Female Gamers: An Unpopular Opinion


New member
Jun 24, 2009
I haven't found a reason to post on these forums (although I do read the odd topic if I see something interesting on the side-panel when watching Yahtzee reviews), however, I will post here because I do believe the original poster is entirely correct.

There are several reasons why gaming is still way way waaaaay behind the film medium, anything from ridiculous uninformative "we're-doing-more-harm-than-good" reviewers (not Yahtzee of course) to the way "gamers" constantly jump all over anything that relates to one console being better than another. However, perhaps the most important one is the way females are constantly obsessed over to a sickening degree.

My best example is that Jade Reynold (not sure if that's her name, but you're bound to know who I mean) woman who worked on Assassin's Creed. She has the same job as thousands of game designers, yet because she's a female the media feel the need to plaster her face all over the place, and worse yet, the majority of gamers lap it up. This kinda crap needs to stop, and fast.

Oh, and don't even get me started on "Fragdolls", anyone remember those? Jesus.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Hmmm, fascinating topic. Many have made points I agree/disagree with, but I will limit myself to 3 basic remarks to make regarding the OP.

Warning: sweeping generalizations ahead!

1) One of the greatest drivers of any business (and yes, VG are a HUGE business) is increasing market share. I think part of the driving force you see as 'catering' to female gamers (at least from the game publishers' standpoint) is this need to increase their sales and market shares. Since the majority of gamers (male) are already invested in their hobby, the game publishers are trying to figure out how to draw in new customers, not just keep selling to existing customers. They can comfortably assume a given amount of sales to established (predominantly male) gamers, and thus put more effort into recruiting new customers, and one of the largest groups of potential gamers left can be pretty much put into a single group: female.

2) I would dearly love gender to not be a matter of importance in our hobby. However, adopting a "don't ask, don't tell" policy will eventually have as much success as it has had in the military. By requesting that everyone remain mum on the subject of their gender, you are basically asking them to conceal something that, for most people, is a core part of who they are - an integral part of their identity, not a chosen one. Just as sexual orientation is a given for people's inner sense of 'self', so much so that asking someone to pretend to be another variant (i.e., hetero to homo, mono to bi, or standard to transvestite) would be considered nigh impossible, in just such a manner is gender as irrevocable within most people's minds regarding their own 'self' (even if it doesn't relate to their internal identity as a 'gamer'). Merely coming to a collective agreement that gender doesn't matter does a disservice to our identities, and disallows large swathes of interactions. How would these forums be if no one was allowed to voice what was their favorite game genre? (And btw, race is far too often ignored in gaming too, but that is way off topic!)

3) Attention whores will always be attention whores, regardless of gender, because it is a personality trait (an unsavory one, too) that is not directly linked to either gender. What is the difference between a 'grrl gamer' using her gender to get favors, and an AFGNCAAP** not being a team player on an MMO simply so they can increase their personal achievement score? Both are personality traits that should be discouraged in gaming, but neither are exclusive to a particular subset of humanity. In other words, instead of blaming someone's gender for bad personalit traits, just ignore those traits, same as not feeding the trolls and putting the banhammer on particularly inappropriate remarks. (Same goes for the dumbasses who over-react to a gender revelation as well)

And by Vishnu, if you quote this, PLEASE snip it. Waaaay too many words as it is. :p

**AFGNCAAP - Ageless, Faceless, Gender-Neutral Culturally Ambigious Adventure Person


New member
Aug 14, 2009
There are no girls on the internet, so I can't imagine that being a female gamer would be particularly special, since it's obviously just a a miss... er... myth.

Nothing to see here; carry on.
*reaching for the popcorn*


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Ahhh im not gonna get involved in any heavy arguement but im just thinking about the reactions of people on XBL when they see a girl avatar its always "OMG A GIRL" if gaming was truly equal that wouldnt happen. Well actually it might but not to such a degree.
Then those of the female gender might be discouraged to simply play games with all the fuss being made about them. Honestly i couldnt care less what gender anyone is it doesnt change who you are (on a personality level(yes im well aware that it may effect the person you may become but it wont change it if it is who you truly are))

Also im not sure if i have ever played with a female gamer (no dirty minds) as I cant be sure that female characters are actually you know, females.

Anyway, im done.


The Babe with the Power
Mar 11, 2010
Being a gamer who also happens to be female, I have been on both sides of this issue. I have seen the stereotypes of MMO female players from being an officer in 3 different WOW guilds. As well as far back to my pen and paper D&D 2nd edition days. I could do my own manifesto of my on peeves I see in the gaming world, but this blog sums up my thoughts nicely.

I am a girl gamer. This, of course, means I'm female and I like to play video games. However, when you put those two words together... Weird stuff happens. The world of a girl gamer is very different from that of other gamers. And it tends to be really, really annoying.

So here, in no particular order (or, rather, the order in which they pop into my head as I type) are one girl gamer's pet peeves. Drumroll, please.

1. Idiotic Conversations.
"I bet your boyfriend loves you." If I have one, he better love me for more than that.
"How did you get into video games?" Same way you did, moron. It wasn't a covert operation.
"That's sexy." Not really.

2. Girl Gamers who Objectify Themselves.
Do a Google Images search for "girl gamer" and you'll find plenty of pictures of girl gamers... many of them nude and posing with their consoles/controllers covering their naughty bits. Way to strike a blow for girl gamers everywhere, girls. And WTF? In what world does "console porn" even make sense??? Call me wacky, but I prefer to use my video game controllers to control my video games - not to take the place of key undergarments.

3. Video Game Salespeople.
Sometimes the girl gamer is lucky and she'll run into another of her own kind at the video game store. This is a cause for celebration and joy. However, it's usually some dude behind the counter. Some dude who will ignore your presence. Some dude who will talk down to you. Some dude who will ask who you're buying the game for. Some dude who's a freaking moron.

