Firk you Activision, firk you. Sincerely - Gamers


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Arguably, this model of providing new material on a regular schedule for a successful franchise is how publishers survive. Best example of this ever: Madden.

Your idea here boils down to the nature of the franchise in question. While the idea of games as art is being tossed around, and still fluctuating between some saying that it has been decided, and others saying it will never be decided, there are admittedly different kinds of art. Since they are all in the story-telling bend, lets look at TV and writing for our comparison.

For TV, you have many kinds of broadcasting networks, that each have a different emphasis or goal, but that all require money. Fox achieves its goal by going with ratings. If something has high ratings, it gets run and re-run and remade and spun-off of until well after the cows have left the pasture for the slaughterhouse, never to come home again. And even after the cows have gone to their final home, assuming the rights are owned by Fox or a cooperating company, they'll go so far as to buy new cows to milk, or more accurately, buy new cows to make the same milk again (but with a twist). Consider the style of Fox News for the past 20+ years. It has been reported in that style because that's what sells. Consider series on Fox, like the infamous reality show, compared to Firefly. While that buggered Bachelor program gets remade and redone, and stolen from Britain because they ratings were high, Firefly was something new and interesting they greenlighted and then abandoned when it was not being widely watched.

Now SciFi (or however its spelled nowadays.) They have a simple and dedicated goal. Bring Science Fiction programming to the masses. Bring them Star Trek and Doctor Who. Bring them new Science Fiction series. What's the difference between them and Fox? They are more willing to give new Science Fiction a chance partly because they are cable exclusive, meaning people have to pay to watch their channel in the first place, and partly because they themselves love that genre. Consider that at least half of the people who actually have a cable package that includes SciFi would be willing to keep SciFi in their package no matter what, simply because they love SciFi as a genre. That guaranteed customer base makes them more able to take risks, while their own love of the genre makes them more willing. We are more likely to find art in programming on SciFi than Fox. Surprisingly, ESPN, Discovery, History, HBO, BBC America... almost all cable exclusive channels are the same way. Consider that with BBC America for example, almost every British show that people think will be remotely popular in America gets greenlit there before it touches another channel. And the more successful ones often get carried over to other networks.

Publishers of magazines, novels, serial novels, newspapers... they are different in the same ways, something I know you'll realize looking at it. And magazines and newspapers... when they find that a single author is not being well received, they will start looking for a replacement as soon as they can.

Game publishers are similar... when their ship springs a leak, they need cash to keep their trade going. Now, they are more likely to use that case to plug the holes on bigger ships (bigger franchises) than risk spending it on new, untested ships. But there are some who will take that risk, make a blind buy on a ship they've never sailed.

Now, with EA, I would propose a third option, one that may be unpopular, but could be useful in the long run. Offer Call Of Duty subscriptions. Not just for one game, but for the whole series. Throw the doors open. Say, "Here are all the games in the series. Play what you want, keep what you like, and let us know which you like best so we can make more. You could still have the individual games available for sale, but with subscriptions that give people access to all the games, and maybe even previews of new ones, for a flat monthly fee... that could help them steer their ship where they and we want them to go. I agree, Call of Duty is not art, and part of the reason is how Activision is handling it now. However, MW proved it could be art, provided it's handled correctly. Activision is not a monster, its a miser. Misers can be worked around or reasoned with.

Pedro The Hutt

New member
Apr 1, 2009
crepesack said:
I understand everyone's views but all I see is a consistent answer:

"stop complaining"

If you, a gaming forum, cannot at least try to keep a conversation going that doesn't end with "shut up and take it" then I guess I'll just stop. Mods lock this thread before I make myself seem stupider with my building rage.

I'm going to go write some emails...
I don't think they so much have a problem with what you're saying as how you're phrasing it. If the guys at Extra Credits used your language their show would ~never~ have gotten off the ground because they'd sound like angry fanboys.

