For those been in a few fights or martial artists-


New member
Jul 2, 2008
Its a method i was taught to use, and i tend to always use in fights unless i get mad...

Disarm. If they have a weapon get it away from them fast, twisting it away from them or injuring the arm works.
Then once there is no threat of being stabbed, you move on to the second point.

Subdue. Once someone is subdued they can calm down, if they won't calm down keeping them pinned long enough will humiliate them enough to want to retreat else risk losing face.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
Take out their knees. Quickest solution to most fights. As they hit the ground, put a foot on their throat.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
BlakBladz said:
Im a studying martial artist (4 years now) and ive been in more then my fair share of fights, but my question is, how do you defeat the helicopter fighters-the psychos, the ones that are angry nd dont have anything to lose. They swing nd swing more often then not with a weapon.
How do you overcome these people without waiting for them to tire out?

Please dont say something along the lines of "avoid all fights" or "use a gun" or anything to that equivalent.

From A (meaning 1) past experience i was badly hit though i was extremely lucky nd got a punch in that knocked him out.
Intercept a wild swing with a deadarm, then take the person down. Or break his elbow with an arm-bar. I have been doing martial arts for 12 years now. Also, try taking a hapkido/ju-jitsu/judo class(es) at some point. They'll help a bunch.


New member
Jan 28, 2010
BlakBladz said:
Im a studying martial artist (4 years now) and ive been in more then my fair share of fights, but my question is, how do you defeat the helicopter fighters-the psychos, the ones that are angry nd dont have anything to lose. They swing nd swing more often then not with a weapon.
How do you overcome these people without waiting for them to tire out?

Please dont say something along the lines of "avoid all fights" or "use a gun" or anything to that equivalent.

From A (meaning 1) past experience i was badly hit though i was extremely lucky nd got a punch in that knocked him out.
It really depends which way they are swinging and which weapon they are using. Is there a particular weapon these pyschos use?


New member
Mar 7, 2009
Montydew said:
BlakBladz said:
Im a studying martial artist (4 years now) and ive been in more then my fair share of fights, but my question is, how do you defeat the helicopter fighters-the psychos, the ones that are angry nd dont have anything to lose. They swing nd swing more often then not with a weapon.
How do you overcome these people without waiting for them to tire out?

Please dont say something along the lines of "avoid all fights" or "use a gun" or anything to that equivalent.

From A (meaning 1) past experience i was badly hit though i was extremely lucky nd got a punch in that knocked him out.
It really depends which way they are swinging and which weapon they are using. Is there a particular weapon these pyschos use?
no. its purely dependent on situation (im assuming). I was hit with a crowbar though.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
No idea, but in my situation I'd throw a handful of change at them (it's very distracting, especially if drunk), then either run away or charge low trying to grab behind their kneecaps while pulling forward, hopefully knocking them on their back, so I can run or beat/choke hold them while they're down (only if in a severe danger can't escape scenario).

Edit: Didn't realise we were discussing if they had a weapon. I'd be doing an awful lot more running, but I still stand by my plan to throw coins (hopefuly they'll try to shield them self from them, it's a hard wired reflex in most people including myself if someone throws stuff at me) and go for the tackle while they're distracted keeping an eye on the weapon.

A pocketful of spare change is an easy and subtle aid in self defense.