Fitness Company Sues Nintendo


New member
Sep 2, 2007
Random Bobcat said:
Americans are sue happy beyond belief.
Want to back that statement up with some facts?

I thought not, being as it's simply a false negative stereotype.

Sure lawsuit abuse exits, but it is also fairly big news, and I don't even see a monthly story about it. Most stories you do hear about are false urban legends, and real cases where the damages where played down, the infamous McDonalds hot coffee case being an example of the latter.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
you know this reminds me of king kong and donkey kong sue thing but this well I actually hope they win because if they made it and they patented it and showed it to nintendo before they made theres....Well I lost my train of thought.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
manaman said:
Random Bobcat said:
Americans are sue happy beyond belief.
Want to back that statement up with some facts?

I thought not, being as it's simply a false negative stereotype.

Sure lawsuit abuse exits, but it is also fairly big news, and I don't even see a monthly story about it. Most stories you do hear about are false urban legends, and real cases where the damages where played down, the infamous McDonalds hot coffee case being an example of the latter.
With the way drivers are getting incredibly impatient and bold when it comes to crosswalks at the university I go to, I'll either end up maimed and suing the pants of someone, or dead.

Several times when I was coming back from class, I entered a crosswalk when I just saw a car stop at a stop sign and then when I was halfway through the crosswalk I got the crap scared out of me when the car rushed by in front of me with my feet maybe at the most eight inches from the car tires. Other times when I was going to class as I was crossing with several people, drivers would quickly inch forward to the point where they were practically trying to push people out of the way with their bumpers. During one of those times, one guy inched forward and stopped about three inches from my thigh. If I didn't think I would get sued for damaging a person's car, the next time that happened, I would punch a dent into the hood of the next car that did it.

I'm guessing that they don't teach in drivers ed anymore, that the pedestrian always has the right of way. They're probably teaching that pedestrians equal 100 points.

On the Nintendo matter. When will little twerp companies learn that if you mess with Nintendo, you get burned.


Likes Turtles
Nov 16, 2008
Good old America, the land of lawsuits.

Outrageous and retarded, but unfortunately just another dash of free publicity for those too cheap to purchase billboards.

Hopefully they receive more hate then they do interest with this attention getting.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Go outside, ask some random person about IA Labs, chances are, the general response might be "What's an IA Labs?"

When you're fighting against something more than three times bigger than you, it's alright to tell yourself you'll win, but it's even better to start running.

Unhappy Crow

New member
Mar 14, 2010
Man. This is a big effing deal. This is like the fourth time I heard about this.
I doubt Nintendo will lose.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
{ The patents behind the lawsuit are "Computer interactive isometric exercise system and method for operatively interconnecting the exercise system to a computer system for use as a peripheral" and "Force measurement system for an isometric exercise device". }, that fitness company must've really enjoyed using their pocket dictionary for that one. I can just imagine the lawyers looking at that and going, "...WHAT!?"

But's this sort of thing that just causes me to make a palm imprint on my forehead and promptly shake my head in pity of people like this. Of me, copyrighting something that's this basic and easy to think of just seems sorta silly. It'd be like claiming copyright infringement on the idea of the skateboard, for example.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Oh great, another "Yours was successful and mind wasn't so I'm going to sue" lawsuit. Damn it I hate those!
Funny how they don't come out of obscurity with the lawyers until AFTER the thing is successful. I think this is where patent and copyright laws have gotten out of control. Also burn lawyers at stake!
Somehow this whole sue-happy culture makes me think that society has been reduced to that of an Elementary School playground where no one can solve their own problems without running to the "teacher", the teacher being the lawyers.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
Gauntes said:
wouldn't this be like trying to smash a boulder with an egg?
No, it's more like the egg took out a gun and shot itself in the......face? because it just realized it has to fight a boulder tomorrow.
........this thread is missing something...I just can't put my finger on-WAIT! I KNOW!

There we go!


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
People suing over seeing people naked in their own homes, People suing people for looking at them funny, and suing people that have something that has a slight resemblance to yours.

Where is all this greed coming from? Probably the economy.
3 words can explain it. Because they can. It is like buying a lottery ticket. Sure the odds are stacked against you but wouldn't it be nice to snag that jackpot?


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Nintendo doesn't bring lawyers to lawsuit cases. They bring Link, Samus, and Pikachu; if you don't drop your BS claims, those three are getting let of their leashes.

....Samus with a lea- never mind....


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Mr. Mike said:
Sorry if I'm reading into this a bit much, but where is this sue-happy nature coming from? Are people unable to stand on their own two feet without having to mooch off a larger company in the hopes of getting more money? This all links back to the fact that man has become more and more obssessed with greed and wealth than ever before. It's ridiculous. Such is society these days.

People need to learn to be content with what they have. If you want something, earn it. Don't try to leech another company's hard-earned money.
Why work hard when you can leach off someone else?

Snow Fire

Fluffy Neko Kemono
Jan 19, 2009
Low Key said:
They aren't really violating copyright until they release said product. Plus, there wouldn't be much point in suing over an unsuccessful product, not that Nintendo knows how to make those kind.
In response to the boldface text, two words, virtual boy.

As for the lawsuit, it is amazing that some company is trying to pull this, some people just have a need for pointless lawsuits.