Female Gamers: An Unpopular Opinion


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Ill be honest, my only real prejudice against female gamers is that they are normally bad. Dont get me the wrong way, Ive no problem with girls gaming. But 90% of the time, I feel they are worse than the status quo on the game. This is not a solid rule, I have met a few good ones. Yeah you also get a massive amount of bad male players, more than female ones. But statistically therer are from more "pro" male players. I dont know if this is due to quantity, so you cant get the same quantity as there are so many less of them, or whether the good ones seem to enjoy a different style of game than I generally play, it could also be that many of the good ones I simply never discover they are female, and due to the aforementioned minority of female gamers, I assume all players are male, or at least dont assign gender to my opponents.

Either way, as my experience stands, women seem to make worse players on average. Take a look around any contest for pretty much any game and my point kinda proves itself. I actually don't thing there has ever been a female team member at a wow comp.

So other than providing my fellow gamers does not suck (and that applied to everyone), I honestly couldn't care less about the gender of my fellow gamer.


New member
Jul 11, 2009
I really agree with you! These girls that label them selves 'gamer girls' really irritate me and it is clear they do it for pure attention (specifically of the male kind)


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Azaradel said:
Is this really an unpopular opinion? Because I completely agree with you.

I'd prefer to think of myself as a gamer, not a girl gamer - because, really, it doesn't matter.

As long as we (read: women) set ourselves apart as being different, or special, from men, we can't possibly hope for equality (on that topic... why does there have to exist an "International Women's Day"? That actually kinda bothers me)
I wholly agree. The only thing I do to set myself apart from male gamers is create female characters in WoW (which isn't really that different, as it's a safer assumption to assume behind every female character is a sweaty fat guy ogling his avatar's virtual ass), and play as Zoey in Left 4 Dead.

Also a good point: equality cannot exist when one party insists on being viewed as 'special'. We've got the vote, we're allowed to wear pants, chill the fuck out and enjoy.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Emphasis said:
Good for you, Id agree, no one likes attention whores :D
I agree
rachel_who said:
I really agree with you! These girls that label them selves 'gamer girls' really irritate me and it is clear they do it for pure attention (specifically of the male kind)
I agree


New member
Sep 17, 2008
srm79 said:
I have encountered two girls that I know of in online games, both in the world of combat flight sims.

The first was just "one of the boys" as far as the rest of our squadron (clan?) was concerned. Her name tag did not give any hint one way or the other as to her gender, so everybody else just assumed she was in fact a bloke and gave he no breaks. Those of us in the squadron gave her no breaks because she was one of the best virtual fighter pilots I have ever played against and she didn't need 'em! Seriously though, it was just never an issue. Our recruitment process was fairly thorough though, so we never really had many mongs in our group. And no, we weren't elitist, we just wanted to have relaxed fun without all the hassles that smack-talking assholes bring with them.

The second fell into the "GamerGrrrrlll" (or Attention Whore, if you will) category. This one plainly advertised who (or what) she was, and most certainly played on it. Fine by me, it doesn't wash with me though. Only problem was that while the majority of the chaps on the server she frequented went easy on her, and indeed would go out of their way and foresake their own victories to get her out of trouble, I stuck to my couldn't-give-a-toss attitude. The server stats showed that for a while I had shot her down almost twice as many times as anyone else had, and I got labeled as a dick for it. I mean seriously, wtf? If you fly straight and level while I am circling above looking for a victim, then I seriously don't give a crap if your icky-bits are on the inside or outside. I'm going to bounce you either way. And the stats also showed I hadn't shot her down any more than I had anyone else.

My point? It really doesn't matter one way or the other. I am not going to make assumptions about anybody based on their gender. Or their colour, creed, religion, taste in music etc etc. But if you do feel the need to try and play on it (and the impression I am getting from this thread is that more and more female gamers don't) then don't expect it to work on all of us. And if we ignore it (girls as well as boys!) then it will cease to be a problem. Simple!

Not sure I agree with that. I pride myself on being a man-whore of the most lecherous kind when in between significant others 0_o

I can't personally say I agree with your 'man-whore' attitude (I'm too much of a nice guy myself) your post is something that I can completley agree on. The 'unsung' female population in games seem to always be of a better quaility in general as well. The more vocal ones, or 'gamer-gurrls' as it's amusing to call them are often a lot worse at the games they play and often use their sexuality to make up the difference.

It was the same when I was playing wow, I used to play for about 2 years solid and during that time I met a lot of nice people online. However, so much of the drama I encountered ingame was caused by females. I have had the whole 'why did you do that' 'why didn't you do that' crap after a raid when it comes to the females players in the guild, and I always said the same thing. Having boobs does not get you a get out of jail free card. You stand in the fire, you die. Simple as that. Alas, I can't heal stupidity. However as I am sure many of you frequent MMO'ers out there have noticed a lot of people are swayed by these female gamers brash use of their sexuality and it does become very frustrating at times.

As I type this I'm currently talking on MSN to a friend that I used to play WoW with. For months I didn't even know she was female, we just grew to be friends based on mutual respect and not the fact she has a pair of tits. She's also one the best tanks I ever played with.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
As a female gamer I can say I want no special attention. I want to be treated equally and just have fun playing the fucking game. If I wanted attention I can get that from my dog or family. I play to mellow out.


New member
Feb 24, 2010
Most female gamers i play with are fine, and most i play with online i don't even realise are female until a certain point when it's mentioned. But there are types like described above indeed.

Oh, and

TazTheTerrible said:
Yeah I agree, the nerve of some people to consider their gender a significant part of who they are. Pshh!


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Just like there are females who go to far with putting themselves out there for things like free stuff (I like to call them the divas) there are plenty of us who just want to game. And we deal with some ridiculous stuff just to be able to enjoy such. From the guys who treat us like we cant shoot, stab, or quest in games as well as them cause we lack a certain gene, to the wannabe Casanovas who dont get that female voice does not = to I want to sleep with you or cyber instead of playing my game.

Yeah there are plenty of bad attitudes in the gaming world and some of the worst characters I have seen were females who didnt even care about gaming for actual playing. Many times they used their virtual vag's to get things done for them and it sets a bad precedent. You either have to defend yourself and prove that your a gamer to guys or have to fend off the ones who expect you to act the same way. So sorry O.P. not all of us Ladies think were gods gift to gaming and some of us just want to have fun and run with the boys without it being a big deal.


New member
Jan 31, 2010
Rhythm said:
I can't personally say I agree with your 'man-whore' attitude
Heh, tongue was rather firmly in cheek when I said that.

It's nice to know, however, that I am not alone in my standpoint that boobies, contrary to popular belief, don't win prizes in the world of online gaming.