4. Female Characters' Wardrobes.
The next time I go out to kill endless monsters and wage epic battles for the betterment of mankind... I think I'll totally wear a bikini. I mean, that freedom of movement is WAY better than wearing armor that might actually save my life if I were to be attacked. Besides, who would attack me with my tits and ass hanging out for all to see? Who needs a battle strategy when you can wow 'em with some body parts? Now where did my panty armor made out of an old N64 controller go...?

5. Nintendo Hate.
Oh, I get it. You boys and your toys and your console wars. I get it. But too often, someone's main reason for hating on Nintendo is because their games aren't "hardcore" enough for them. You know why that is, little fanboy? Because Nintendo is aware that girl gamers exist - and that they can make money off of them. And that's a win-win situation. We get games that don't involve us running around killing endless monsters in our underwear - and Nintendo makes more money because of it.

6. "Are You Really a Girl?"
Thankfully, boy gamers haven't started asking this question in RL encounters. Yet. But in online games, it's always one of the first questions a girl is asked. Guys are partially to blame for this, as some of them like to pose as girls to get free stuff from idiotic boys who will give equips and money to any girl who happens to walk by (which would go in my "Raves of a Girl Gamer" article if I were writing one, incidentally). It's also partially because some guys really, truly, sincerely believe that girls don't play games and therefore must be men in disguise. In either case, nothing makes you grow tired of having to prove your gender quite like being a girl gamer can.

7. When Sexism and Ageism Collide.
I'm 30 years old. I'm female. I don't see any reason to hide these facts, as they're part of who I am. However, the next online gamer who replies to these facts with, "Why are you playing this? Shouldn't you be married by now? Where's your family?" is going to get their ass kicked. Hardcore.

8. Shock & Awe.
You know, I don't play video games to be cute or to give fanboy gamers a cheap thrill. I play them because they're fun. And I enjoy playing them. I enjoy getting better at them and beating my own high scores - and others'. So when I kick your ass at your precious FPS or beat your high score on your favorite puzzler... Don't act like you just witnessed the second coming of Christ. Getting good at games is what tends to happen when you actually play them and don't just cavort around nude with the consoles themselves.

9. The Gaming Industry.
For every good game geared at girls, there's dozens released that are geared at guys. Also, some genres seem like they'll never catch on that girls are playing, too. Heck, I like to shoot things. I like to blow things up. I like to run people over, beat the crap out of them and steal their money. Yet almost all of these games are obviously geared towards men. Now, I'm not saying they should put out "Sally Smith Goes Postal in the Shopping Mall" or something... but surely they can come up with some new scenarios that aren't based on historic warfare, modern warfare or alien warfare. The GTA series does well at bringing this genre out of the warfare mindset - but now I'm beating up hookers. That's not much better.

And finally...
10. Girl Gamers Who Can't Lighten Up.
Yeah, sexism is out there. Yes, I just went through nine reasons why the gaming world annoys me. But on the other side of the token... They're just games. They're meant to be fun. The moment they stop being fun and start becoming a crusade for equal rights, then it's time to hang up your controllers and find something that IS still fun for you. As for me, I'll keep playing my pink Gameboy and waiting for the day when the gaming industry as a whole catches up and starts putting as much effort into our games as they do for the boys.

Evil Tim

New member
Apr 18, 2009
minxamo said:
On an unrelated note: White men are the most discriminated against section of society.
Yeah, it's not like they run Western society or anything like that.

minxamo said:
Black guys can say anything they want about white guys, and nobody bats an eyelid, but if a white guy so much as points out a black guy's race, he's racist all of a sudden.
Yeah, it's not like black people might get murdered, beaten or verbally abused for such observations, or, for that matter, for simply being born. Wait, that does happen.

minxamo said:
In the same way, Women can call men whatever they like, but if a man generalizes about women, all of sudden there are half a dozen feminists with pitchforks chasing after him.
If these are the generalisations you (I don't think you're in a position to speak on behalf of all white men) make, I'm not particularly surprised.


New member
Jan 30, 2008
While I understand and see what you're saying(no one likes an attention whore), I do wish there were more games for me.

By games for me, I mean games where there is an option to play as a woman, or at least a gender-neutral. So many games I just couldn't get into because a set of masculine hands on the screen breaks my immersion.

There are times when the main character being male is most appropriate to the story. If you tell a very good story, then this is acceptable. I enjoyed Bioshock and Prey, which had male first-person characters. But if your story is just a tacked-on affair, what difference does the character's gender make except to the player?

I have never enjoyed playing online. Mostly because I dislike getting my ass kicked. (lol) So I don't have the experience of the OMG a Grl there. However, IRL, the student lounge of our community college was at one time a big gamer hangout, and folk in there were always playing card games and tabletop RPG, or boardgames. There were fewer girls than guys, and there was some rivalry. Some girls would come and stay and be part of the community, and others would bounce in hoping to find a guy who was easy to wind around her finger. I dated a few gamers. Bad things happened when I tried to date guys who weren't gamers, I couldn't find much common ground.

But being a woman is part of who I am, as much as being a gamer is. I don't put it either aside for the other. I'm a woman and a gamer and much else also, whether I'm working or playing. Everyone else is a lot more than their labels, too.

Now I'm rambling 'cause I'm tired. Good night, Escapist.


New member
Jan 13, 2010
...I thought everyone already knew this.

Equality amongst the sexes does not equal attention seeking girls trying to fit in among the big boys. It means if a girl likes games, she likes games and doesn't make a big stink about it. Just like boys don't make a big stink about it if they like games.

Girl gamers that try to pass themselves off as rebels or whatever only make what they are doing seem wrong. They think that girl gamers still aren't the norm, which is a step back.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
HTID Raver said:
all the ones i ever play with ***** and whore attention
That raises the question of if you even KNOW the genders of the people you're playing with. You can't tell unless they're attention whores or the conversation comes up.

