Final Fantasy XIV Not Coming to 360s Because of Xbox Live


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Eruanno said:
*** The following is my opinion. I do not need someone who loves Final Fantasy to tell me I am wrong, because I do not care. Thank you. ***

I bought Final Fantasy XIII in the hopes of it not being awful. Ooooohh boy, was I wrong. I am amazed I survived for as long as I did (just after Bart... what's his name? Bartholomew? No, Barthandalus, I think). Of course, at that point I was ready to push that damned Hope-dude off a cliff hoping (o-ho-ho) that Vanille would toss herself along with him (and all their combined clichés... JESUS CHRIST, everyone spoke in clichés in this game).

Uh, where was I going with this? Ah, yes. Right. I saw the trailers, and people told me this was going to be a "great game"... suffice to say, it was really, really, really awful. And in buying it, I doomed myself to probably never like Final Fantasy again.

Thus I don't really care that a Final Fantasy game isn't coming to the Xbox 360. I'm quite content playing -actual- RPGs that are, in fact, GOOD (like Dragon Age).
To be honest, I dont think any one is going to question your thoughts there, anyone and everyone I've spoken to thought ff13 was a steaming pile of shit. and I like the FF series. Or at least I did up until x-2


New member
Sep 26, 2008
HA! I love it. Hopefully this will be the kick in the balls Microsoft needs to realize that they need to open-up their system a little bit. I get that "they're a company and they wanna make money" and all that jazz, but seriously, this is Microsoft we're talking about. I think they can afford to not make direct profit on a couple features of the 360 and still get by.

Frankly I wish all 3 consoles would open-up a little. As a PC gamer, it was disappointing when Borderlands came out and I wasn't able to play with any of my friends because they all got it on 360 (PC connectivity issues aside, of course), and any other multiplayer game it's the same way. I wanna play it on my PC, but my friends are all console gamers, so I basically have to form a completely new set of friends for every online game I play because there's this wall between me and my RL friends when I get online.

Wow, that turned into quite the rant. >.>


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Sparrow said:
Eldarion said:
I bet micro$oft wanted to make money of their own off the MMO. The same reason that the xbox version of TF2 doesn't get the updates the PC version does is now why square won't do their MMO at all for them.
Hey, everyone! It's a FANBOY! Gather round, gather round.
What's the matter? Can't handle the truth behind your beloved console? Face it, he is 100% right.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
elvor0 said:
Eruanno said:
*** The following is my opinion. I do not need someone who loves Final Fantasy to tell me I am wrong, because I do not care. Thank you. ***

I bought Final Fantasy XIII in the hopes of it not being awful. Ooooohh boy, was I wrong. I am amazed I survived for as long as I did (just after Bart... what's his name? Bartholomew? No, Barthandalus, I think). Of course, at that point I was ready to push that damned Hope-dude off a cliff hoping (o-ho-ho) that Vanille would toss herself along with him (and all their combined clichés... JESUS CHRIST, everyone spoke in clichés in this game).

Uh, where was I going with this? Ah, yes. Right. I saw the trailers, and people told me this was going to be a "great game"... suffice to say, it was really, really, really awful. And in buying it, I doomed myself to probably never like Final Fantasy again.

Thus I don't really care that a Final Fantasy game isn't coming to the Xbox 360. I'm quite content playing -actual- RPGs that are, in fact, GOOD (like Dragon Age).
To be honest, I dont think any one is going to question your thoughts there, anyone and everyone I've spoken to thought ff13 was a steaming pile of shit. and I like the FF series. Or at least I did up until x-2
FF13 is just a terrible starting point, I must say. And yes I know that @Eruanno said he didn't care, but I'm saying so anyway :p


New member
Jan 18, 2010
And nothing of value has been lost.

Oh, yeah. Spoony kicks ass. I laughed my ass out while watching the ff8 review. What a load of crap.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
So, can someone help me to understand this?

Squenix doesn't want to put it on xbox live because of the "closed" enviroment. Closed in this case I'm assuming equalling the fact that you have to pay for it, therefore it's not open to everyone.

