Female Gamers: An Unpopular Opinion


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
SODAssault said:
Been saying this for years, OP. In other words, I agree entirely.
Same here, I'm sick of the fact that not having a penis apparently makes them special when it comes to games.

Galad said:
Plus, it reminds us guys we should be gentlemen to gals?
So they want equality and you say treat them nicer? I treat gamer women and men the same. With the respect they give me, they can't ask for more and I won't give less.

Dok Zombie

New member
Apr 24, 2008
I jest of course, this man speaks sense. It annoys me in the same way some people make certain aspects of their lives their ENTIRE personality, like the gay guy who only talks about being gay, or the stoner who only talks about weed. Stuff like that shouldn't be the sole defining characteristic of your personality.


New member
Oct 3, 2009
chozo_hybrid said:
SODAssault said:
Been saying this for years, OP. In other words, I agree entirely.
Same here, I'm sick of the fact that not having a penis apparently makes them special when it comes to games.

Galad said:
Plus, it reminds us guys we should be gentlemen to gals?
So they want equality and you say treat them nicer? I treat gamer women and men the same. With the respect they give me, they can't ask for more and I won't give less.
I agree with the second part of your post, but tbh, as I pointed out earlier this would be a non issue a lot faster if men stopped making threads about it :)


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
Jenova65 said:
chozo_hybrid said:
SODAssault said:
Been saying this for years, OP. In other words, I agree entirely.
Same here, I'm sick of the fact that not having a penis apparently makes them special when it comes to games.

Galad said:
Plus, it reminds us guys we should be gentlemen to gals?
So they want equality and you say treat them nicer? I treat gamer women and men the same. With the respect they give me, they can't ask for more and I won't give less.
I agree with the second part of your post, but tbh, as I pointed out earlier this would be a non issue a lot faster if men stopped making threads about it :)
Point well made, but don't look at me, I haven't made a thread on this one XD


New member
Feb 22, 2009
so if i get what your all saying is that we should, instead of have a male and female charas on wow we should just have like and inbetween sex for those who don't want to show which they are right?


New member
Oct 3, 2009
chozo_hybrid said:
Jenova65 said:
chozo_hybrid said:
SODAssault said:
Been saying this for years, OP. In other words, I agree entirely.
Same here, I'm sick of the fact that not having a penis apparently makes them special when it comes to games.

Galad said:
Plus, it reminds us guys we should be gentlemen to gals?
So they want equality and you say treat them nicer? I treat gamer women and men the same. With the respect they give me, they can't ask for more and I won't give less.
I agree with the second part of your post, but tbh, as I pointed out earlier this would be a non issue a lot faster if men stopped making threads about it :)
Point well made, but don't look at me, I haven't made a thread on this one XD
I'm sure you haven't :) So I won't look accusingly in your direction. It is just every time one of these threads pops up on here the OP is always a guy (or rather misogynist ;-) )
I have never once played the 'female gamer', card, don't see the point we are all just gamers imo!


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
I had this once on WoW.

I grouped with someone and finished a quest, then afterwards this person simply said, "I'm a girl BTW".

Er... OK?

I suspect it may have been someone trying to make 'the random anonymous internet person' try to hit on 'the girl' as a joke.


New member
Dec 13, 2007
Only read the original post but I don't believe being female and playing games makes you any different to any guy that plays games. It seems like people (guys) are just surprised that there are a lot more women playing games now than there used to be, so people do take advantage of this and why wouldn't they? the online community is full of complete arseholes, male and female.

I personally have not experienced any of this crap, and I am thankful for it. I used to play Rainbow Six:Vegas, doing terrorist hunt with my girlfriend, two mates and myself, and it was literally just get on with it and play the damn game, whenever two random guys came in, I never once got "OMG YOU'RE A GIRL??" shouted into my ears.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Azaradel said:
As long as we (read: women) set ourselves apart as being different, or special, from men, we can't possibly hope for equality (on that topic... why does there have to exist an "International Women's Day"? That actually kinda bothers me)
This^. And it applies to everything, not just gaming. I was looking for a job here in Sweden, and the employer was the city of Örebro. it says in their requirements for appliers that women would have a better chance of getting the job then males, even if the male was better suited for the job, just because there is a shortage of women in that particular type of technical work.

Oh, and here is a link for you swedish women who wants a shot at it: http://pb.arbetsformedlingen.se/Standard/SokViaArbetsort/VisaPlatsannonsViaArbetsort.aspx?ids=5308664&o=18&k=0&returntourl=http%3a%2f%2fplatsbanken.arbetsformedlingen.se%2fStandard%2fSokViaArbetsort%2fSokresultatViaArbetsort.aspx%3fq%3ds%28ld%28199%29l%2818%29%29i%28180%29a%2820%29sp%2865%29sr%281%29c%28A39B7BEE%29%26ps%3dlan%2818%29

(Yes it is in Swedish)

Oh, and this is illegal btw, according to Swedish law.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
Furburt said:
Women abusing men can be just as dangerous as men abusing women, and it should be considered as such.
A friend of my Dad once told me a story about a the inequality between genders in society and it goes as such; A friend of his was getting physically abused by his wife (puching, kicking, throwing chairs at him) so my Dad's friend called the cops around to sort out the situation, telling the cops "My friend is getting attacked by his wife". The cops could'nt have cared less. He called the cops again about 10 minutes later and said "A friend of mine is getting assaulted by their partner". The police were at my the house within 5 minutes.

