Madmonk12345 said:
Would you prefer she spent her time actually working on the videos that she's being paid to make or rebutting the claims that she is a fraud, when content has already been produced?
Let's be serious, it's been over a year and a half since the Kickstarter. In that time she has produced 4 of the promised videos, which were all supposed to have been completed 15 months ago, according to her own Kickstarter page. Exactly how much time does she need to produce said videos? Since she has finished the Kickstarter, I have produced over 50 videos of varying lengths, upgraded my recording equipment, etc, all while working 40-80 hours a week. She, on the other hand, has produced 4 videos and done numerous paid for speaking engagements, interviews, etc., with no other discernable work going on.
So, I ask, seriously, to every Single Anita Sarkeesian Apologist out there...
How long past the original promised delivery date are you people willing to go before you say it has been too long?
When there are people who put out more videos in a week, of similar length and at least the same production levels, and she can only get 4 out in 12 months (since the first came out in March 2013) with her believers falling to worship and kiss her feet for getting that many out... well, you guys who staunchly support her are pretty well whipped.
Madmonk12345 said:
In all honesty, this is starting to sound like Obama's birth certificate in that she could show everyone the documents needed to convince people (and it would be a lot of documentation), but no one would ever be satisfied anyways because anyone could claim that she forged the documents she would provide or that there were some expenses she didn't show because she's a con artist. She would have to show everything she's ever purchased for the internet to scrutinize, but nothing could ever be enough. There's no amount of evidence that would guarantee that she didn't spend more than that on some receipt that she didn't show us, as we've seen from what she has shown with the games.
Providing 501(c)(3) documentation is as easy as giving the corporation's tax ID number. Then the persons asking for the 501(c)(3) can look it up on the IRS's website. Wow, that's soooo hard to do.
As for showing what she spent it on, technically she would only have to show the original $6k asked for. However, a recent interview has her saying she does have an Elgato Game Capture HD that she claims to be using to capture game footage... but, well, we already know a lot of the game footage shown, at least the games being played, has been taken from LP channels. Cut scene footage? She might have recorded that on her own. It's impossible to tell with cut scenes if they came from her own recording or a LP channel.
Madmonk12345 said:
Prove (or at least provide some evidence for) the bolded. Not that she hasn't played some of the games that she's cited by some off error in the videos, but that she hasn't played them at all. I could easily conclude that you won't be happy with her until she admits she's a fraud, even if she isn't, from what you've said. The only way that anyone could possibly conclude that she never played a single game that she critiqued is if you assumed that every statement about gaming she's made, her history, mentioning her favorite games, spending a large sum of money buying those games in the photo she took, etc. was an elaborate act designed to fool people into thinking she was a gamer, when that wasn't necessary to critique the games at all.
Others have pointed out that many of the games in that photo were games that already appeared in her Kickstarter video. Did she buy them again?
As for if she's played them? It seems fairly obvious for some of the games, she hasn't. She has facts wrong. She misinterprets story meaning (if there is any), or willfully sends out a misinterpretation to her target audience. Her explanation of Dinosaur Planet, a game hardly anyone ever did play, is filled with falsehoods, lies by omission and creative editing of the Dinosaur Planet trailer and the StarFox Adventures scene to push her agenda. Unless we're supposed to believe her when she said Dinosaur Planet was 'all about Krystal and her quest to save the world' with some throwaway, unimportant second playable character that was inconsequential to the story and could be easily only mentioned in minor passing? Should we also believe that Princess Peach/Toadstool is always a damsel in distress, simply because Anita said any game where she isn't can be ignored (which is called Confirmation Bias)? I mean, with Smash Bros. for the DS and Wii U she will have appeared in 84 games, I think... maybe 83. But, we can discount the 45 or so games where she is a playable character, because Anita says they don't count. Nevermind that this constitutes
over half her appearances over the decades (IE the
majority). We can also discount the games where she isn't playable, but also isn't a damsel in distress (around another 20-ish), because Anita said so. But we can focus on the minority of games she has been in where she is the damsel in distress, because those are the only games that matter, according to Anita.
Madmonk12345 said:
If she was out to con everyone, she would have ran and fled months ago, so why would such an elaborate sociopathic stage play be more realistic than the idea that she has played some or most of the games that she critiques and she isn't lying? This isn't some statistical unlikelihood here that needs a great amount of evidence; women do in fact play video games, even if they steer clear from certain genres statistically or don't play as much as men(Which I don't believe inherent to their gender, though I don't really wish to argue about it).
If she made 0 videos to date, people could say she was conning her backers. In fact, the only reason the video series really got started was because her backers started asking questions when the deadline for the delivery date passed. Being as she had already spent 6 months not making the videos and instead was parading herself out to all the speaking engagements and media interviews she could, it's not hard to speculate that she's much rather be doing that over making the videos. In fact, she
still is doing that over making the videos in a timely manner. After all, the speaking engagements are money she hasn't gotten yet, not money she already has. Why make the videos people already paid for, when it is far more profitable to keep playing the professional victim and retell the story of how the big bad bullies on the internet hurt her feelings-- and don't worry, she has lots and lots of screenshots to show just how mean the internet really is!
She's dragging the video series out to keep herself relevant. After the series is complete and basically forgotten about (if we go by how horribly researched the first 4 have been), her ability to make money at speaking engagements will dwindle and disappear. She can't let that happen if she wants to continue her career choice as a professional victim (and, yes, making money by claiming victimhood over and over again is the very epitome of a professional victim). She won't get nominated for awards in a industry she has literally no place in after the videos are finally done. She won't have the media wanting to interview her after the video series is complete. She's going to drag this series out for at least the next 2 years in order to stay relevant.
She trolled the internet and won. She's just continually trolling it now to see how much more she can win.