But didn't you also have to pay to play XI? I don't know, I had no interest in XI, and I have no interest in XIV. Just curious as to why they're making a big deal.


New member
Dec 14, 2008
ShadowKatt said:
So, can someone help me to understand this?

Squenix doesn't want to put it on xbox live because of the "closed" enviroment. Closed in this case I'm assuming equalling the fact that you have to pay for it, therefore it's not open to everyone.

But didn't you also have to pay to play XI? I don't know, I had no interest in XI, and I have no interest in XIV. Just curious as to why they're making a big deal.
I think they meant "closed" as having something to do with code, not necessarily with a division of players due to subscription fees.


New member
May 27, 2008
guys, "technical differences" without any actual details is code for tech based policy disagreements, usually regarding DRM, distribution or even content.
Which basically means one side or the other made a demand, and they both walked away from the table.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Eh I know exactly what "closed" policy they are referring to.

FFXIV will COST money to play, just like EVERY MMorpg.

The problem is, XBOX Live ALSO costs a price.

So the math becomes the problem... Xbox users would be paying approx. $15 to Square to play the game and $9 to Xbox to play on LIVE.. which means most likely NOBODY is going to play the Xbox version when they can just play the PC or PS3 version for $10 cheaper.

Square probably wanted Xbox to allow a "Free Xbox Live" system around their game so that you can use all the benefits of LIve without paying for a subscription while playing this game.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
The fact that we need an entire wikipedia article devoted to listing all of the final fantasy games simply goes to show that we have far more than anyone could ever need or want.

There is a point where this needs to stop and we have clearly passed it.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
This is good news to me... It means I won't have my dashboard plastered in ads for it like it was when 13 came out.


New member
May 5, 2010
PSU did fine. Its problem was just lack of content. I blame PlayOnline Viewer. That thing ruined my HD. Maybe THEY need to fix their own crap instead. They say you cant play MMOs on the 360. I think its just because they dont bother.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
This is great news! FF was the worst game of all!

All those stereotypes!

That game sucked big time!


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Eldarion said:
Sparrow said:
Eldarion said:
I bet micro$oft wanted to make money of their own off the MMO. The same reason that the xbox version of TF2 doesn't get the updates the PC version does is now why square won't do their MMO at all for them.
Hey, everyone! It's a FANBOY! Gather round, gather round.
You wanna prove me wrong or are you just trolling?
Wait, I'm confused. How did you turn this on me as the one trolling?

WhiteTigerShiro said:
Sparrow said:
Eldarion said:
I bet micro$oft wanted to make money of their own off the MMO. The same reason that the xbox version of TF2 doesn't get the updates the PC version does is now why square won't do their MMO at all for them.
Hey, everyone! It's a FANBOY! Gather round, gather round.
What's the matter? Can't handle the truth behind your beloved console? Face it, he is 100% right.
Christ, they're everywhere!


New member
Aug 12, 2004
JourneyThroughHell said:
After seeing Spoony's preview of it and reading some articles... yeah. I don't think the Xbox users are seriously missing out.
Although that should hurt profits for Microsoft.
A review of a game that was in Alpha stage?

Psh, take the preview with a pinch of salt.

Also, why are people providing their reviews/opinions of FFXIV based on FF13, they are two separate games.

Feeling bad for FFXIV, it appears to be attacked from all sides constantly.


New member
Oct 21, 2009
Sparrow said:
Eldarion said:
Sparrow said:
Eldarion said:
I bet micro$oft wanted to make money of their own off the MMO. The same reason that the xbox version of TF2 doesn't get the updates the PC version does is now why square won't do their MMO at all for them.
Hey, everyone! It's a FANBOY! Gather round, gather round.
You wanna prove me wrong or are you just trolling?
Wait, I'm confused. How did you turn this on me as the one trolling?
your either wilfully ignorant or trolling which is it?

HyenaThePirate said:
Eh I know exactly what "closed" policy they are referring to.

FFXIV will COST money to play, just like EVERY MMorpg.

The problem is, XBOX Live ALSO costs a price.