I agree with OP, people think sexism died long ago, but it never did. Like, if some guy has sex with about 15 different girls, he is a 'stud' and everyone loves him. If a girl has sex with about 15 different men, she is a 'slut' and everyone hates her.

People don't even realise this is happening, and propaganda has somehow convinced them that sexism disappeared in the mid-1900s.

What an age we live in :p


New member
Mar 20, 2009
AmayaOnnaOtaku said:
Being a gamer who also happens to be female, I have been on both sides of this issue. I have seen the stereotypes of MMO female players from being an officer in 3 different WOW guilds. As well as far back to my pen and paper D&D 2nd edition days. I could do my own manifesto of my on peeves I see in the gaming world, but this blog sums up my thoughts nicely.

I am a girl gamer. This, of course, means I'm female and I like to play video games. However, when you put those two words together... Weird stuff happens. The world of a girl gamer is very different from that of other gamers. And it tends to be really, really annoying.

So here, in no particular order (or, rather, the order in which they pop into my head as I type) are one girl gamer's pet peeves. Drumroll, please.

1. Idiotic Conversations.
"I bet your boyfriend loves you." If I have one, he better love me for more than that.
"How did you get into video games?" Same way you did, moron. It wasn't a covert operation.
"That's sexy." Not really.

2. Girl Gamers who Objectify Themselves.
Do a Google Images search for "girl gamer" and you'll find plenty of pictures of girl gamers... many of them nude and posing with their consoles/controllers covering their naughty bits. Way to strike a blow for girl gamers everywhere, girls. And WTF? In what world does "console porn" even make sense??? Call me wacky, but I prefer to use my video game controllers to control my video games - not to take the place of key undergarments.

3. Video Game Salespeople.
Sometimes the girl gamer is lucky and she'll run into another of her own kind at the video game store. This is a cause for celebration and joy. However, it's usually some dude behind the counter. Some dude who will ignore your presence. Some dude who will talk down to you. Some dude who will ask who you're buying the game for. Some dude who's a freaking moron.

4. Female Characters' Wardrobes.
The next time I go out to kill endless monsters and wage epic battles for the betterment of mankind... I think I'll totally wear a bikini. I mean, that freedom of movement is WAY better than wearing armor that might actually save my life if I were to be attacked. Besides, who would attack me with my tits and ass hanging out for all to see? Who needs a battle strategy when you can wow 'em with some body parts? Now where did my panty armor made out of an old N64 controller go...?

5. Nintendo Hate.
Oh, I get it. You boys and your toys and your console wars. I get it. But too often, someone's main reason for hating on Nintendo is because their games aren't "hardcore" enough for them. You know why that is, little fanboy? Because Nintendo is aware that girl gamers exist - and that they can make money off of them. And that's a win-win situation. We get games that don't involve us running around killing endless monsters in our underwear - and Nintendo makes more money because of it.

6. "Are You Really a Girl?"
Thankfully, boy gamers haven't started asking this question in RL encounters. Yet. But in online games, it's always one of the first questions a girl is asked. Guys are partially to blame for this, as some of them like to pose as girls to get free stuff from idiotic boys who will give equips and money to any girl who happens to walk by (which would go in my "Raves of a Girl Gamer" article if I were writing one, incidentally). It's also partially because some guys really, truly, sincerely believe that girls don't play games and therefore must be men in disguise. In either case, nothing makes you grow tired of having to prove your gender quite like being a girl gamer can.

7. When Sexism and Ageism Collide.
I'm 30 years old. I'm female. I don't see any reason to hide these facts, as they're part of who I am. However, the next online gamer who replies to these facts with, "Why are you playing this? Shouldn't you be married by now? Where's your family?" is going to get their ass kicked. Hardcore.

8. Shock & Awe.
You know, I don't play video games to be cute or to give fanboy gamers a cheap thrill. I play them because they're fun. And I enjoy playing them. I enjoy getting better at them and beating my own high scores - and others'. So when I kick your ass at your precious FPS or beat your high score on your favorite puzzler... Don't act like you just witnessed the second coming of Christ. Getting good at games is what tends to happen when you actually play them and don't just cavort around nude with the consoles themselves.

9. The Gaming Industry.
For every good game geared at girls, there's dozens released that are geared at guys. Also, some genres seem like they'll never catch on that girls are playing, too. Heck, I like to shoot things. I like to blow things up. I like to run people over, beat the crap out of them and steal their money. Yet almost all of these games are obviously geared towards men. Now, I'm not saying they should put out "Sally Smith Goes Postal in the Shopping Mall" or something... but surely they can come up with some new scenarios that aren't based on historic warfare, modern warfare or alien warfare. The GTA series does well at bringing this genre out of the warfare mindset - but now I'm beating up hookers. That's not much better.

And finally...
10. Girl Gamers Who Can't Lighten Up.
Yeah, sexism is out there. Yes, I just went through nine reasons why the gaming world annoys me. But on the other side of the token... They're just games. They're meant to be fun. The moment they stop being fun and start becoming a crusade for equal rights, then it's time to hang up your controllers and find something that IS still fun for you. As for me, I'll keep playing my pink Gameboy and waiting for the day when the gaming industry as a whole catches up and starts putting as much effort into our games as they do for the boys.


/signed another gamer girl. I don't hide that fact I am a female, and growing up in the '80's and being a counter culture computer geek AND a girl segerated me from most ofthe population in high school. Fast forward to today. I find it highly amusing that pepople think I just "discovered" DnD. After all, geek girls didn't exist 20 years ago, right? "Wargames" was just a movie, not real life. I have been playing for 30 years buddy. ANd a DM in my own right.

No, bikinis are NOT proper armour. IF they are, I want my buffed and gorgeous male counterparts in thongs. THEN fight the dragon.

Yes, I have "HUGE tracks of land". Deal with it.

DO I have to shout louder to have my voice heard in the gaming community? Yes. I tire of it.

