Five Great Movies About Videogames


New member
May 15, 2009
I have seen Avalon and I have to say, it was one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen. It's probably the finest example of pure visual storytelling I can recall seeing in film. If anyone ever tells you that a good movie can't consist of visuals alone, ask them if they've seen Avalon.

Hurr Durr Derp

New member
Apr 8, 2009
Very cool list, except that I never really understood the appeal of The Last Starfighter. Sure, the premise is awesome, but the execution is... lame. Just plain lame. The dialogues were especially bad. I guess I'll have to blame it on seeing it too late and it would've been a lot more impressive if I had seen it at the time of its release, but by the time I did see it all I could think was "This is it?"

Tron is awesome no matter what, ExistenZ is shamefully underrated, and Wargames is a great movie even without the gamer/hacker angle. I'm afraid I've never seen The Wizard. Might have to remedy that.

Dirty Apple

New member
Apr 24, 2008
True Nero said:
the last starfighter was a great film. numerous times after watching it did i dream of something similar happening to me. the biggest tragedy was that they set this film up PERFECTLY for a sequel and they never made one.
I cannot emphasize the following "THIS" enough. Of all of these movies, The Last Starfighter deserves a sequel the most. Yes, that includes Tron. The premise was original, the dialogue was funny, and the vicarious feelings that it imparts on any gamer that watches it are palpable. The only thing I'll nitpick is more of an esthetic issue than anything. Which costume designer decided that the Rylans should have a George Costanza/ Dominican Monk hairdo?? So goofy.

Edit: Found this link afterwords and thought I would share it:


New member
Jul 15, 2009
The Wizard was really sweet, but then it was the first video game movie I ever saw.

I think Tron is my favorite though.


New member
Dec 11, 2008
I haven't seen to many video game based movies. That being said I'm going with Super Mario Brothers, I was like 8 when I saw it so no matter what anyone says now it will remain in my head as a classic. Oh nostalgia, how I love you.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
It is very difficult to transfer a story from one medium to another. Hell, they even have a hard time making quality Star Trek movies and video games. People just need to face the fact that one medium is not necessarily relevant to another.

You don't often see a movie on the radio, or a song in a book. That sounds stupid rite?

So, why do people expect the two latest mediums to mesh so well this early in the game?

Just my two cents.

Dr. Dan Challis

New member
Sep 18, 2009
Even to someone who grew up with them Tron and The Last Starfighter are pretty crappy movies. Existenz is definitely lesser Cronenberg but is still totally worth watching. It and Wargames are the only genuinely good movies on that list.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Hmm, a lot of ground already covered, but to be brief:

The Last Starfighter was my absolute favourite film in my youth, and I still remember it fondly. I don't so much want a sequel, as a proper remake/update for today, which is what I'm hoping that IMDB link above is referring to (but if you can pull off both, like Tron 2.0 appears to be going for, that's cool too).

eXistenZ wasn't Cronenburg's greatest, no, but mediocrity from a genius is still better than most dreck out there. This was basically trying to redo Videodrome for interactive entertainment, while throwing in some "artist as martyr" themes as well (inspired by his friend Salman Rushdie and Cronenburg's own massive persecution complex).

Avalon: I know Oshii always builds to a big mindscrew philosophical diatribe by the third act, and I still consider the plot of the first Patlabor movie to have one of the best Xanatos Gambits ever, but Avalon kind of lost me at the end. Which is too bad--I thought it had a great premise, and the cinematography was fantastic. (Having authentic Soviet war machines for the opening battle sequence courtesy of the Polish Army greatly pleased the adolescent 80s action movie fan.)

As long as we're talking movies with video game inspirations, clearly the titular course in last year's Death Race has the whole combat racing game with weapon powerups going on. I thought that part was pretty clever, even if the rest of the movie lacked the humour, fun and soul of the original. Still, I'll pretty much watch Jason Statham kick ass in anything.


Intolerable Bore
Dec 24, 2009
Bob Chipman, I both respect an pity you: a film critic plying his trade on a website by and for the videogaming industry, trying not to stick out like a sore thumb.

I love your stuff, you're smart, funny, and you earnestly love and know your craft, but damn if it isn't obvious that you just don't fit very well here.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
I have always wanted to see Tron. Unfortunately my video store never has it around for rental. I have played a couple Tron games on Atari though.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
GrandmaFunk said:
Resident Evil and Advent Children are probably the better "based on a video game" movies.

tho Advent is probably lost on non-ff7 fans.
The problem with the resident evil films is that the games were created in the first place to be the game version of a Romero film. Taking that and turning it into a movie means you've just got a lesser quality Romero movie.


"Breathe Deep, Seek Peace"
Sep 28, 2009
The Last Starfighter for the win! I also added existenz to my netflix.


New member
May 21, 2008
Pipotchi said:
What about The King of Kong? that was a great Videogame related movie
It was more a documentary. That doesn't make it any less interesting or awesome though.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
I respect Tron, but didn't find it too entertaining (Reboot on the other hand...ah, good memories). The only reason it's getting a sequel is because Kingdom Hearts 2 introduced a new generation to the characters.

Samurai Goomba

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Oct 7, 2008
Always good to see more good press for ExistenZ. I saw that movie as part of an SF Lit class, then had to see it again. It's a great film, and it was also the point at which I realized Jude Law is an awesome actor. I have no wavered in that opinion-the man's been great in everything I've seen him in. He has made some movies just by virtue of rocking so hard.

Falseprophet said:
first Patlabor movie
Also nice to see the Patlabor movies get brought up by someone who isn't me. The first is definitely superior, but I find both movies excellent. What I like most about them is how they play with perceptions, both of anime in general and giant mech shows specifically.

It's also funny (and cool) to see films animated when they would have worked just as well as live-action movies. It shows the choice of medium was deliberate and purposeful, rather than going with an anime style in order to tell an anime story (usually some crazy plotline that makes no sense and has a bunch of filler).

I like anime, I just think it should be held to the same literary standard as other animated and non-animated films.

dante brevity

New member
Apr 15, 2009
Good article, and good movies all. But, Bob, din't you lift most of the text from this article straight from your own review of "Gamer"? Looks like someone didn't want to do their homework this week...