So the math becomes the problem.
Nah, Microsoft want full control of the games. Want to release DLC or a patch? put it through Microsoft quality control and approval teams. want to allow wider access to the internet or more adresses than Microsoft feels comfortable with? forget it. Want to add new content without give MS a cut? very bad.

Microsoft want to preserve the Xbox environment and feel, they also want to be sure all released product works. that's a closed environment. Sony at least allows companies to put out their patches quickly.

For an MMO putting every patch through approval would be a disaster many have weekly patching for goodness sake.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
This has started becoming a trend since Valve pointed the finger at Microsoft for not allowing them to do the class updates over XBL for free..


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Unrulyhandbag said:
Sparrow said:
Eldarion said:
Sparrow said:
Eldarion said:
I bet micro$oft wanted to make money of their own off the MMO. The same reason that the xbox version of TF2 doesn't get the updates the PC version does is now why square won't do their MMO at all for them.
Hey, everyone! It's a FANBOY! Gather round, gather round.
You wanna prove me wrong or are you just trolling?
Wait, I'm confused. How did you turn this on me as the one trolling?
your either wilfully ignorant or trolling which is it?

HyenaThePirate said:
Eh I know exactly what "closed" policy they are referring to.

FFXIV will COST money to play, just like EVERY MMorpg.

The problem is, XBOX Live ALSO costs a price.

So the math becomes the problem.
Nah, Microsoft want full control of the games. Want to release DLC or a patch? put it through Microsoft quality control and approval teams. want to allow wider access to the internet or more adresses than Microsoft feels comfortable with? forget it. Want to add new content without give MS a cut? very bad.

Microsoft want to preserve the Xbox environment and feel, they also want to be sure all released product works. that's a closed environment. Sony at least allows companies to put out their patches quickly.

For an MMO putting every patch through approval would be a disaster many have weekly patching for goodness sake.
Outlined that way, from a customer experience standpoint, where is the downside?
Microsoft wants to run DLC and patches through their Quality control!? That doesn't sound like a BAD idea to me, rather than just letting anybody run whatever they like. What happens if a patch is released that causes problems beyond the scope of the game? Say, for example, a similar situation that Heavy Rain had with the PS3 where PS3's around the world came a tumbling down? Some companies like square probably wouldn't be of issue, but you never know. If they break something or give you a patch that causes major bugs in your system with or without the game running, that causes problems for Microsoft, so I can certainly justify any position of them sticking to their guns about running patches and such through their teams first. And MMO's don't have necessarily a great track record with patches.. as a PC player i've dealt with LOADS of patches that caused all manner of issues even to my device drivers. When that happens, who do I go to to have it sorted out?

Sony by the way is just as stringent in regards to the PS3. Hell you can't even run LINUX on it anymore. In fact, one of the reasons the PS3 lags in game technology is that Sony demands that games be designed a specific way and to have a hand in themselves. The fact that they've had less issues with dealing with third party developers over something like this is a simple matter of logistics... they don't have as many games in development that aren't with companies staffed by veteran programmers for the system.

So if Microsoft wants a closed environment that demands a certain level of quality for a game, how is that a bad thing? No, I think this all comes down to money quite frankly, as such things always do. It is in Square's best interest to release a version on the xbox 360 considering how large the ownership numbers are for that console... otherwise they'd be stuck trying to release a title to only half a gaming market.. on the one platform that isn't dominating the industry. The PS2 days of being THE system to have are long, long gone. Back in those days, you could release a title for the PS2 exclusively and still be hitting 80% of the gaming market. Now, releasing a title on the PS3 is tantamount to releasing a game only to at BEST half of a potential market, and lets be honest, we all know that an even further half (or more) have no interest in playing a Final Fantasy MMO. Sales will have to rely almost entirely on the PC players to step up to the plate and with a new expansion on the horizon for WoW, that doesn't make for a very promising situation.

Meh, for me money, I'm probably thinking that most likely we'll see an "eleventh hour" save of some sort with an agreement of some kind taking place that allows the game to the xbox360. it might not be at LAUNCH, per se, but eventually, the game will make its way to the Xbox. It has too. There is too much money at stake.