Goodness knows what you're a fanboy off but you're definitely angry. And demonising Activision isn't going to help anyone. They're a company on the stock market, they're reliant on shareholders who finance their projects, and the people buying Activision shares know that Call of Duty sells, so that's what they'll write a check for while being more apprehensive for a more unique or artsy project.

Besides, they release good games outside of CoD, most often their Marvel license games are good fun, and every once in a blue moon they'll finance a daring project like Blur (which crashed and burned in the charts but I digress), and frankly, CoD isn't so bad really, sure in terms of originality it will never get high grades, but they're solid multiplayer games and each sequel polishes an already solid experience further.

And finally, it might help to accept Activision for what it is. You won't expect 20th Century Fox to become a bastion of arthouse films, let alone insightful films, they finance and release popcorn flicks, summer blockbusters, streamlined comedies, stuff that is almost guaranteed to draw in a mainstream audience. And surely those have a place in our media as well. I applaud unique and daring games, I regularly get indie games and hold titles like Katamari Damacy, Bayonetta and Okami in very high regard, but I also understand that some gamers actually enjoy "popcorn games", for lack of a better term. They know what to expect out of the game and enjoy it for just that reason.

And if all that is too much for you to stomach, then just call Activision and/or EA a necessary evil of the games industry.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Racecarlock said:
Is this guy for real? I feel like I just read the script to an over-dramatic play. Not to mention he's essentially making the same points that members of this site have agreed upon since its birth. He's not going to get anywhere with this because he's essentially preaching to the choir.
May be time the choir stands up, preaches back, and provides some constructive ideas. Perhaps if enough engage in a dialogue, an agreement can be reached, and maybe even a compromise the Vatican would be willing to hear. If you know what I mean.


New member
Dec 22, 2007
Certainly sounds rantish. Don't try and dress it up, if you're pissed off, say so. Trying to down-play the fact that you're ranting just makes you lose credibility.

OT: I played MW1. It was decent. But I don't like online shooters, except the odd Halo mach every 6 months or so. Haven't played any of the big shooters since. And don't think I will. Their level of "maturity" seems to be "swear words, guns, and big explosions." I'd like a truly mature shooter, one that really gets deep into the horrors of war, and explores the idea of the effects of battle on the people fighting it. But I'm not too hopeful, not while Gun-wank 17 continues to sell 50 million copies.


New member
May 21, 2009
They've been "corrupt" for the past 5 years. This rant is late.

Honestly, I think they have a small conscious. They haven't started charging for Call of Duty yet.


New member
Jun 16, 2011
crepesack said:
This isn't a rant. This isn't rage fueled bloody verbal diarrhea.
LIEZ! This is exactly that.

It's a long drawn out rant about how you hate Activision because Hackers in CoD are ruining your fun.

The fault is with Punkbuster more than Activision, they're the ones responsible for dealing with Hackers in CoD.

If you really want to stop worrying about Hackers find a server with an active Admin and Kill cam on, or better yet play a better game.

Now quit yer bitchin'


New member
Jul 9, 2008
They could name the game Modern warfare 4 "more of the same" and the game would be the same as the last in every aspect except they threw together another crappy SP and include the last games map packs in it and it would still sell stupid ammounts


New member
Feb 1, 2011
zalphos said:
I feel an incredible amount of hate coming from this board.

While I agree with OP, I can see where a lot of you people are coming from.
Yes CoD is successful and saying it makes a lot of money (probably than it should but that's my opinion) is like saying the ocean is a little wet. And yes...Activision has every right to keep pumping them out because people will buy it no matter what.

The problem I have with it is that they're going through all the trouble making the same game over and over instead of just releasing DLC, or some expansions to the game.

MW2 has sold more copies than there are people with electricity, and a large percentage of those people that have it, would put down 15-20$ for a map pack even if it's 3 maps the day they would come out. So what they could do instead of spending all their money making MW3-7 they could increase the longevity of MW2 by say adding new guns or a perk pack or hell a new gameplay mode (look at DOTA).