I wish there was equal rights, but there isn't. THere are days I have to scream (not actually, but the intent) "look at my CHEST! I'am gurl. Me LOVES geeks and games!!" in order for my opinion to be heard. And now they expect to either wait on my hand and foot, or just nod and pretend that I exist. It's just SAD. Because I still hear "wow, I didn't know girls play!" in my game I play still today.

We do buddy. We don't look like the babe on Boris's posters, well alot of us, but we are real. Once you guys decide to accept us, then alot of this tension will go away. Took you 20+ years to realise we DO game, I'm sure it will take another 20 to realise not all of us want pink armour, or apprecate bikini armour...

PS: I like the Wii too. I excersie with it every day and I play games that winning isn't measured in the amount of blood spilled.

PPS yeah games are fun. I wouldn't play if they are not. Relax. This generation needs FRankie.


New member
Oct 3, 2009
doctorwhofan said:
AmayaOnnaOtaku said:
Being a gamer who also happens to be female, I have been on both sides of this issue. I have seen the stereotypes of MMO female players from being an officer in 3 different WOW guilds. As well as far back to my pen and paper D&D 2nd edition days. I could do my own manifesto of my on peeves I see in the gaming world, but this blog sums up my thoughts nicely.

I am a girl gamer. This, of course, means I'm female and I like to play video games. However, when you put those two words together... Weird stuff happens. The world of a girl gamer is very different from that of other gamers. And it tends to be really, really annoying.

So here, in no particular order (or, rather, the order in which they pop into my head as I type) are one girl gamer's pet peeves. Drumroll, please.

1. Idiotic Conversations.
"I bet your boyfriend loves you." If I have one, he better love me for more than that.
"How did you get into video games?" Same way you did, moron. It wasn't a covert operation.
"That's sexy." Not really.

2. Girl Gamers who Objectify Themselves.
Do a Google Images search for "girl gamer" and you'll find plenty of pictures of girl gamers... many of them nude and posing with their consoles/controllers covering their naughty bits. Way to strike a blow for girl gamers everywhere, girls. And WTF? In what world does "console porn" even make sense??? Call me wacky, but I prefer to use my video game controllers to control my video games - not to take the place of key undergarments.

3. Video Game Salespeople.
Sometimes the girl gamer is lucky and she'll run into another of her own kind at the video game store. This is a cause for celebration and joy. However, it's usually some dude behind the counter. Some dude who will ignore your presence. Some dude who will talk down to you. Some dude who will ask who you're buying the game for. Some dude who's a freaking moron.

4. Female Characters' Wardrobes.
The next time I go out to kill endless monsters and wage epic battles for the betterment of mankind... I think I'll totally wear a bikini. I mean, that freedom of movement is WAY better than wearing armor that might actually save my life if I were to be attacked. Besides, who would attack me with my tits and ass hanging out for all to see? Who needs a battle strategy when you can wow 'em with some body parts? Now where did my panty armor made out of an old N64 controller go...?

5. Nintendo Hate.
Oh, I get it. You boys and your toys and your console wars. I get it. But too often, someone's main reason for hating on Nintendo is because their games aren't "hardcore" enough for them. You know why that is, little fanboy? Because Nintendo is aware that girl gamers exist - and that they can make money off of them. And that's a win-win situation. We get games that don't involve us running around killing endless monsters in our underwear - and Nintendo makes more money because of it.

6. "Are You Really a Girl?"
Thankfully, boy gamers haven't started asking this question in RL encounters. Yet. But in online games, it's always one of the first questions a girl is asked. Guys are partially to blame for this, as some of them like to pose as girls to get free stuff from idiotic boys who will give equips and money to any girl who happens to walk by (which would go in my "Raves of a Girl Gamer" article if I were writing one, incidentally). It's also partially because some guys really, truly, sincerely believe that girls don't play games and therefore must be men in disguise. In either case, nothing makes you grow tired of having to prove your gender quite like being a girl gamer can.

7. When Sexism and Ageism Collide.
I'm 30 years old. I'm female. I don't see any reason to hide these facts, as they're part of who I am. However, the next online gamer who replies to these facts with, "Why are you playing this? Shouldn't you be married by now? Where's your family?" is going to get their ass kicked. Hardcore.

8. Shock & Awe.
You know, I don't play video games to be cute or to give fanboy gamers a cheap thrill. I play them because they're fun. And I enjoy playing them. I enjoy getting better at them and beating my own high scores - and others'. So when I kick your ass at your precious FPS or beat your high score on your favorite puzzler... Don't act like you just witnessed the second coming of Christ. Getting good at games is what tends to happen when you actually play them and don't just cavort around nude with the consoles themselves.

9. The Gaming Industry.
For every good game geared at girls, there's dozens released that are geared at guys. Also, some genres seem like they'll never catch on that girls are playing, too. Heck, I like to shoot things. I like to blow things up. I like to run people over, beat the crap out of them and steal their money. Yet almost all of these games are obviously geared towards men. Now, I'm not saying they should put out "Sally Smith Goes Postal in the Shopping Mall" or something... but surely they can come up with some new scenarios that aren't based on historic warfare, modern warfare or alien warfare. The GTA series does well at bringing this genre out of the warfare mindset - but now I'm beating up hookers. That's not much better.

And finally...
10. Girl Gamers Who Can't Lighten Up.
Yeah, sexism is out there. Yes, I just went through nine reasons why the gaming world annoys me. But on the other side of the token... They're just games. They're meant to be fun. The moment they stop being fun and start becoming a crusade for equal rights, then it's time to hang up your controllers and find something that IS still fun for you. As for me, I'll keep playing my pink Gameboy and waiting for the day when the gaming industry as a whole catches up and starts putting as much effort into our games as they do for the boys.


