For those been in a few fights or martial artists-


New member
Jul 10, 2009
I find it best to avoid their attacks by defending the centre of my body, avioding the main blows, and using their own centre of gravity against them so they can`t hit me. They will soon tire of this, and then we talk it out. But to do this you have to be fast, skilled, relaxed and just plain lucky.

It this stragety fails, I will pull them into a hold using their arms, so stuggling will result in a broken wrist, this has been quite effective n the past but you have to pull it off fast.

I never hit people if I can manage it.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Relax, get some distance and get them on the ground or grab their arms as they punch and throw them against a wall. Just, you know, chillax.


New member
Oct 1, 2008
I'm one of the types of martial artists that a lot of people make fun of... the type that's been obessed with the arts my whole life... and while primarily I study and teach Shaolin Kung Fu I also have taken and teach Karate, Wing Chun, Kenpo, Thai Boxing, Savate, Ba Gua, Tsing Yi, Systema, Capoeira, Ninjutsu and Jiu Jutsu. (And, in case you're wondering... no, I have no life. Ha)

When someone is a whirlwind fighter, meaning they're flailing around wildly and probably don't care much about pain you may inflict or even if their injured, I've found that attacking their head or torso is usually not a good idea. Whirlwind fighters will punch, kick, claw, bite, or tear whatever they can, and trying to grapple with them is usually the WORST idea.

However, it's been my observation that westerners (who grow up equating fighting to boxing) rarely think about using their legs, and even more importantly, rarely think about DEFENDING their legs. It's becoming a little more common now to do so, because of UFC and MMA, but it's not often that whirlwind fighters think along those lines.

So, my advice is to attack their legs with whatever kicks you're most comfortable with. A hard, straight kick to a point about two inches above or below their knees will break or hyper-extend their knee. If you're more comfortable throwing round kicks, a fast stinging kick to the inside of their thighs is often an attention-getter, which may cause them to pause long enough for you to perform a fight-ending technique to the head or torso.

I wouldn't try sweeping them for two reasons. One, if they're in a state that they don't care about injury, they'll continue fighting even on the ground, only now their legs are free to kick wildly as well. Two, if you happen to miss or take too long to make it work, your back or sides are wide open to whatever sadistic punishments they're trying to dish out.

I realize I rambled a bit, but I hope this helps.


New member
Mar 7, 2009
the_maestro_sartori said:
good point, what martial art "are" you studying atm BlakBladz?
At the moment, ive just started ninjutsu after doing muay thai for 2 nd a half years nd kung fu before. i only claim 4 years in an actual dojo styled area with a teacher. before then was self taught aswell. I have also gone to great lengths to find a place to study that hasnt been destroyed by retards nd commercial property or being sports orientated either. So im learning the full real thing at the moment.

I have been reading through all this, and much obliged to all who responded. This thread was made to feed curiosity as i couldnt figure on fighting someone who's that psycho or pissed off, I have also read that im not doing something right or learning the correct thing if ive been doing this for a while nd i still dont know. Well ive only been in the situation once and nobodies perfect. When you lose, you learn what you're doing wrong. When you win, you know what can be improved upon. am i right?


New member
Mar 3, 2009
Either run, or take them down.
I've never been in a real fight, got beaten once when i was out drinking, but since i didn't really fight back i guess that doesn't count. A few months ago i started practicing ninjutsu, so i'm not a seasoned martial artist eitehr, i'm still a white belt.

Side/backstep and deflect a blow if neccecery, then attack their balance with some sort of sweep kick, or a stomping kinda kick to the knee form teh front/side, then might end up on the ground (possibly with a broken knee/dislocated kneecap) and you should have the upper hand.
Don't use locks that function just by pain if they'r head-less nothing to loose types (coke + alchohol = no response to pain), use locks that work by breaking bones of your opponent struggles too hard to get out.
If you can get close, a quick headbutt to the face should give you an opening to take them to the ground in most situations.

