Quad08 said:
poiuppx said:
So... lemme get this straight. Valve is going multiplatform. Bungie is going multiplatform and isn't making more Halo games for the forseeable future. And Square-Enix's next big title is not going to be on the 360.
...um... remind me what the X-Box 360 has going for it right now, cause it's starting to look like they're losing their advantages left and right.
I'm not sure why you mention Valve and Bungie going multiplatform, since both have been devloping for a variety of platforms for awhile now. Valve has been developing games mostly for computer and when the Orange Box was released it was for PC/360/PS3.
Bungie isn't just Halo ether. They actually made a third person shooter called Oni that was released for the PS2 and PC.
What the Xbox has going for it, are games like Crackdown 2, Mass Effect 3 (also for PC), Halo Reach and its new motion control system Kinect.
In response to the news article however, I don't really care. Playing MMO's on my console never interested me, but I guess it's a shame Microsoft isn't willing to be more flexible.
Before I dive in, let me clarify; I was specifically looking at it from a console perspective. Until the day consoles can directly compete in PC's unique markets- ie, long-sustaining MMOs like WoW or immersive RTS games with controls that don't make one's self weep for the lack of a mouse -I don't see them as competing in the same field. It's like comparing the DS to the Wii; they go about things so differently, I can't really see them as direct competitors. More like a five factor's Threat of Substitutes than anything. But I digress.
EA specifically were responsible for the Orange Box seeing PS3 shores; Valve until now has been adamant about their, well, pure undiluted hatred and loathing of the PS3 and its architecture, and quotes coming from them about how hard it is to program for it have been going strong since the system launched. And it's not like they were supporting the version of the Orange Box PS3 owners got on the same level as, well, any other version. To hear them talk of it, you'd assume it was the bastard offspring of a royal family born to a chamber maid or something.
Well aware of Bungie's past- emphasis on past, mind you. My first exposure to them was through one of my favorite FPS games of my youth, Marathon. For those not in the know, it was pretty much the only decent Mac-only FPS. And yes, I played Oni for the PS2 and then the PC. Chiefly because the PS2 version was damn near unplayable given the controls and levels were much more suited to a keyboard and mouse setup. But what has Bungie basically been for a good long while? An X-Box exclusive developer whose games helped save the original system and helped sell the new system. Losing an exclusive advantage like that is hardly something to sneeze at.
I'll definately grant you Mass Effect 3; that series is one of the reasons I intend on looking into the new 360 Slims, along with the Fable games. But Kinect seems a lot more iffy, especially since they can't even seem to get the price straight. And the thing of it is, the loss- again -of a potential MMO is damning for Microsoft since their online service is subscription based. Getting an MMO on there would essentially give them direct revenue for a game they wouldn't have to do much of anything with for upkeep, since that job would fall to Square-Enix. And since it IS a Final Fantasy game, name alone would certainly give them a shot to the revenue bucket early on, even if the game ends up being a pile of dung.
Bottom line is, and I should have been clearer about this in my post, Microsoft is not only losing its competitive advantages over its rivals in the console war, it's actively turning away potential assets and making them exclusive to other sources such as the PC or the PS3. This does not strike me as a recipe for longevity.