/signed another gamer girl. I don't hide that fact I am a female, and growing up in the '80's and being a counter culture computer geek AND a girl segerated me from most ofthe population in high school. Fast forward to today. I find it highly amusing that pepople think I just "discovered" DnD. After all, geek girls didn't exist 20 years ago, right? "Wargames" was just a movie, not real life. I have been playing for 30 years buddy. ANd a DM in my own right.

No, bikinis are NOT proper armour. IF they are, I want my buffed and gorgeous male counterparts in thongs. THEN fight the dragon.

Yes, I have "HUGE tracks of land". Deal with it.

DO I have to shout louder to have my voice heard in the gaming community? Yes. I tire of it.

I wish there was equal rights, but there isn't. THere are days I have to scream (not actually, but the intent) "look at my CHEST! I'am gurl. Me LOVES geeks and games!!" in order for my opinion to be heard. And now they expect to either wait on my hand and foot, or just nod and pretend that I exist. It's just SAD. Because I still hear "wow, I didn't know girls play!" in my game I play still today.

We do buddy. We don't look like the babe on Boris's posters, well alot of us, but we are real. Once you guys decide to accept us, then alot of this tension will go away. Took you 20+ years to realise we DO game, I'm sure it will take another 20 to realise not all of us want pink armour, or apprecate bikini armour...

PS: I like the Wii too. I excersie with it every day and I play games that winning isn't measured in the amount of blood spilled.

PPS yeah games are fun. I wouldn't play if they are not. Relax. This generation needs FRankie.
Awwww, you remember Frankie..... me too :) ('cept I am older than you)
I have been thinking I might have to go play WoW for shits and giggles just at the thought of guys going ''OOOH, you're a girl gamer *swoon*'',then bursting their bubble by pointing out I am a short, fat 44 yr old mum (I'm pretty though ;-) lol)


New member
Feb 18, 2010
I dont really care about gender in game. It has no impact on my opinion of people. The only impact people have on me is whether or not they are good at the game, and whether or not I deem you to be a moron.


New member
Mar 20, 2008
doctorwhofan said:
AmayaOnnaOtaku said:
Being a gamer who also happens to be female, I have been on both sides of this issue. I have seen the stereotypes of MMO female players from being an officer in 3 different WOW guilds. As well as far back to my pen and paper D&D 2nd edition days. I could do my own manifesto of my on peeves I see in the gaming world, but this blog sums up my thoughts nicely.

I am a girl gamer. This, of course, means I'm female and I like to play video games. However, when you put those two words together... Weird stuff happens. The world of a girl gamer is very different from that of other gamers. And it tends to be really, really annoying.

So here, in no particular order (or, rather, the order in which they pop into my head as I type) are one girl gamer's pet peeves. Drumroll, please.

1. Idiotic Conversations.
"I bet your boyfriend loves you." If I have one, he better love me for more than that.
"How did you get into video games?" Same way you did, moron. It wasn't a covert operation.
"That's sexy." Not really.

2. Girl Gamers who Objectify Themselves.
Do a Google Images search for "girl gamer" and you'll find plenty of pictures of girl gamers... many of them nude and posing with their consoles/controllers covering their naughty bits. Way to strike a blow for girl gamers everywhere, girls. And WTF? In what world does "console porn" even make sense??? Call me wacky, but I prefer to use my video game controllers to control my video games - not to take the place of key undergarments.

3. Video Game Salespeople.
Sometimes the girl gamer is lucky and she'll run into another of her own kind at the video game store. This is a cause for celebration and joy. However, it's usually some dude behind the counter. Some dude who will ignore your presence. Some dude who will talk down to you. Some dude who will ask who you're buying the game for. Some dude who's a freaking moron.

4. Female Characters' Wardrobes.
The next time I go out to kill endless monsters and wage epic battles for the betterment of mankind... I think I'll totally wear a bikini. I mean, that freedom of movement is WAY better than wearing armor that might actually save my life if I were to be attacked. Besides, who would attack me with my tits and ass hanging out for all to see? Who needs a battle strategy when you can wow 'em with some body parts? Now where did my panty armor made out of an old N64 controller go...?

5. Nintendo Hate.
Oh, I get it. You boys and your toys and your console wars. I get it. But too often, someone's main reason for hating on Nintendo is because their games aren't "hardcore" enough for them. You know why that is, little fanboy? Because Nintendo is aware that girl gamers exist - and that they can make money off of them. And that's a win-win situation. We get games that don't involve us running around killing endless monsters in our underwear - and Nintendo makes more money because of it.

6. "Are You Really a Girl?"
Thankfully, boy gamers haven't started asking this question in RL encounters. Yet. But in online games, it's always one of the first questions a girl is asked. Guys are partially to blame for this, as some of them like to pose as girls to get free stuff from idiotic boys who will give equips and money to any girl who happens to walk by (which would go in my "Raves of a Girl Gamer" article if I were writing one, incidentally). It's also partially because some guys really, truly, sincerely believe that girls don't play games and therefore must be men in disguise. In either case, nothing makes you grow tired of having to prove your gender quite like being a girl gamer can.

7. When Sexism and Ageism Collide.
I'm 30 years old. I'm female. I don't see any reason to hide these facts, as they're part of who I am. However, the next online gamer who replies to these facts with, "Why are you playing this? Shouldn't you be married by now? Where's your family?" is going to get their ass kicked. Hardcore.

8. Shock & Awe.
You know, I don't play video games to be cute or to give fanboy gamers a cheap thrill. I play them because they're fun. And I enjoy playing them. I enjoy getting better at them and beating my own high scores - and others'. So when I kick your ass at your precious FPS or beat your high score on your favorite puzzler... Don't act like you just witnessed the second coming of Christ. Getting good at games is what tends to happen when you actually play them and don't just cavort around nude with the consoles themselves.