Now you say they're armed. You should really not try to take on armed people when unarmed unless you're a very skilled fighter and doesn't have an alternative.
In the end, it'll come down to not who's the most skiled fighetr, but who fights best in that excact moment, and if your opponent has a knife you might end up dead. It's not just like you're gonna get a black eye or a few bruises, that'll hurt for a bit. You're gonna get stabbed/cut and possibly damage organs enough for you to not survive.

But i guess this is useless advice, if you've trained for four years i'm a mere n00b compared to you.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Don't know if this has been said, sorry, but I'm too lazy to check the whole thread.

It really depends on how much shit you're willing to get in with the cops. If he's actually threatening you (like, he poses a real threat to your well being), just grab his wrist when he punches and break his elbow, its easy and effective, although it will most likely get you in shit with the cops. If not, grab BOTH his arms and kick him in the solar plexus. That will wind him for a couple of seconds so you can get on top of him and pin him to the ground. Both of those work surprisingly well and are easy to pull off, even for someone with no training at all.

Oh, and if you have ANYTHING to smash him in the face with, aim for the nose, trust me, getting hit in the face with a stick (my experience was with a Bo) hurts like a *****, and in the nose it has the added effect of tearing you up so you can't see anything.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
BlakBladz said:
Im a studying martial artist (4 years now) and ive been in more then my fair share of fights, but my question is, how do you defeat the helicopter fighters-the psychos, the ones that are angry nd dont have anything to lose. They swing nd swing more often then not with a weapon.
How do you overcome these people without waiting for them to tire out?

Please dont say something along the lines of "avoid all fights" or "use a gun" or anything to that equivalent.

From A (meaning 1) past experience i was badly hit though i was extremely lucky nd got a punch in that knocked him out.
If they're doing windmill punches, a nice roundhouse punch or kick won't be blocked. OR if you're a grappler grab both arms and take em down.

If they have a weapon like a block of wood, don't block the shots, they'll hurt. I found that kicks (I used to do caporea so I have good legs [sub]call me[/sub]) are good since if they swing at your foot you can just bring your foot back and punish the whiff (lol gaming terms in real life). If they're holding it two handed, then to be honest its easy to take him down.

If its a knife or something your first priority is to get it out of his hands, obviously grapple it off ir if you're good enough kick/hit his hand so he drops it.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
force them onto the defensive then go for a disarm. Or, if you don't feel like just disarming them, kick them in the balls.


New member
May 7, 2009
BlakBladz said:
Im a studying martial artist (4 years now) and ive been in more then my fair share of fights, but my question is, how do you defeat the helicopter fighters-the psychos, the ones that are angry nd dont have anything to lose. They swing nd swing more often then not with a weapon.
How do you overcome these people without waiting for them to tire out?

Please dont say something along the lines of "avoid all fights" or "use a gun" or anything to that equivalent.

From A (meaning 1) past experience i was badly hit though i was extremely lucky nd got a punch in that knocked him out.
that type of person will typically have extreme tunnel visuion. I'd 1.) position yourself *just* outside of their striking distance. When they lunge for you, and they will, it'll be easy to sidestep, block, or counter their clearly telegraphed attack. then try to get behind them and with a few good punches to the back of the neck, they'll go down.

worked all the 2 times I was in a fight with someone who was out-of-their mind.

Jin Hikari

New member
Jan 28, 2010
BlakBladz said:
Im a studying martial artist (4 years now) and ive been in more then my fair share of fights, but my question is, how do you defeat the helicopter fighters-the psychos, the ones that are angry nd dont have anything to lose. They swing nd swing more often then not with a weapon.
How do you overcome these people without waiting for them to tire out?

Please dont say something along the lines of "avoid all fights" or "use a gun" or anything to that equivalent.