That Escapists is inequality between genders.

Humiliated Grape

New member
Aug 24, 2009
I think it's all really silly. Why does gender matter when playing a game? A game is something you do for entertainment. It doesn't matter what's in your pants, any type of human will get bored at one point in their life and fancy playing a game.

Some games are marketed at girls, like the "Help Barbie to be thick" or the "America's Next Top Point And Clicker" DS type crap. Then again that is a Nintendo thing trying to reign in as big a target audience as possible. To the people making the games it doesn't matter who's playing them as long as people are playing it. Why does it have to be such a big deal to the gamers?


New member
May 21, 2008
Okay not to throw myself to the dogs or anything here but gender does matter, especially in the gaming world. I'm not saying that I agree with the girls who would flash you on webcam for a good piece of equipment or anything since those are the ones that tend to give the others a bad name. But I am saying that if you look at the gaming industry its only starting to realize that girls like to play xbox and ps3 as well as the more "cutesy" titles like DS.

Girls get the Ads for Cooking Mama (really? What does that say about men's view on women?), Barbie, and shit like that.

But then again Men get games like Bayonetta. And really thats just a walking, killing, playboy magazine.

So look gender really does matter. My boyfriend's 360 live ID had the name Lisa in it (no that's not MY name. It was an inside joke with him and all his friends) and yet even though he was a guy the responce he got for just having a girl's name in his ID was huge.

"Stop saying your gender"? Sorry but I like being a girl. And I'm sure you like being a guy (I could be wrong but I'm guessing) and if you saw a person on Halo with the word "man" in their name you wouldn't be throwing such a fit.

You want it to stop being a big deal? Stop making it one with topics like this.


New member
Oct 3, 2009
Eaving said:
You want it to stop being a big deal? Stop making it one with topics like this.
I've tried this reasoning but I think some of them aren't listening, lol! (and the ones that are listening already agree with us) ;-)


New member
Apr 8, 2008
This is a difficult issue to address, and while I think most people on the thread have the right motive, I don't think they realise the implications of what the OP said. Now I'm not an expert on this, but I know people who are, so I think I can help clear up some things (and if not I'll get them to join and post).

Wanting people to be treated equally is generally the right thing to do, but think about this: in some of the examples above, it was said that everyone treated each other the same until someone mentioned they were female. So should people not mention their gender? Then everyone gets treated equally, because they are all assumed to be male, which is NOT the right way to do it.

What should really be happening is that people should be able to mention or not mention whatever they want about themselves, and it making no difference at all. People taking advantage of attention on the internet isn't helping, but blaming them for causing the attention is incorrect. If someone pulls a gun and shoots someone else, do you blame the victim for being in the path of the bullet? Even if they want to be shot (okay, not a great analogy - insurance fraud, maybe?), it's not their fault the shooter pulled the trigger.

So yes, even by listening to the OP, you are still being sexist, even if you do not realise it. Like I said, I imagine they had the best intentions behind it, but it is a difficult issue, and sometimes the best intentions can do more harm than good. (I am not even sure if this post is the best thing to do, but I feel I should at least try.)

I would hope that most people on here do not need this advice, but my suggestion to reducing this as an issue would be to not react to people's usernames. If someone is clearly trying to get attention then obviously ignore them, as they are only making things worse, but otherwise just try and react normally whilst bearing in mind that everyone you ever meet online could be of any gender, any sexuality, any race or nationality, etc. Don't just treat them as a guy - treat them as someone who's gender could be anything at all, and remember that whichever it is should make no difference whatsoever.

I would rather not mention my gender in this post, but since I am capable of mistakes and badly-worded arguements I feel I should say that I am a guy, and if there is something sexist about my post that I have missed or misunderstood, I would like to be corrected on it.

EDIT: Just while I'm on the subject, has anyone else noticed that my current rank is paperboy? (Yes, I am a guy, but my gender is not set on my profile, so it shouldn't really be assuming.) It's hardly the biggest of mysoginistic crimes, but it only helps spread the myth that only guys exist on the internet... :(


New member
Oct 3, 2009
Xodion said:
This is a difficult issue to address, and while I think most people on the thread have the right motive, I don't think they realise the implications of what the OP said. Now I'm not an expert on this, but I know people who are, so I think I can help clear up some things (and if not I'll get them to join and post).

Wanting people to be treated equally is generally the right thing to do, but think about this: in some of the examples above, it was said that everyone treated each other the same until someone mentioned they were female. So should people not mention their gender? Then everyone gets treated equally, because they are all assumed to be male, which is NOT the right way to do it.