9. The Gaming Industry.
For every good game geared at girls, there's dozens released that are geared at guys. Also, some genres seem like they'll never catch on that girls are playing, too. Heck, I like to shoot things. I like to blow things up. I like to run people over, beat the crap out of them and steal their money. Yet almost all of these games are obviously geared towards men. Now, I'm not saying they should put out "Sally Smith Goes Postal in the Shopping Mall" or something... but surely they can come up with some new scenarios that aren't based on historic warfare, modern warfare or alien warfare. The GTA series does well at bringing this genre out of the warfare mindset - but now I'm beating up hookers. That's not much better.

And finally...
10. Girl Gamers Who Can't Lighten Up.
Yeah, sexism is out there. Yes, I just went through nine reasons why the gaming world annoys me. But on the other side of the token... They're just games. They're meant to be fun. The moment they stop being fun and start becoming a crusade for equal rights, then it's time to hang up your controllers and find something that IS still fun for you. As for me, I'll keep playing my pink Gameboy and waiting for the day when the gaming industry as a whole catches up and starts putting as much effort into our games as they do for the boys.


/signed another gamer girl. I don't hide that fact I am a female, and growing up in the '80's and being a counter culture computer geek AND a girl segerated me from most ofthe population in high school. Fast forward to today. I find it highly amusing that pepople think I just "discovered" DnD. After all, geek girls didn't exist 20 years ago, right? "Wargames" was just a movie, not real life. I have been playing for 30 years buddy. ANd a DM in my own right.

No, bikinis are NOT proper armour. IF they are, I want my buffed and gorgeous male counterparts in thongs. THEN fight the dragon.

Yes, I have "HUGE tracks of land". Deal with it.

DO I have to shout louder to have my voice heard in the gaming community? Yes. I tire of it.

I wish there was equal rights, but there isn't. THere are days I have to scream (not actually, but the intent) "look at my CHEST! I'am gurl. Me LOVES geeks and games!!" in order for my opinion to be heard. And now they expect to either wait on my hand and foot, or just nod and pretend that I exist. It's just SAD. Because I still hear "wow, I didn't know girls play!" in my game I play still today.

We do buddy. We don't look like the babe on Boris's posters, well alot of us, but we are real. Once you guys decide to accept us, then alot of this tension will go away. Took you 20+ years to realise we DO game, I'm sure it will take another 20 to realise not all of us want pink armour, or apprecate bikini armour...

PS: I like the Wii too. I excersie with it every day and I play games that winning isn't measured in the amount of blood spilled.

PPS yeah games are fun. I wouldn't play if they are not. Relax. This generation needs FRankie.
Dang DrWho, what server are you on? No just kidding. Most of the time, I don't receive any acknowledgement about being a girl and a gamer. The other players just accept that I am a good player and it's done. They may clean up their language a little bit more while I am in party or change the subject. (I really don't need to know about where you keep your dirty underwear.. true story). But then, there are times when I get the "just hit puberty" guy and I roll my eyes. Thankfully, I am assertive enough to stop them before they make a fool of themselves and eventually they get over it. But I have to tell you, more often than not, it's other girls commenting on my gender. They can't believe that another girl exists in the game they are playing. It's sad really.

as to the op....

For those of you who wonder why some of us "normal" (I think that is how someone catergorized it earlier in this thread) do speak up in vent or in game and reveal our gender, have you ever thought that maybe we aren't on a soapbox yelling about women's suffrage or looking to bait some poor schmuck to handing over all his money. Maybe, just maybe, we don't care that we are women and you are men. We just want to play a game and have fun. Maybe, it is you that has the problem.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Jenova65 said:
doctorwhofan said:
AmayaOnnaOtaku said:
Being a gamer who also happens to be female, I have been on both sides of this issue. I have seen the stereotypes of MMO female players from being an officer in 3 different WOW guilds. As well as far back to my pen and paper D&D 2nd edition days. I could do my own manifesto of my on peeves I see in the gaming world, but this blog sums up my thoughts nicely.

I am a girl gamer. This, of course, means I'm female and I like to play video games. However, when you put those two words together... Weird stuff happens. The world of a girl gamer is very different from that of other gamers. And it tends to be really, really annoying.

So here, in no particular order (or, rather, the order in which they pop into my head as I type) are one girl gamer's pet peeves. Drumroll, please.

1. Idiotic Conversations.
"I bet your boyfriend loves you." If I have one, he better love me for more than that.
"How did you get into video games?" Same way you did, moron. It wasn't a covert operation.
"That's sexy." Not really.

2. Girl Gamers who Objectify Themselves.
Do a Google Images search for "girl gamer" and you'll find plenty of pictures of girl gamers... many of them nude and posing with their consoles/controllers covering their naughty bits. Way to strike a blow for girl gamers everywhere, girls. And WTF? In what world does "console porn" even make sense??? Call me wacky, but I prefer to use my video game controllers to control my video games - not to take the place of key undergarments.

3. Video Game Salespeople.
Sometimes the girl gamer is lucky and she'll run into another of her own kind at the video game store. This is a cause for celebration and joy. However, it's usually some dude behind the counter. Some dude who will ignore your presence. Some dude who will talk down to you. Some dude who will ask who you're buying the game for. Some dude who's a freaking moron.

4. Female Characters' Wardrobes.
The next time I go out to kill endless monsters and wage epic battles for the betterment of mankind... I think I'll totally wear a bikini. I mean, that freedom of movement is WAY better than wearing armor that might actually save my life if I were to be attacked. Besides, who would attack me with my tits and ass hanging out for all to see? Who needs a battle strategy when you can wow 'em with some body parts? Now where did my panty armor made out of an old N64 controller go...?

5. Nintendo Hate.
Oh, I get it. You boys and your toys and your console wars. I get it. But too often, someone's main reason for hating on Nintendo is because their games aren't "hardcore" enough for them. You know why that is, little fanboy? Because Nintendo is aware that girl gamers exist - and that they can make money off of them. And that's a win-win situation. We get games that don't involve us running around killing endless monsters in our underwear - and Nintendo makes more money because of it.

