Five Great Movies About Videogames


Beware of Snow Giraffes
Jun 13, 2009
I like the list, well chosen, have to say i love eXistenZ
The_root_of_all_evil said:
T.R.O.N. should have been number one. Being the only game movie to spawn the game from the movie.
Not only that but also a movie game that didnt suck. Double hit

300lb. Samoan

New member
Mar 25, 2009
Really sad to report that only one of those films is available streaming on Netflix, and it's WarGames. Great movie, I've seen it recently. The others I haven't and I was really looking forward to watching them, but I'll have to wait for them by mail. SUCKS. I'll just have to watch WarGames and The Matrix back-to-back and fill the rest of the time with some TF2, which is enough hero-fulfillment for me by any measure.

300lb. Samoan

New member
Mar 25, 2009
TheRocketeer said:
Bob Chipman, I both respect an pity you: a film critic plying his trade on a website by and for the videogaming industry, trying not to stick out like a sore thumb.

I love your stuff, you're smart, funny, and you earnestly love and know your craft, but damn if it isn't obvious that you just don't fit very well here.
Did you know that Movie Bob also does a series called "The Game Overthinker" on another website []? Don't pity the man, it looks like he's got his plate full with both of his passions. I figured I'd mention it so Bob doesn't have to.


New member
May 28, 2009
[quote="TheyTookOurJobs" post="6.177632.5122493"
You also forgot Pokemon: The First Movie.[/quote]
This should have been number 1. It will always be my favorite movie of all time. Well, at least until I watch the movies on this list.


New member
Mar 18, 2008
Holy crap, I've been trying to remember what eXistenZ was called for like, five years. Thank you!


New member
May 1, 2009
hmm, I seem to be missing the movies based on games. I thought that was the point, not movies 'featuring' video games.


New member
Jan 30, 2008
I've seen all of those except eXistenZ. I was thinking about checking it out, but then someone brought up Naked Lunch. That movie made me scratch my head and wish I was doing something else. So maybe I'll just stick to the others. Three, that I loved and still watch.

You know, The Neverending Story and The Last Starfighter came out the same year? When I think of the movies of my childhood, those two pop up first.


Intolerable Bore
Dec 24, 2009
300lb. Samoan said:
TheRocketeer said:
Bob Chipman, I both respect an pity you: a film critic plying his trade on a website by and for the videogaming industry, trying not to stick out like a sore thumb.

I love your stuff, you're smart, funny, and you earnestly love and know your craft, but damn if it isn't obvious that you just don't fit very well here.
Did you know that Movie Bob also does a series called "The Game Overthinker" on another website []? Don't pity the man, it looks like he's got his plate full with both of his passions. I figured I'd mention it so Bob doesn't have to.
Please understand, I don't mean to imply what he's doing is silly or in any way not awesome, or that he would be doing the column at all on this site if he didn't have some kind of knowledge or appreciation of gaming, which, in hindsight, I took for granted without any real hard proof. But his video series and column really do fail to jibe with the whole rest of the site, and I'm certain that it isn't doing him any favors as far as viewer- and readership is concerned. Which is a shame.

And no, I didn't know he did that other series, but I'll certainly check that out. Thanks!


New member
Jul 13, 2008
The Great JT said:
It's not movies ABOUT video games that always suck, it's movies BASED on video games that always suck.

Sad fact, I'm afraid. But like you said in the Transformers: Revenge of the Suck review, there is potential for a good movie in anything. The idea is in there for video game movies, it's just poorly executed.
I would qualify that to most LIVE ACTION movies based on video games suck. Animated movies and TV series have been more hit or miss.


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
uppitycracker said:
Movies about video games aren't necessarily always bad, it's the movies based off of video games that seem to disappoint every single time. Those are some great ones you got there, though.
Not necessarily. The Resident Evil movies were brilliant, as long as you don't try to fit them into the canon of the games. Which is silly anyway because they are specifically set in an alternate continuity. But yeah, the Resident Evil movies were great. And I really enjoyed Final Fantasy: Advent Children, though admittedly that wasn't based on a game per se, but rather it was an extension of the story and a sequel of sorts. And aside from being waist deep in the river that flows through the Uncanny Valley, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within was also quite good.

My point is, that films based on games aren't necessarily bad. People turn around and say they are because they draw too many parallels between films and games, and gamers maintain that films based on their favourite games can't be good because the mediums of telling the story are completely different. But if you just take an objective viewpoint and stop comparing the different ways of telling the story, then films based on games are generally at the very least not that bad.