I think that is what OP is trying to get at. I can see where he's coming from that it can seem like they don't care by making fans pat $60 for seemingly the game they just bought 2 years ago...twice...

Obviously there does need to come a time where they move on to bigger and better things, but look at halo. Bungie had halo2 servers running until almost halo reach came out...and that was 2 games later. Now they didn't update it, but they did keep things running, I can't say for the MW games because I don't play them...

Unfortunately...big companies do like money, who can blame them, so they keep making new games which is better than nothing I suppose...
I agree, and not sure if you read my prior post, but I do offer a possible solution. Bring out series subscriptions. A little weird, I know, but consider it a flat rate for the whole series, where players can download even all the installments and keep the ones they like best, while every month or so Activision turns out new DLC to add (now for free) and a new installment every year. Run it like cable packages... Campaign packages, co-op packages, zombie packages, versus packages... the list goes on. Does not have to be expensive, even for everything all together. People buy and subscribe to what they like... if the story subscriptions start going down, they know they need to update or improve the content there. Same with multiplayer or zombies.

Crazy idea, eh?

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
crepesack said:
snippity snip

I couldn't help but to imagine the voice of Andrew Ryan while I was reading this.

Although, you're right, COD 4 was the peak of the series and I still love that game for what it is and also the end line that the franchise itself drew in the ground, from being a respectable and even great franchise to being a shell of it's former self.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Please don't speak for all gamers, only speak for yourself. Clearly, a good number of gamers enjoy the products released by Activision.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
PureIrony said:
Fine, the melodrama can be forgiven, despite the lack of explanation on firk.
Firk: Shakespearian-age version of the modern F-word completely ignored by censors, critics, and spellcheck, mostly because it has been forgotten by all but people who actually read Shakespeare. BTW, Shakespeare loved using it.

EDIT: Oh, mods too. Mods completely ignore or don't pick up on it immediately. So either trying to be clever, or protecting his posterior. I believe you know which I think.

Troublesome Lagomorph

The Deadliest Bunny
May 26, 2009
crepesack said:
The kind that disrespects its most loyal customers in exchange for fresher blood, unjaded by its own wretched practices.
This would also throw in some one big companies.

And by others, I dare say, MOST. So no, activision isn't the only problem. Its a part of it, but its a problem with the gaming industry as a whole.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Well, I really couldn't care less about COD games, really, but uhh...yeah. You think they're the only ones? Heh, look around. Do you know how much this is with EA sports? Uhhhh...ALL OF IT. I don't really care about those either, but I notice these things. Happens alot, and for no reason. Hell, do Nintendo games count as this? I wonder. Or guys have seen that there's going to be more Halo on the rise. What say you, Halo fans? You gonna want to see this happen to your favorite franchise? It's everywhere else.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
crepesack said:
EDIT: YES this is melodramatic. YES that was on purpose. It was sort of a parody on a hyperbolic and stoic speech. YES it was an attempt at humor. YES it sorta failed. YES I want you to stop saying how over dramatic I'm being. Thanks.
I had hoped that if I point out that acting ridiculous and later claiming "that was satire!" would be transparent to everyone and that fewer people would try it. I had hoped that when other posters joined me in likening Duke Nukem to the Wayans brothers and pointing out that merely referencing something or embodying a stereotype is not at all the same thing as parodying something. Today, I was hopeful that after Yahztee echoed these exact points, damned near verbatim (you can look through my profiles for any posts made on Duke Nukem threads within the past 2 weeks, if you don't believe me), that more people would begin to understand satire.

Apparently, I was wrong. For future reference, you can open up another tab if you want to be sure of what melodramatic, parody, hyperbolic and stoic mean (they don't all go together; some actually contradict each other), or you can use what teachers call context clues. This will save you from calling the cast of Jersey Shore "pedantic."