6. "Are You Really a Girl?"
Thankfully, boy gamers haven't started asking this question in RL encounters. Yet. But in online games, it's always one of the first questions a girl is asked. Guys are partially to blame for this, as some of them like to pose as girls to get free stuff from idiotic boys who will give equips and money to any girl who happens to walk by (which would go in my "Raves of a Girl Gamer" article if I were writing one, incidentally). It's also partially because some guys really, truly, sincerely believe that girls don't play games and therefore must be men in disguise. In either case, nothing makes you grow tired of having to prove your gender quite like being a girl gamer can.

7. When Sexism and Ageism Collide.
I'm 30 years old. I'm female. I don't see any reason to hide these facts, as they're part of who I am. However, the next online gamer who replies to these facts with, "Why are you playing this? Shouldn't you be married by now? Where's your family?" is going to get their ass kicked. Hardcore.

8. Shock & Awe.
You know, I don't play video games to be cute or to give fanboy gamers a cheap thrill. I play them because they're fun. And I enjoy playing them. I enjoy getting better at them and beating my own high scores - and others'. So when I kick your ass at your precious FPS or beat your high score on your favorite puzzler... Don't act like you just witnessed the second coming of Christ. Getting good at games is what tends to happen when you actually play them and don't just cavort around nude with the consoles themselves.

9. The Gaming Industry.
For every good game geared at girls, there's dozens released that are geared at guys. Also, some genres seem like they'll never catch on that girls are playing, too. Heck, I like to shoot things. I like to blow things up. I like to run people over, beat the crap out of them and steal their money. Yet almost all of these games are obviously geared towards men. Now, I'm not saying they should put out "Sally Smith Goes Postal in the Shopping Mall" or something... but surely they can come up with some new scenarios that aren't based on historic warfare, modern warfare or alien warfare. The GTA series does well at bringing this genre out of the warfare mindset - but now I'm beating up hookers. That's not much better.

And finally...
10. Girl Gamers Who Can't Lighten Up.
Yeah, sexism is out there. Yes, I just went through nine reasons why the gaming world annoys me. But on the other side of the token... They're just games. They're meant to be fun. The moment they stop being fun and start becoming a crusade for equal rights, then it's time to hang up your controllers and find something that IS still fun for you. As for me, I'll keep playing my pink Gameboy and waiting for the day when the gaming industry as a whole catches up and starts putting as much effort into our games as they do for the boys.


/signed another gamer girl. I don't hide that fact I am a female, and growing up in the '80's and being a counter culture computer geek AND a girl segerated me from most ofthe population in high school. Fast forward to today. I find it highly amusing that pepople think I just "discovered" DnD. After all, geek girls didn't exist 20 years ago, right? "Wargames" was just a movie, not real life. I have been playing for 30 years buddy. ANd a DM in my own right.

No, bikinis are NOT proper armour. IF they are, I want my buffed and gorgeous male counterparts in thongs. THEN fight the dragon.

Yes, I have "HUGE tracks of land". Deal with it.

DO I have to shout louder to have my voice heard in the gaming community? Yes. I tire of it.

I wish there was equal rights, but there isn't. THere are days I have to scream (not actually, but the intent) "look at my CHEST! I'am gurl. Me LOVES geeks and games!!" in order for my opinion to be heard. And now they expect to either wait on my hand and foot, or just nod and pretend that I exist. It's just SAD. Because I still hear "wow, I didn't know girls play!" in my game I play still today.

We do buddy. We don't look like the babe on Boris's posters, well alot of us, but we are real. Once you guys decide to accept us, then alot of this tension will go away. Took you 20+ years to realise we DO game, I'm sure it will take another 20 to realise not all of us want pink armour, or apprecate bikini armour...

PS: I like the Wii too. I excersie with it every day and I play games that winning isn't measured in the amount of blood spilled.

PPS yeah games are fun. I wouldn't play if they are not. Relax. This generation needs FRankie.
Awwww, you remember Frankie..... me too :) ('cept I am older than you)
I have been thinking I might have to go play WoW for shits and giggles just at the thought of guys going ''OOOH, you're a girl gamer *swoon*'',then bursting their bubble by pointing out I am a short, fat 44 yr old mum (I'm pretty though ;-) lol)
Late 30's but yeah Frankie says RELAX


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Raincloud said:
doctorwhofan said:
AmayaOnnaOtaku said:
Being a gamer who also happens to be female, I have been on both sides of this issue. I have seen the stereotypes of MMO female players from being an officer in 3 different WOW guilds. As well as far back to my pen and paper D&D 2nd edition days. I could do my own manifesto of my on peeves I see in the gaming world, but this blog sums up my thoughts nicely.

I am a girl gamer. This, of course, means I'm female and I like to play video games. However, when you put those two words together... Weird stuff happens. The world of a girl gamer is very different from that of other gamers. And it tends to be really, really annoying.

So here, in no particular order (or, rather, the order in which they pop into my head as I type) are one girl gamer's pet peeves. Drumroll, please.

1. Idiotic Conversations.
"I bet your boyfriend loves you." If I have one, he better love me for more than that.
"How did you get into video games?" Same way you did, moron. It wasn't a covert operation.
"That's sexy." Not really.

2. Girl Gamers who Objectify Themselves.
Do a Google Images search for "girl gamer" and you'll find plenty of pictures of girl gamers... many of them nude and posing with their consoles/controllers covering their naughty bits. Way to strike a blow for girl gamers everywhere, girls. And WTF? In what world does "console porn" even make sense??? Call me wacky, but I prefer to use my video game controllers to control my video games - not to take the place of key undergarments.

3. Video Game Salespeople.
Sometimes the girl gamer is lucky and she'll run into another of her own kind at the video game store. This is a cause for celebration and joy. However, it's usually some dude behind the counter. Some dude who will ignore your presence. Some dude who will talk down to you. Some dude who will ask who you're buying the game for. Some dude who's a freaking moron.