Although Uwe Boll is still a crap film-maker.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Trivun said:
uppitycracker said:
Movies about video games aren't necessarily always bad, it's the movies based off of video games that seem to disappoint every single time. Those are some great ones you got there, though.
Not necessarily. The Resident Evil movies were brilliant, as long as you don't try to fit them into the canon of the games. Which is silly anyway because they are specifically set in an alternate continuity. But yeah, the Resident Evil movies were great. And I really enjoyed Final Fantasy: Advent Children, though admittedly that wasn't based on a game per se, but rather it was an extension of the story and a sequel of sorts. And aside from being waist deep in the river that flows through the Uncanny Valley, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within was also quite good.

My point is, that films based on games aren't necessarily bad. People turn around and say they are because they draw too many parallels between films and games, and gamers maintain that films based on their favourite games can't be good because the mediums of telling the story are completely different. But if you just take an objective viewpoint and stop comparing the different ways of telling the story, then films based on games are generally at the very least not that bad.

Although Uwe Boll is still a crap film-maker.
Trust me when I say, I look at game adaptations with an unbiased view. Unfortunately, everything I've seen has been nothing but crap so far. The first Resident Evil film was okay at best. I couldn't even begin to compare it to the games, because I could never get a handle on the mechanics enough to ever enjoy them. What I saw was a mediocre story, that eventually spiraled into a poor attempt at a series. The second RE film was by far the worst, with the third taking the story into such a ridiculous direction, I don't plan on wasting my time with another one, despite how many naked Mila's they can fit into it.

The Final Fantasy: Advent Children movie I never actually saw, but I will say the Spirits Within was a decent story, if you don't look at it as a Final Fantasy movie. I guess my point is, where they've tried to take the actual concepts (not just use the names for a completely different, unrelated story) from video games, it has fallen flat. Max Payne was a joke, Hitman was alright, but looks like it should have been a Michael Bay film and really had very little to do with the Hitman games, much less a story about an anonymous assassin, and hell even the Super Mario Bros. movie way back when was more of a joke than anything.

The problem with these movies, in my eyes, is the direction taken of "Lets make this more Hollywood". Kinda hard to expect them to do something different, I know, but one thing about gaming is that the stories are not your typical Hollywood cut-out stories, which is part of what is so compelling about them. If they could remove these elements that every single Hollywood movie seems to require, then I think we'd see quite a bit more success.

Oh, and I wholeheartedly agree with your Uwe Boll comment. That practically goes without saying ;)


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Perhaps I'm just a fan boy or on drugs but the Silent Hill movie wasn't terrible to me... It was actually quite good and captured the atmosphere of Silent Hill.
Then again the movies mentioned were before my time so I'm just a young whippersnapper.

In Limbo

New member
Nov 4, 2008
More Fun To Compute said:
Frybird said:
It's one thing if a film is weird, but another if the plot goes nowhere other than a BIIIG STORY TWIST that almost seemed like a excuse for the plot going nowhere.
A big story twist that whole movie was a foreshadowing of. Right.

And if the Dialogues are horrible.
Which is a very accurate aside about how horrible the dialogue is/was in games.

And it proves to have as much knowledge about videogames as other films have when they show a kid wildly swinging around a Playstation 2 Controller with 8-bit "boop-be-doop" sounds (Made even worse by the constant "I'm a Game Designer!" Lines).
It is a science fiction film so of course the technology is nothing like real technology. eXistZ is about drama management AI and virtual reality that is as convincing as reality. Two technologies that people who are into games should know about but are not even attempted by most games and may not even be technically possible to do well in 50 years time. The film is about players dropped into a realistic dramatic role playing game having no idea what they are doing. They say stupid things that they think their character's might say, "I'm a superstar game designer, guh huh." They have inconsistent and bizarre motivations that would have a dungeon master rolling his eyes and the game AI struggles to cope with them.

I like Cronenberg, but for things like Eastern Promises, History of Violence and The Fly (one of the best horror movies ever made). But even when you compare it to stuff like Naked Lunch, eXistenZ is STILL pretty unremarkable and tame.
It may not be his best film but it is still a lot better than the best of the rest in this narrow criteria.
I just watched eXistenZ and I really liked it. Some of the writing and execution felt a bit off, but you could explain that as it being set in a game with poor writing and execution. It's a great art film, but I can understand why people don't like it. I prefer it to The Last Starfighter, personally. Jude Law's in-game Canadian accent was priceless.

More Fun To Compute

New member
Nov 18, 2008
In Limbo said:
Jude Law's in-game Canadian accent was priceless.
I'm not a big fan of Jude Law but what I did like was how at the start of the film I was thinking his accent was Mary Poppins terrible then at the end he was using a normal accent.


New member
May 20, 2009
Exisistenz was one of the best movies I have ever seen. Very creepy and screwed up but amazing.


New member
Feb 20, 2009

the Wizard?

these are terrible movies

seriously, mortal kombat would have been a much better choice, I wouldn't call it good, but it's miles better then these two pics