From A (meaning 1) past experience i was badly hit though i was extremely lucky nd got a punch in that knocked him out.
Well, I've been studying for about the same time as you have, and one thing I'd like to say is that angry people like to swing at you with haymakers. A simple way around this is to throw your forearm into the wrist or radius/ulna of the attacking arm. This works as both a block and an attack if the guy you're fighting doesn't have strong forearm conditioning. At the same time it leaves on side unprotected, so go ahead and simultaneously throw that other forearm of yours into the nerve bundle on the side of the neck or maybe throw a quick jab into the trachea if they're open there. Then seeing as you're in close, go ahead and take 'em down by slamming the edge of your foot into their knee from the side, blowing out the joint, but make sure that you've already landed the attack somewhere in the head/neck/throat area so they're off balance, though.

From there it's fair game, go ahead and throw whatever the hell you want. Just make sure not to kill them if they weren't in a group or came at you with a weapon XD. I'd go for something to the diaphragm just because that's me. But, if you can snap the cartalage that makes up the sternum you can collapse their entire torso and make breathing correctly impossible, I'd only suggest that in the "He came at me with lethal force" situation though.

Another alternative if you don't want to attack the legs is to take the combo from the forearm thwack to the neck and wrap it around to the back of the skull, bringing their head down and throwing a couple of knees. Just make sure you can hold them in that position, you might want to shoot for a standing guillotine choke for better control.

Anyway hope that helps. I'm just thinking that they're bound to throw that swing eventually, and that's your best opportunity. If you're going at it with the more experianced street fighters out there. All I can say is aim for the vitals. Liver, Splein, Sternum, Trachea, Temples, Ganka(the small ribs), and the outward sides of the knees are your best bet. Or if you wanna be cheap get a knee to the crotch or a hook to the kidneys in somehow.


New member
Jul 13, 2008
If the enemy is flailing like crazy then you need to agknowledge that they're going to be focuing on hitting as many times as possible, so they're going to be focusing less on angle. Don't let them scare you, a hot-head's attacks are predictable and can be blocked or re-directed easily. Examine the angle and either stop it early by putting your hand in front of their inner upper-arm or step to the side that the blow is coming from and direct the hand in the opposite direction. When the attack fails they will attempt to use their other hand, focus on that and repeat.

On to attacking. If you had blocked their arm, you are probably directly in front of them at very close range. In this situation, grabbing them (arms go on either side of the arm you just blocked. one around the body, one down the back) will prevent them from getting a clean shot with their flailing arms and will allow you to get a few knees to the stomach before elbowing them in the side/back of the head when retreating back to normal defensive position. If you had re-directed their punch you will need to use quicker attacks. You may have enough time to deliver a cross to their head, but you can also get a round-kick to their stomach (just make sure to keep your weight foreward so that blocking the next hit won't knock you off balance). You can also ground them by sweeping the back of their legs while simultaniously back-handing their head.

A straight-up charge can also be effective, but it pretty much has to be used to ground them. If you're athletic, you can hit them high and land them hard on their back (just make sure you're up to speed), otherwise, pulling out their legs usually works. Grounding them is just about the best thing that you can do against someone in a rage.


New member
Oct 24, 2009
Since you probably can't wait for them to calm down because of the adrenaline rush they get, try to subdue them or pin them down or something.

That or hit them in the nose and another vulnerable area for massive damage!


New member
Apr 28, 2009
LordCuthberton said:
From my expierence fighting dirty is a useful tactic.
Couldn't help but giggle when I read that and looked at your avatar.

OT, the general consensus seems to be "go for the nuts".
Sounds like sage advice to me.


New member
Oct 24, 2008
Front kick to the sternum would be my first instinct. My leg is longer than your arms and hit a whole hell of a lot harder, especially in boots. If you're not comfortable kicking because of going to the ground the counter punch. A straight to the jaw to stun them, grab them in the clinch and knee them in the face. Or just do the Mickey Ward and wreck his liver with the left.