The OP was incredibly long and prefaced with "I'm not being dramatic" (paraphrased-if you're unfamiliar with the term, please look it up before you claim that I misquoted you) before it became ungodly hyperbolic and melodramatic (you were right there), and what's worse, it was queeny about a topic that's been raked through the mud, buried, dug up and beat once again (see, that's not exaggeration - I'm putting my own spin on a cliche). There have been several threads just in the past 24 hours by people who are tired of Call of Duty threads, tired of people claiming that Fox News will end video games forever, tired of people claiming that the WBC will somehow ruin My Little Pony, and most of all tired of people who not only fail to use the searchbar but then proceed to get hyperdramatic (and melobolic? Maybe not) in regurgitating what has already been said quite literally over 1,000 times on the Escapist just this year. I truly don't mean this as an insult, but does not failure to form an original thought on this level bother you? You literally are boldly going where a thousand men have gone before. Did that not tell you that the creation of this thread isn't going to impact Activision at all?


New member
Oct 20, 2009
octafish said:
Actiwho? I think you mean Ubisoft, I mean they killed Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six, and Splinter Cell, and now they are letting Gearbox destroy Brothers in Arms. I mean they actually put someone who is on the record as saying he hated the Splinter Cell games in charge of Conviction. I'm not even going to start on their DRM. Activision have a lot of catching up to do if they are going to catch up with Ubisoft.

Oh and Ubisoft don't hate their customers they just don't care a tinker's cuss about them and want someone else's customers more.
You forgot to mention Prince of Persia: So Patronizingly Simple You Can't Die.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
While I agree that Activision aren't the best of companies what I will say is this.

Just because a company drops support for a game doesn't make them monsters, they're busy people and I certainly can't demonise...Valve because there's a few un-patched glitches in the first Half Life.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
crepesack said:
Racecarlock said:
Is this guy for real? I feel like I just read the script to an over-dramatic play. Not to mention he's essentially making the same points that members of this site have agreed upon since its birth. He's not going to get anywhere with this because he's essentially preaching to the choir.
Then do something about it. I don't understand why people keep saying "We all know this now shut up and take the ass gaping" or say "You shouldn't complain they're some big faceless corporation." It's this mindset that's slowing us down! It's this mindset that's letting them take advantage of us.

And at the above person. No I don't mean that I'm speaking for all gamers but the consensus seems to be clear: Publishers are assholes that disrespect gamers and games in exchange for money. My rant is just focusing on Activision but it's obvious that most publishers are just disassembling this genre of entertainment for some quick bucks.
Um, is THIS supposed to be satire as well? I'm telling you this not to silence you or patronize you, but because if you do what I suggest I honestly think you'll feel better.

Calm down. Breath. Stop seeing yourself as an iconoclast persecuted by an omnipressant entity. You quite literally will live longer.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
How much do y'all bet that when they do get off work (after 13 days straight, at the end of a 70-hour work week and a 13-hour day), and they all go out for drinks, that just as honest, principled lawyers do, video game developers crack jokes about being considered Satan by wide swaths of the gaming populace?

Please, take me up on this, the dividends would be enough to fly me to New Zealand.

Double A

New member
Jul 29, 2009
"Fuck" is spelled with a "u," not an "i."

I'd probably agree with you if I bothered to read more than the first paragraph. Actually, to be honest, I stopped reading when you claimed your rant wasn't a rant.

Anyway, fuck Activision. They're a bunch of dicks, especially for suing their own employees (anyone else remember that? Huh?). Of course, there's nothing to be done about them right now, mostly because I'm 17. So 18-plus-year-olds, enjoy continuing to not take them down without me.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
Yeah! How dare they drop support for Call of Duty(1) years before CoD4 came out?! We could all still be playing that game instead of this new-fangled Modern Warfare crap!

Wait, what? You've never played the original Call of Duty? It figures.