Well, been playing for 8 hours on my pc and still in that first region.
Having a party preset seems like a really smart option; Not really sure what purpose the backline serves other than doing the default attacks, but it's nice to switch the party on the fly instead of re-visiting save points.
The open world has that standard activities and location design that you can find in any open world, but I love the fact that the side activities are to the player's benefit. None of that ubisoft bullshit where all you do is discover new location, fight enemies, collect loots, and repeat. Here, doing field workd for Chadley only seems to unlock more powerful materias.
Not to mention, the opening area Grassland is fucking beautiful! And the soundtrack that goes along with this is just as amazing.
Not a fan of the new character, MAI, though; She never shuts up during combat intel assignments, and I'm trying my best to survive while she's yapping away about "derp, that wolf can bite yoour head off!" Not really sure what purpose she serves. Her voice sounds condescending all the time and grinding in my ears.
Which is super weird, because all other VAs so far seems awesome. No matter how whacky or quirky the character is, there always seem to be something charming about their voice and characteristics; IT's just MAI I have a beef with.
Combat is something I am still trying to get used to. My issue seems to be I can never seem to figure out when to dodge or block. Also maybe I have worst memory span in the world, but I swore all party members' had their ATB auto-filled when not in direct control in FF7 Remake. Because now I am ot select the party member, do some attacks to fill the ATB gauge, then use an ability, and switch to another party member to do this again. I really wanna pull off Cloud-Aerith Synergy attacks more, but because how slow Aerith's ATB seem to fill when I control her, I can rarely pull those off.
I swear if I can figure out when to dodge or block, and how ATB gauge filling exactly works, I can be much more efficient. Because half the tie I am running around the world with low hp and mp.
But hey, at the end of the day I am having a blast, and can't wait to see what's in store for me. Because I never made it past costa del sol in the original. So everything after that is gonna be completely blind for me.