For those been in a few fights or martial artists-


New member
Aug 11, 2009
InifniteWit said:
Warachia said:
as it is physically impossible to continue fighting with a broken nose,
Tell it to Fedor
I imagine you will not be fighting fedor in a dark alley, if you are, landing a direct blow to the throat, try to use your elbow point if they are too close, will still knock him down ad keep them from getting up for some tme, while you are free to either knock them out, or run away.


New member
Feb 7, 2008
While it's advisable to try not to fight people like that, there are a couple of things you can do in a situation like that. Keep in mind that my main martial art is Aikido, so I'm not much for striking.

First and foremost is to gauge (honestly) which of the two of you is faster. It's not supposed to be a speed contest, but if you're at a significant disadvantage speed-wise, you'll have to approach different. Yes, if you're an aikido master, you can be a frail 100 year old man, but this is for a novice.

If you're decently fast, go for the yokomenuchi kokyunage. The video will explain most of the motion, but you'll need to have space to work with and remember the footing (the motion is a tenken? it's been a while. Basically you step to the side and switch feet i.e. right foot forward --> left foot). It's a simple enough technique, and quite effective (although sometimes you might not need the pin).

If you're not so fast, go with the very basics of aikido: step off the line of attack, move both feet, and keep your balance. You can "counter" even doing this, although you'll need to be fast: step off the line to the side, grab the exposed elbow/forearm, bring it towards your stomach, and then take a step back (making sure not to leave a foot, your hand, or his elbow behind). Just imagine his elbow as part of you, and step back. This will unbalance anyone if you do it right, and it requires almost no force at all. There's no video up on Youtube because it's such a simple technique, but it's still very effective for most people.

Rolling Thunder

New member
Dec 23, 2007
Safety 3rd said:
Rolling Thunder said:
Safety 3rd said:
While i've been in a few fights i'd much rather talk my way out of them.

However, should you be faced with a rather angry person, with no training as indeed, i do not have, i find punching them rather less effective than say holding on to his ear and falling to the ground, nobody likes to fight with half an ear. Failing this, kick him in the bollocks (the old failsafe) and make sure he's down before running like a madman.

Biting peoples faces works too, that really does scare people, but it is also the easist way to lose your teeth lol.

I guess unpredictablilty is the key, as a great man once said;

"The aim in a fight is to get the other person on the ground long enough for you to run away, how you acheive this is just decoration"
Sir Samuel Vimes, Anhk-Morpork City Watch.
Maximum points for you my friend, maximum points.
Vimes is more of a martial arts philosophy than most actual martial arts.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
I got into a fight with one of those and managed to sweep him (he was drunk off his ass) and he faceplanted and broke his nose. I only swept him because he'd grabbed me and I could. Otherwise, go for a nutshot or facepummel.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Most people who throw wild and fast punches with no regard to their own safety are doing it not to hurt you, but to keep a constant interference between the two of you because there not confident in their ability to block. I use to fight this way until maybe Junior year? If your willing to take a few hard ones to the face, just move in, get the abuse, but as soon as your inside that wall of fist I find its pretty easy to fuck their shit up from up close. The trick is to move fast so they cant just back up and ham on your face. Hope that helps


New member
Apr 9, 2009
sidestep and bust him...someone charging never sees it coming. or grab him by the front of his clothing and headbutt him, if he's swinging wildly he'll be off balance in the first place.
Aug 25, 2009
Most people actually can't withstand a few good punches to the face, and people without training tend to swing their arms like motherloving john wayne. The best way to defeat them really is to just get inside that guard and start pummeling them in the head. (It helps if you can take a few knocks as well, because it's a fight, you will get hurt.) A lot of people will drop because they really weren't expecting to get hit in the first place.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
MelasZepheos said:
Most people actually can't withstand a few good punches to the face, and people without training tend to swing their arms like motherloving john wayne. The best way to defeat them really is to just get inside that guard and start pummeling them in the head. (It helps if you can take a few knocks as well, because it's a fight, you will get hurt.) A lot of people will drop because they really weren't expecting to get hit in the first place.
Haha me and you have the EXACT same theory (twom comments up). kudos to us for knowing how to fight. I salute you sir


Sep 22, 2009
Just step back and let the idiot swing. Human arms are only so long, and he'll probably tire himself out before he can hit you. Or else, since they aren't looking or defending themselves, just throw a quick palm strike to the face and they're down for the count.


New member
Feb 15, 2009
I have no training but I used to get in fights in school, sometimes with vicious girls--and girls will always fight dirty. So I learned to fight dirty. Get 'em where it hurts. For a girl that wears any jewelry--go for it immediately, especially earrings and rip them out if you have to. Guys--should be obvious, go for the groin--but guys tend to expect this more and will sometimes automatically defend themselves--if they do, club him in the ear. If you do this hard enough it can disorient the person.


