9 is my favorite. Always has been. Just my opinion, no need to go spreading it around.
okay, to me, 9 always seemed like the Final Fantasy that tried the hardest to have a great story with outrageous characters. But at the same time was capable of doing so without sacrificing the game-play. Each person in the party was unique and down-right crazy looking in their own way (save for Dagger, but c'mon) and the story just kept evolving into something more and more "fantasy" like every few hours without pulling any cop-out moves. The battle system wasn't the battle system we have now, but it was easy to get a hold of. And I for one loved the instances where your hoping that Dagger's gauge fills in time to cast healing spells on a dying member. Or when you combined Vivi and Steiner's forces to get magic sword abilities. Or even when you realized that Amarant was a ninja AND a monk and the dragoon ability "jump" still mattered.
Anyways, Hard to hate the game in any way. Last of the good PS1 RPG's.