4. Female Characters' Wardrobes.
The next time I go out to kill endless monsters and wage epic battles for the betterment of mankind... I think I'll totally wear a bikini. I mean, that freedom of movement is WAY better than wearing armor that might actually save my life if I were to be attacked. Besides, who would attack me with my tits and ass hanging out for all to see? Who needs a battle strategy when you can wow 'em with some body parts? Now where did my panty armor made out of an old N64 controller go...?

5. Nintendo Hate.
Oh, I get it. You boys and your toys and your console wars. I get it. But too often, someone's main reason for hating on Nintendo is because their games aren't "hardcore" enough for them. You know why that is, little fanboy? Because Nintendo is aware that girl gamers exist - and that they can make money off of them. And that's a win-win situation. We get games that don't involve us running around killing endless monsters in our underwear - and Nintendo makes more money because of it.

6. "Are You Really a Girl?"
Thankfully, boy gamers haven't started asking this question in RL encounters. Yet. But in online games, it's always one of the first questions a girl is asked. Guys are partially to blame for this, as some of them like to pose as girls to get free stuff from idiotic boys who will give equips and money to any girl who happens to walk by (which would go in my "Raves of a Girl Gamer" article if I were writing one, incidentally). It's also partially because some guys really, truly, sincerely believe that girls don't play games and therefore must be men in disguise. In either case, nothing makes you grow tired of having to prove your gender quite like being a girl gamer can.

7. When Sexism and Ageism Collide.
I'm 30 years old. I'm female. I don't see any reason to hide these facts, as they're part of who I am. However, the next online gamer who replies to these facts with, "Why are you playing this? Shouldn't you be married by now? Where's your family?" is going to get their ass kicked. Hardcore.

8. Shock & Awe.
You know, I don't play video games to be cute or to give fanboy gamers a cheap thrill. I play them because they're fun. And I enjoy playing them. I enjoy getting better at them and beating my own high scores - and others'. So when I kick your ass at your precious FPS or beat your high score on your favorite puzzler... Don't act like you just witnessed the second coming of Christ. Getting good at games is what tends to happen when you actually play them and don't just cavort around nude with the consoles themselves.

9. The Gaming Industry.
For every good game geared at girls, there's dozens released that are geared at guys. Also, some genres seem like they'll never catch on that girls are playing, too. Heck, I like to shoot things. I like to blow things up. I like to run people over, beat the crap out of them and steal their money. Yet almost all of these games are obviously geared towards men. Now, I'm not saying they should put out "Sally Smith Goes Postal in the Shopping Mall" or something... but surely they can come up with some new scenarios that aren't based on historic warfare, modern warfare or alien warfare. The GTA series does well at bringing this genre out of the warfare mindset - but now I'm beating up hookers. That's not much better.

And finally...
10. Girl Gamers Who Can't Lighten Up.
Yeah, sexism is out there. Yes, I just went through nine reasons why the gaming world annoys me. But on the other side of the token... They're just games. They're meant to be fun. The moment they stop being fun and start becoming a crusade for equal rights, then it's time to hang up your controllers and find something that IS still fun for you. As for me, I'll keep playing my pink Gameboy and waiting for the day when the gaming industry as a whole catches up and starts putting as much effort into our games as they do for the boys.


/signed another gamer girl. I don't hide that fact I am a female, and growing up in the '80's and being a counter culture computer geek AND a girl segerated me from most ofthe population in high school. Fast forward to today. I find it highly amusing that pepople think I just "discovered" DnD. After all, geek girls didn't exist 20 years ago, right? "Wargames" was just a movie, not real life. I have been playing for 30 years buddy. ANd a DM in my own right.

No, bikinis are NOT proper armour. IF they are, I want my buffed and gorgeous male counterparts in thongs. THEN fight the dragon.

Yes, I have "HUGE tracks of land". Deal with it.

DO I have to shout louder to have my voice heard in the gaming community? Yes. I tire of it.

I wish there was equal rights, but there isn't. THere are days I have to scream (not actually, but the intent) "look at my CHEST! I'am gurl. Me LOVES geeks and games!!" in order for my opinion to be heard. And now they expect to either wait on my hand and foot, or just nod and pretend that I exist. It's just SAD. Because I still hear "wow, I didn't know girls play!" in my game I play still today.

We do buddy. We don't look like the babe on Boris's posters, well alot of us, but we are real. Once you guys decide to accept us, then alot of this tension will go away. Took you 20+ years to realise we DO game, I'm sure it will take another 20 to realise not all of us want pink armour, or apprecate bikini armour...

PS: I like the Wii too. I excersie with it every day and I play games that winning isn't measured in the amount of blood spilled.

PPS yeah games are fun. I wouldn't play if they are not. Relax. This generation needs FRankie.
Dang DrWho, what server are you on? No just kidding. Most of the time, I don't receive any acknowledgement about being a girl and a gamer. The other players just accept that I am a good player and it's done. They may clean up their language a little bit more while I am in party or change the subject. (I really don't need to know about where you keep your dirty underwear.. true story). But then, there are times when I get the "just hit puberty" guy and I roll my eyes. Thankfully, I am assertive enough to stop them before they make a fool of themselves and eventually they get over it. But I have to tell you, more often than not, it's other girls commenting on my gender. They can't believe that another girl exists in the game they are playing. It's sad really.

as to the op....

For those of you who wonder why some of us "normal" (I think that is how someone catergorized it earlier in this thread) do speak up in vent or in game and reveal our gender, have you ever thought that maybe we aren't on a soapbox yelling about women's suffrage or looking to bait some poor schmuck to handing over all his money. Maybe, just maybe, we don't care that we are women and you are men. We just want to play a game and have fun. Maybe, it is you that has the problem.
THelanis - DDO