Favorite non video game game


New member
Nov 14, 2007
Ever since DnD has taught me the ways of the dice mojo, I've come to master the games of Risk and Monopoly on basis of taking my chances when it matters. I wiped my ass with my friends' faces last time I played Risk with them at like 4 AM when we ran out of steam.

I'm also fair at Tic-Tac-Toe, Chess, and Checkers because I'm very fond of strategic maneuvers.


New member
Dec 23, 2007
Ticket to Ride: Europe, and clap-battles with friends are fun. (Can you out-style the clapping of your friends?)


Mandalorian Buddha
Mar 6, 2008
I have a bunch of books for a variety of tabletop rpg's - most of the White Wolf ones (Mage, Werewolf, Changeling, Wraith, Exalted), the old, pre-Wizards of the Coast Star Wars, Wheel of Time - but no one to play with :( I played a few times with a buddy in high school.

Magic: The Gathering was huge in elementary school.

A few board games - Scattergories, Pictionary, Trivial Pursuit, Apples to Apples, Scene It!

Beer Pong, King's Cup

Ball n' Cup, Hoop and Stick


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Pinball is a lost art. Granted, it helps when you have two tables at your disposal, which not everyone does, but if ever there were a game of pure luck*, pinball would be it.

*Take it from one who knows: Geometry, physics, skill. None of these are in any way helpful in a properly built pinball machine. Luck is the only thing that matters.


New member
May 16, 2008
Spades. My God, I love Spades. When you have that perfect Spades partner, and you can read each other without table talk, you can sit there at tournaments with old people and mercilessly beat them. Spades is the best game ever.


New member
May 17, 2008
monodiabloloco said:
Crossbows and Catapults with my daughter.. and sometimes my brother.... SHUT UP! It's fun
Wow, really? I use to have that. Do they still make that game? It is fun.


New member
May 14, 2008
Clue! We did "Clue the Musical" my senior year of high school. I was Mrs. Peacock (which I got because of the solo- I was quite proud of myself). Mrs. Peacock in the play is the same as Mrs. White played by Madeline Kahn in the film. I wasn't some crazy lady with feathers in her hair, though it wasn't for lack of costume designers trying.

I also played a game called "Boxers or Briefs" with my friends this last year at college, and that was fun. I'd never played that or "Apples to Apples" before.

Good old D&D is always a blast, as well. My dad was "DnD Gamer of the Year" two years running at dndgamer.com... We're not a family of complete nerds >.<


New member
Mar 16, 2008
D&D easily. My dad played it when he was in high school, and I guess I inherited his love for it. Me and my friends started in grade 7 and still play almost weekly, even after our DM Chris, who was bloody awesome, left us. And it's not just D&D, we play all sorts of tabletop games, like Anime D20 (I'm a Magical Girl, it's awesome), Shadowrun for like a month, and now I'm trying to get some Rifts books and start some games with it.

Other than that, Magic is huge at my school. I built myself a new Red-Black-Green Wither deck a month ago, but I still lose to my friends's cheap ass Blue-Black with Academy Researchers and Fool's Demise. We make our own cards too. If me and my friends can get a good game of Mafia going it's awesome, could last anywhere from 5 minutes to 3 hours depending on how ruthless our storyteller and killers are. Not huge on board games, but we always play Pictionary with my creepy cousin whenever we see him, and it gets really messed up. I'm another creep that likes Scrabble, but meh.


New member
Nov 20, 2007
The_Logician19 said:
Lord_Ascendant said:
While it takes more than aliens and fake monsters to scare me, I do agree with the Risk part. My other favorite game is Fifty Points if you Hit The Ron. They used to call me "The Intangable", I was so good at that game.

To anyone offended: go f***ck yourselves.
dude "fifty points if you hit the ron" is a googlewhack. i still have no idea what it is.


New member
Dec 2, 2007
I'm going right on ahead and saying strip Battleship. No one will play it with me so I sit alone.


New member
Oct 24, 2007
I don't know, ever since I got my first NES (back in 1988) I never played any other form of gaming that didn't involve a tv set and a pair of wired controllers, I'm pretty good at sports though (basketball and tennis to be specific).


New member
Jun 12, 2008
'Hide the sausage' is always a favorite. As for 'non-euphemistic' games, I used to play DnD, but I feel a little silly playing anymore. I play with people who aren't real sharp, and it's tough to take things seriously when someone honestly thinks that a telescope is going to help them examine a dark room because it ups their 'spot' modifier and one of the other guys is obsessed with wearing a ball gown into combat (he plays a male character).
Other favorites are Trivial Pursuit, Stratego, and 'hey guess what video game I'm playing music from on the piano'