out musical ideas expressed in some of the songs. Good band, good stuff.

Also, Hi just joined today, I look foward to expressing my pointless opinions with you lovely people.

Thanks, Spidey.


New member
Oct 5, 2008
fluffybacon said:
Tisk, tisk, you'd make a terrible hipster. It's sad that you haven't heard any caribou. Get a copy of in flames, if you like you music, you'll love it.(I'm assuming you've heard all the people you didn't mention, I sure hope you have..)

The residents, arcade fire, neutral milk hotel, napalm death, david bowie!

Oh, and a hint! If your gonna continue in the same vein you seem to be poking around in (that turned out weird...) go more hardcore. Allot more hardcore. Or danceable, that works to.
Obviously I've heard of bowie (what do you take me for?) love arcade fire and, well, I love In An Aeroplane Over The Sea (got the whole thing on my ipod), but neutral milk hotel haven't done enough for me to say I love them. I do like arcade fire a lot and have both albums, I hate napalm death with a passion and as for the residents I have literally never heard of them.

So more hardcore or more danceable.... I'm going to start with the Avalanches, and Panda Bear (who you must have heard of at least) for danceable(if you haven't heard of the Avalanches I suggest you look them up) and Spineshank and Killswitch engage for more hardcore stuff.

On top of this I'm gonna throw some older stuff; the Zombies, the Incredible String Band, Cabaret Votaire, Pere ubu and my bloody valentine (who are seven shades of awesome, you must have heard of them)

Oh, and BTW, I'm a damn good hipster.