Shinra in the original game is actively trying to increase public opinion AGAINST Avalanche in order to foster support for the Neo-Midgar project. Which is basically building a new Midgar in the promise land because there is starting to be Mako problems in the original Midgar.Meiam said:Yeahhhh no, not at all.CritialGaming said:Please read Post #33Meiam said:Wait what? Why would they change that? Maybe they don't like the idea of main character being terrorist so they tried to change it to shinra being responsible... That's not a good news... It'd be pretty dumb to try and use that turn public opinion against avalanche since they're such a small outfit, it's not like they got follower or anything. Plus it's not like shinra ever needed public opinion on their side... Even if they really needed to create bad publicity for avanlanche, why not disable the reactor and create back out, would still piss off people and they would still have the reactor, those things can't be cheap and if shinra is really all about "the evil of money" they wouldn't blow up their own asset.Drathnoxis said:What the heck was with Shinra blowing up their own reactor? That did not happen in the original. It makes AVALANCHE look inept, and it makes Shinra look dumb.
In the original, Shinra is so worried about avanlanche destroying their reactor that they decide that it's worth leveling an entire sector just to stop them from destroying even one more reactor. This establish clearly that shinra power is backed by the reactor and that it value those above anything.
In the remake, shinra are so worried about avalanche (an outfit that has yet to do anything) destroying a reactor that they... destroy a reactor? And this worries them so much that they'll evnetually decide their only recourse to prevent themself from destroying any more reactor is to level the sector? So in the remake shinra doesn't value reactor at all? So what do they value? They're already the dominant military and political power so it's not like they have anything to gain from blowing up their own reactor. It just make them seems callously stupid, evil for the sake of being evil.
This is why Shinra is also willing to destroy an ENTIRE section of the city in order to drop the massive Sector 7 plate down upon AVALANCHE'S head.
Why would they blow up 1/8th of the whole city, and no be willing to sacrifice a reactor? Shinra is after the promised land and uses AVALANCHE as a spring board towards that, because public opinion of the company has been an issue. Terriorist attacks are great leverage for political gain (see Bush ala 2001).
So it makes sense that when Jesse's bomb doesn't do much more than disable the reactor, Shinra decides to make it more catastrophic in order to build public panic.