Perfect Strangers
Jun 23, 2009
why not ask your instructor and not us. He or she could probably give you the best advice. So I'll say what you told us not to. Fighting is for children and should be avoided. Grow up.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
I don't know how you've been in so many fights, but regardless... people with nothing to lose who fight like psychos generally fight just like...psychos. Look for an opening at the beginning and end of a wild swing, and trap up their arm between a hand and their body. Then go for their eyes or throat. If they're swinging away from their body(like a backhand body mechanic), or they're starting a sloppy haymaker, try to get a hand on their bicep long enough to counter with an elbow, knee, eye gouge, or eagle-claw to the throat. People with 'nothing to lose' presumably want to then give them the number of a trustworthy heroin dealer.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
MelasZepheos said:
Most people actually can't withstand a few good punches to the face, and people without training tend to swing their arms like motherloving john wayne. The best way to defeat them really is to just get inside that guard and start pummeling them in the head. (It helps if you can take a few knocks as well, because it's a fight, you will get hurt.) A lot of people will drop because they really weren't expecting to get hit in the first place.

I've been beaten once when i was out drinking, some guy pushed me, and dumb/drunk as i was i said something about his mom or soemthing like that in return.
I walked a few feet and someone said wtf did you just say, as i turned aroudn i got hit in the face, i didn't do shit back cause i was sortof dazed by the punches, I didn't even notice that he hit several times, i thought it was just one punch untill my friend told me otehrwise afterwards.
So the lesson learned, apart from not talking shit when you're drunk, is that a good punch to the head migth not knock out a dude, or knock him down, but it'll prolly "stun" him enough for you to continue iwth stuff like takedowns, knees to the groin etc.

khaimera said:
why not ask your instructor and not us. He or she could probably give you the best advice...
This is prolly the best idea, not only will you be sure that the person advising you know what he's talkign about, but you'll also be able to try whatever response he/she suggests, and see it demonstrated.
It's prolly unlikely that the people here are more fit to answer your question than a trained ninjutsu sensei (thats what you the OP are training right?)


New member
Dec 15, 2009
Personally, I find a snap kick through the knee (front to back is best) will back most folk off. If not, trip em up any way you can then stamp on an ankle. Brutal, but effective, and the whole point is to get you the breathing space to leg it.


New member
May 7, 2008
BlakBladz said:
Im a studying martial artist (4 years now) and ive been in more then my fair share of fights, but my question is, how do you defeat the helicopter fighters-the psychos, the ones that are angry nd dont have anything to lose. They swing nd swing more often then not with a weapon.
How do you overcome these people without waiting for them to tire out?

Please dont say something along the lines of "avoid all fights" or "use a gun" or anything to that equivalent.

From A (meaning 1) past experience i was badly hit though i was extremely lucky nd got a punch in that knocked him out.
So essentially you mean zombies, right?

I bet you'll get better responses when you change the thread title to 'how do I kill a fast zombie with my bare hands?'


New member
Mar 1, 2009
My advice? Drop your pants, put on your adult diaper, and challenge your foe to sumo match.



New member
Jan 16, 2009
Eliam_Dar said:
I was trained in Full Contact for 7 years, kick boxing for 4 years, Kung Fu Wai Kung Pai 3 years, WT 1 year, Judo 4 years, Box 2. On 2003 I had an accident that practiaclly ruined my efforts, but I still have the knowledge (some idiot tried to rob me a week ago)

Remember a few basics in self defense
1. Your life is precious protect it by any means neccesary
2. Weak points. Even the stronger opponent has them, the most direct ones are on a line from the throat to the genitals. Easier to find are throat, chest just below the esternon, and genitals.
3. Knees, a proper kick applied on a kneee will lower any oponent.
4. Do not oppose force if you are not stronger, if you are grabbed and pushed, pull from his arm, if you are pulled push him
5. Balance, always keeps yours, make your opponent loose his, it is easier than you think, non experience figthers tend to move in a straight line towards you to attak, dodge to the sides, same principle can be applied if grabbed.
6. If attacked by more than one opponent, keep moving so they cannot attack you from different angles at the same time. Putting a wall on your back is not a good option (despite what movies say) it cuts any retreat chance you may have.
7. Normally a robbery starts with someone grabbing you. do not hesitate and hit first.


This, how ever I'd add in eyes amongst the most important of weak spot. If you can get at their face, aim for the eye. Particularly with your thumb. If you properly gouge them it creates a spastic reaction (happens to all people, no matter what) of the clutching their face with their hands and tilt their head back. This neutralizes their immedient threat, and leaves them wide open for blows to the throat, genitals and knee.