Fox Business Criticizes Studio Ghibli's Latest


New member
May 4, 2011
Arierty was a beautiful movie.. That's all I got to say on this -shrug- if you like ghibli movies go see it -nods- It shouldn't disappoint ya.

Whispering Death

New member
May 24, 2009
MorganL4 said:
Whispering Death said:
Is the Escapist rebranding as a political website or something?

Why do I care what deep cable Fox Business Network (not Fox News) has to say about a couple movies? That station is so insignificant that clip probably got more views from this article than when it actually aired.

I thought this website was about videogames and nerd culture not bizaro FOX NEW IS TEH DUMB politics. Strange front-page story.
The reason its on here is because The Secret World of Ariety was attacked by Fox News... and Studio Ghibli is a huge name in anime which is key to geek culture nowadays.
Perhaps Studio Ghibli is huge and I'm just out of the loop on their significance.

I just found the article strange and out-of-place on a gaming website. I like to laugh, learn and think; not get "outraged" at 5-minute segments on deep cable channels.


New member
May 21, 2010
-Drifter- said:
Grey Carter said:
"... espousing green policies..."
And that's... bad? Along with any notion of "fairness" I guess? (If that montage is anything to go on.) I'd say these guys sound like cartoon villains but frankly I think FOX just doesn't even know what they stand for at this point. They just want something to be angry about.
Ha ha ha, silly human consumer. Everyone knows (Love Fox News) the environment is evil and must be destroyed. And (Fox News will protect you) anyone who sticks up for it, or vaguely promotes it is also evil, they are the devil manifested in a (You are useless without Fox News) human form, and as such, they will be executed as (Give us your first born child) well. Anyone who mourns shall be killed as well. Submit to Fox News (conform) and deny everything (Fox news is God) that we declare false (die). What?
But yeah, Fox News sucks. It sucks that people watch it, but they do, and we shouldn't even give them, or their news articles the time of day. Maybe if we ignore them, they'll go away?


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
These people are insane.

"This Japanese studio is making a movie with a subtext that we don't like! It's obviously Obama!"


New member
Jul 23, 2010
The message in question: Equality and sustainability. Hardly evil brainwashing stuff, now is it? In fact, I'd be willing to argue both of those are very hard to argue AGAINST, if you look at them plain and simple.

Seriously Fox, shut up. You're making the British think all of us Americans are stupid.


New member
Jul 23, 2010
Scrumpmonkey said:
It's like im stuck in the dullest acid trip of a retarded Natzi. This isn't offensive to me its just surreal; like wathing a man have a fist fight with a tree. Reality plays no part here, this is drug logic straight up. There are layers and layers of missinformation and misconception so thick that i can't help feeling there should be several miles of irony here. I can't... i can't... dude im tripping balls.

Why can't I favorite comments? This, my friend, is an excellent analysis of the situation. As an American, I'd say we've gotten into this dualist line of thinking, where the two sides can't agree on anything. It's clear to me and everyone else here that Fox is just a small element of a big problem, as a man recently got fired from Fox for suggesting the same thing I'm saying right now.

Being as how this is the Escapist, I assume you're from the UK, which makes it very hard to convey the message of frustration felt by your friends across the Atlantic. To help give you a picture, though, the president recently passed a bill known as the NDAA, which allows them to detain US citizens without trial for SUSPICION of terrorism.

Don't be surprised if the recent string of rebellions hits the US next, we're still ticked over the occupy wall street incident.

P.S. sorry, had to vent. Hope I didn't say anything overly stupid or alienating in there.
Aug 2, 2008
Whispering Death said:
Is the Escapist rebranding as a political website or something?

Why do I care what deep cable Fox Business Network (not Fox News) has to say about a couple movies? That station is so insignificant that clip probably got more views from this article than when it actually aired.

I thought this website was about videogames and nerd culture not bizaro FOX NEW IS TEH DUMB politics. Strange front-page story.
I say this article and reaction is pretty pathetic. It's not gaming news. It barely qualifies as 'nerd news'. I read it because I was, myself, wondering why it made the front page. The answer is pretty obvious, though. This site just loves to hate them some Fox News. Now, most reasonable people will say, "Hey, it's some pundit on a fairly obscure cable channel. I'll just ignore his grab for attention", but since it's associated with Fox, Internet rules dictate you have free reign to whine and froth about Fox News, Republicans, Conservatives, Christians, etc. There's no discussion either, someone posts a clip of someone on Fox News getting something wrong or giving an opinion, forum erupts in people smugly reaffirming their hatred and superiority over those they disagree with, rinse, repeat. This isn't even news on any level. Those movies probably aren't pushing an agenda (However I haven't seen them), and the entertainment industry favoring the left is not news nor is it secret.


New member
Sep 20, 2011
Meh. At this point it's all white noise coming from the right. They don't have anything valid to say, they don't believe 80% of what they're trained to say, they just want power and if they can't have, they lash out in acts of childish spite.

One day they'll all be dead and have nothing to show for their lives. They don't mean a damn thing to me any more than I mean a damn thing to them.


New member
May 11, 2010
You know what would honestly surprise me? FOX news saying they're happy about something that is actually good, nice, or beneficial for a majority of the U.S. or a foreign country. Especially a foreign country (not that it isn't nice when something good happens for your own country), since FOX seems to spread a lot of paranoia, fear, or outright hate about foreigners in general.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
I am now done, I was willing to give fux news the slight benefit of the doubt after defending Ellen but now, like others have said: "They have turned into cartoon villains!"


New member
May 3, 2011
Latest news:

Fox is doing something utterly stupid just to attract attention.

Imho this network is like a real life internet troll.


Swamp Weather Balloon Gas
Apr 11, 2011
I'm just waiting for a segment on Fox News where some of the guest commentators are retired villains from the Captain Planet cartoon about how their entire lives were ruined by these policies.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
Honestly, they stirred up the wumpbee's nest enough when they went after games, so that's around 15% of the country there... the strong left wing and moderates on both sides hate them, so that's a good 60% there... but now they're going after Miyazaki? That's every otaku in existence... no, that's not enough, anyone with a significant interest in anime or animated films loves Miyazaki. Are they trying to seal their own grave, or just get higher ratings? Because I'm starting to think that "the one percent" might just mean "the one percent of the next generation that will do anything but laugh at Fox news."

In conclusion... to quote the latest Nostalgia Critic review of Ponyo (or rather a guest appearance):


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
americal really must be the land of the free if people like them are not locked up for insanity.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Whispering Death said:
Is the Escapist rebranding as a political website or something?

Why do I care what deep cable Fox Business Network (not Fox News) has to say about a couple movies? That station is so insignificant that clip probably got more views from this article than when it actually aired.

I thought this website was about videogames and nerd culture not bizaro FOX NEW IS TEH DUMB politics. Strange front-page story.
Exept that Fx Network is the msot watched network in the USA, and its shows are often up there with the most watched shows worldwide. so yeah, you should care what it has to say.