Final Fantasy V & VI Have "Technical Problems" On DS


New member
Apr 28, 2010
I bet it has more to do with Squenix trying to figure how to not have their games ripped and passed around the Internet.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Brok3n Halo said:
I imagine, by technical problems he was not talking in a hardware/software sense, but in the business strategy sense.
My bad. Though the term "technical difficulties" has a very specific meaning to me.
Legality/business are not really "technical" as they are "semantic" to me. ;p
Though I can see the quote as being a cheeky way of saying "We can't do this right now due to internal affairs within Squeenix".

Vortigar said:
I think you hit the nail on the head there. FF5 has a certain type of transparency effects in the water and fog that are apparently hard to duplicate.
Not today. The transparency effects were only hard to duplicate then because the SNES needed additional hardware support for that magical Alpha Channel; a typical 24/32 bit color hack was necessary to get it to work properly in Seiken Densetsu 3; If I recall..Final Fantasy 5 and 6 don't even use true transparency effects, but "fake it" through clever use of layers and color correction, though don't quote me on that; it's been a long time since I dissected the SNES Square titles.


New member
May 16, 2008
They also remade FFIII on the DS too, which I preferred actually as I felt they messed with the mechanics of FFIV too much (adding augments etc) and ruined it whereas FFIII felt better converted.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Personnally, I don't want these games to be remade for the DS, being sort of a hypocrite as I love both games to death, but I just don't like the idea of them being in 3D.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
Honestly, pack a 2D version of V and VI together with a few new dungeons each. I'd buy it. 3D would be cool, but the 2D almost has a special sort of magic to it.


New member
Mar 14, 2009
I gotta admit that since final fantasy XIII came out I've been feeling really nostalgic about final fantasy V, and knowing that it'll be coming to DS soon-ish has me excited ^_^ Please fix it soon, I wanna play with Reina, Galuf, Frais, Kirle, and of course our Butz again, lol


New member
Mar 10, 2010
Recall SE also saying that they would not remake VII due to some sort of technical problems with the battles and visual affects. I think just like to keep us strung along by our noses.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
FF6 had pretty much the best sprite artwork in the entire 16-bit generation. A DS-powered 3D remake could only look worse than the original.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Well, it might just take too much work for them to do as well. I don't think these translations are a simple matter of doint a copy-paste from one platform to another. Also the later the number of the series gets to, the more complicated it generally was (until recently) and the more content.

I also look at the comments about how they didn't do any cities/cityscapes for Final Fantasy XIII because they felt it would take too much work to do it right at the blu-ray level (or that is how I understood it).

I'd think part of the issue isn't just money but the fact that you need to take all those well paid coders and such and put them on a remake which they might not be interested in, as opposed to working on a new project.


New member
Dec 9, 2008
To me technical problems means they have been working on it and I'm guessing that the issues they are having is with the amount of extra sprites the have to create and the lack of space they have to work with. Consider the bestiary alone in FFV, then take into account that the game has more job classes then FFIII and 5 characters to create unique looks for. Those all rendered in the 3D graphics from the FFIV's remake would take up a lot of data. FFVI on the other hand has a lot of characters and monsters to work with and extra cutscenes woven into the PS One version that they will most like try to fit into the game. Plus it's a HUGE game. Pretty much I'm just saying that it's probably storage restrictions for both games that's causing the problem. Personally I'd prefer they redid every FF in HD as downloadable games on the PS3 and 360, that or release them in a classic FF collection with all the games from 1-6 on one disc with graphics like the PSP version upscaled to 720p.

I just like Final Fantasy!


New member
Jan 20, 2010
yanipheonu said:
AzrealMaximillion said:
Just put it on the PSP. They put 1&2 on the PSP but every other remake has been DS. Why?
Because it's a bigger market. There are just more DS than PSP.

Also, I don't think they'll do a full 3D remake, at least for FF6. That's a MASSIVE game, and there'd be so much to remake! Also, that was a perfect 2D game graphics-wise, I hope they just release it like Chrono Trigger was on DS, maybe with extra dungeons or something.
Well yeah, there's more units for the DS, but that doesn't mean that it would sell decently on the PSP. It was good enough to put FF1 and FF2 on the PSP. RPGs are among the top selling games on the PSP. I'm not saying that there's no point in putting RPGS on the DS but 6 of the top selling PSP games of all time are RPGs. The FF3 remake is the 21st best selling games of all time on the DS. And Chrono Trigger didn't do to well on the DS.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
I loved FF6 with a passion, though Im worried that a remake will carry with it the stench of current FF (Looks at 13 and the corpse of 12). I know we are talking about a remake here...but I fear that these guys might want to get "creative" and fuck the whole thing up!


New member
Jan 20, 2010
They should just do an anthology pack of FF1-6 redone and put it on both the DS and PSP. The FF 3&4 don't look that great their 3-D incarnations. The 2D really adds to the nostalgia. Capcom has their collections pack, and so does SNK. Why not have a Square Colletions Series. I want to see Saga Frontier and Live-A-Live again.

Brad Shepard

New member
Sep 9, 2009
I think that they could release them with as many bugs as they want, and it will still sell untold numbers of copys.


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
AzrealMaximillion said:
Just put it on the PSP. They put 1&2 on the PSP but every other remake has been DS. Why?
Because, according to the chart on, the DS has sold 225% as many units as the PSP.


Penguin Overlord
Jun 18, 2008
Somehow I think they are having trouble keep Kefka and Exdeath contained on the small DS Cartridge. Maybe the Dancing Mad Court Mage wants a 360/PS3 release? Huh? Come on, the War of the Magi in HD, that's something better than wanting Sephiroth in HD and wanting "Despair".


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Final Fantasy 6 is by leaps and bounds my favorite of the Final Fantasy, and easily ranks among my favorites in the RPG genre as a whole. That said... I kinda don't wanna see it remade. While I had fun with the FF4 remake for DS, I honestly can't think of any way in which they could improve upon FF6. The music was fantastic, the graphics are about as good as they could get, the battles were fun, the Magic/Skill system worked well, 14 of the 16 playable characters got an amazing amount of story development (Umaro and Gogo don't really count though). There just isn't a single thing they can fix, and I would argue that a 3D remake would only feel like a step back since it would be using very blocky-looking characters.

The only thing they could really do with a FF6 re-release that I would want to see is giving us a "Final Fantasy 6 Complete", as it's my understanding that a number of story bits were cut and/or compressed because they were running out of space on the SNES cart. Other than that, I wouldn't want to see a single thing changed. Same graphics, same music, same everything, but the full story included. I'd put $30 down for that any day.

(( As a note for how much of a stickler for detail I can be: I absolutely loathed the GBA port of FF6 because it had reduced music quality, and I can't stand the PSX port because of atrocious load times... and I think it also had reduced music quality. So to this day, I still play the SNES version when I want an FF6 fix. ))