What should really be happening is that people should be able to mention or not mention whatever they want about themselves, and it making no difference at all. People taking advantage of attention on the internet isn't helping, but blaming them for causing the attention is incorrect. If someone pulls a gun and shoots someone else, do you blame the victim for being in the path of the bullet? Even if they want to be shot (okay, not a great analogy - insurance fraud, maybe?), it's not their fault the shooter pulled the trigger.

So yes, even by listening to the OP, you are still being sexist, even if you do not realise it. Like I said, I imagine they had the best intentions behind it, but it is a difficult issue, and sometimes the best intentions can do more harm than good. (I am not even sure if this post is the best thing to do, but I feel I should at least try.)

I would hope that most people on here do not need this advice, but my suggestion to reducing this as an issue would be to not react to people's usernames. If someone is clearly trying to get attention then obviously ignore them, as they are only making things worse, but otherwise just try and react normally whilst bearing in mind that everyone you ever meet online could be of any gender, any sexuality, any race or nationality, etc. Don't just treat them as a guy - treat them as someone who's gender could be anything at all, and remember that whichever it is should make no difference whatsoever.

I would rather not mention my gender in this post, but since I am capable of mistakes and badly-worded arguements I feel I should say that I am a guy, and if there is something sexist about my post that I have missed or misunderstood, I would like to be corrected on it.

EDIT: Just while I'm on the subject, has anyone else noticed that my current rank is paperboy? It's hardly the biggest of mysoginistic crimes, but it only helps spread the myth that only guys exist on the internet... :(
If everyone thought like you this thread would not have been made :) (I mean that in the good way btw)


New member
Sep 16, 2009
I think a large part of the problem is that 'grrrrlgamers' who want special attention will go out of their way to display their gender- but the other female gamers prefer not to/don't need to in order to validate their existence, and so people don't realise that they're girls too.

It's not all of us, damnit.

[sub]But the ones who are.... my god.[/sub]

Brad Shepard

New member
Sep 9, 2009
Btheking said:
You have boobs! That makes you awsome well if your a girl. btw I 19 and yes this is the way i have thought my whole life and no it will not change. Unless you take your top off then i will do anyhting!

unless your underage then I will just lol as i kick your ass

Please try and keep this level of crassness limited while on the forums -Mod
You give our age group a bad name...

OT: woo, a girl gamer, who the heck cares? am i the only one who doesent give a shit about what gender or whatever someone is as long as they can play the damn game?


New member
Jun 17, 2009
half the time i cant tell the difference between the 15 year old boy and the 15 year old girl while playing xbox. they both sound the same on the internet, so i dont care, either way i dont wana be your friend.

personally id like one day where i don't have to listen to some guy from the UK talk down about the USA...


New member
Jan 7, 2009
bodare said:
Azaradel said:
As long as we (read: women) set ourselves apart as being different, or special, from men, we can't possibly hope for equality (on that topic... why does there have to exist an "International Women's Day"? That actually kinda bothers me)
This^. And it applies to everything, not just gaming. I was looking for a job here in Sweden, and the employer was the city of Örebro. it says in their requirements for appliers that women would have a better chance of getting the job then males, even if the male was better suited for the job, just because there is a shortage of women in that particular type of technical work.

Oh, and here is a link for you swedish women who wants a shot at it: http://pb.arbetsformedlingen.se/Standard/SokViaArbetsort/VisaPlatsannonsViaArbetsort.aspx?ids=5308664&o=18&k=0&returntourl=http%3a%2f%2fplatsbanken.arbetsformedlingen.se%2fStandard%2fSokViaArbetsort%2fSokresultatViaArbetsort.aspx%3fq%3ds%28ld%28199%29l%2818%29%29i%28180%29a%2820%29sp%2865%29sr%281%29c%28A39B7BEE%29%26ps%3dlan%2818%29

(Yes it is in Swedish)

Oh, and this is illegal btw, according to Swedish law.
You'd think they'd actually see in how many ways that is absolutely fucked up. Sex shouldn't matter when applying to a job, only competense. I am unemployed at the moment, and looking for a job, but I wouldn't want one if I new the only reason I got it was because I have tits. Not only is it, indeed, illegal - it's bloody insulting.

"There were more qualified people applying for this spot, but since you bleed out of your cooch once a month, you got the spot. Congratulations. Bring your My Little Ponies to work - we really need to start girling this place up, or people will call us chauvinists!"

The oppposite is applied to work including young children, such as daycare workers, apparently - if you're a guy, there's a better chance of being hired because there's a surplus of women.

Also, while we're on Sweden and how wonderfully equal this little country of ours likes to pretend to be; teachers make much less money nowadays, because the trade went from dominated by men, to being dominated by women (by 70-75% percent, I think) - I guess there's a chance it's a coincidence, but it does seem pretty bloody suspicious.