Final Fantasy Origins: Stranger in Paradise Impressions - Nioh 3


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Maybe it'll change at end game, but while just following the story, the difference between super optimized gear and random trash I slap together is pathetically small and not worth spending time figuring out if +1.3% break damage is better than +0.7% damage while at max health.

But then at end game, 99% of everything that will drop will still be trash, I'll only look at the legendary stuff that will probably only drop from bosses. So why not cut out all the trash gear and only have a couple of piece drop per run?

I also really don't find the combat challenging, combo attack do a shit load of damage and mp is super easy to regen since you get it from every block and the window are really generous. Only time I find myself challenge is when they have a big increase the level requirement for a mission and suddenly enemy can kill me in one shoot, but then I just do a side mission with an intermediate level and that'll vomit enough gear to make me meet the level requirement and its back to facerolling.
Well the Final Fantasy games wasnt as hard as Nioh is. So it is a little different. But yes end game and higher difficult it will matter.

The thing about loot systems is that while most is trash, the trash is there to make the good stuff meaningful. And for filler between meaningful drops. If everything was good it wouldnt be exciting or fun to hunt loot. Youd just hunt until fully equipped and then never play again.
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