Fox News Attacks Environmentally Conscious Games


New member
Jul 11, 2011
So since they're profiting off of it that puts they're credibility in question but he's a radio host and he gets paid to say his opinion too so wouldn't he lose his credibility also according to his logic. He also claims that he hates fear tactics but he's using one himself by telling parents video games could be teaching them something they don't believe in. Also nuclear power is the safest form of energy has he forgotten what happened in Japan?


New member
Jan 15, 2011
Dammit fox, why must us conservatives have masses of idiots running the show? No wonder why I've been supporting obama (as an external point of view) unless Romney gets in...


New member
Aug 4, 2011
"Fox News Attacks Environmentally Conscious Games", or "Business as Usual"

I'm honestly surprised just how mad people get at fox news still. Don't you people know you shouldn't feed the trolls?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
If loving nature and the environment makes me you a liberal, then I guess being a conservative makes you the villain in every Hayao Miyazaki film.

Seriously, I thought a game like Flower was absolutely, completely beyond controversy. Is there a political statement in it that I missed? Do your floating petals attack an enemy faction member and cause him to drive off a cliff? No, you play a motherfucking FLOWER floating in the goddamn BREEZE. I'd call this "making a mountain out of a molehill", but this is more like making a mountain out of a crater.


New member
Jun 6, 2010
Clonekiller said:
CarlMinez said:
Yeah, that's sorta a subjective statement to begin with. So I don't need to back it up with facts. Also, Fox News is a joke. You don't need a source, just ask any rationally thinking human being and you'll get the same answer.
Ah. I see. So, anyone who thinks Fox News is bad is obviously and intelligent human being, and anyone who favors Fox News is an unintelligent fool. Sure, Fox News might have the largest and most diverse viewership among cable news networks, but who needs those pesky facts getting in the way. It's a whole lot easier to say "only idiots watch Fox News".
Yep, let's go with that.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
Wow, someone at Fox News said something insanely idiotic, I haven't been this shocked since I found out that the sun rose this morning.


New member
Jul 20, 2010
Doom972 said:
Fox news makes it seem, to the eyes of a non-US citizen, that the US is officially without any real problems worth discussing.
As someone looking at the US from Britain, I'd dispute that claim. If anything, Fox News has caused me to realise that the USA has more problems than any other developed nation on earth. Yes, this from a resident of a BURNING, RIOT-STRICKEN NATION.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Clonekiller said:
Father Time said:
Clonekiller said:
So, have any fact to back that up, or are you making like a talk show pundit and formulating a statement based on hearsay? I'm gonna guess the latter.
For starters

Right... That's what we call hearsay. Notice how the guy doesn't say who said what? What do you want to bet he was quoting the opinion shows? In addition, he was using, which is about as reputable as Wikipedia. Try harder.

CarlMinez said:
Are you asking me whether I have a fact book to prove that Fox News is a news network of the most disgusting caliber?
No. I'm just wondering if you base your opinions on fact or fancy. You know, that thing that Fox News gets accused of all the time.

Father Time said:
Clonekiller said:
So, have any fact to back that up, or are you making like a talk show pundit and formulating a statement based on hearsay? I'm gonna guess the latter.

Oh, and as for fact, try this:

Full article here:

You'll notice that the quoted website is an independent organization, making is a viable information source for college level research papers.
The only way that shows that Fox News isn't biased in favor of conservatives is that they had less positive things to say about Republicans than Msnbc. They still have more negative things to say about Democrats and less positive, as well as less negative things about the Republicans than anyone else.
You'll also notice hey have a higher average of neutrals. (Except CNN with Democrats) Since the main slogan of Fox is "Fair and Balanced", I'd say their doing a better job than the other two.
I'm sorry but what's your final argument here? That Fox is an actually credible news source with reliable information?

Because that is just plain dumb.

Since O'Reilly, Fox has become notorious for pulling people on the air (usually of a conflicting viewpoint) to talk them down and interrupt them to espouse their point. This isn't even a matter of semantics, you let the other guy talk. And how many times do they portray false information? I don't have the time as of now to go search for multiple Fox articles to prove it, but when the issue of games receiving federal grants due to them being classified as an art form was introduced, Fox reported the story as "Should Call of Duty get a federal grant?"

That's not fair and balanced. That's taking a violent video game and placing it as the poster of ALL video games, even though it falls so far from what the guidelines dictated an art game was. As much as you may hate the "liberal media" and what not, I have never seen a radio station like National Public Radio pull this kind of crap. They get their facts. Today I listened to a report about a faulty counter-terrorism unit within the Mall of America and how the system there is not working. Know what they did? They brought in people accosted by this counter-terrorism group, explained their story, explained the origin of the CT group, and also got a quote from a spokesperson from Mall of America as well as John Cohen, the man who started the program there.

Point it, THAT's proper journalism. Not what Fox News does. It doesn't matter if they're conservative or liberal, they're not a reliable news source. For Christ's sake, watch Glen Beck's report on why he believes Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a bad president. I was appalled, as a US history student, to see so much false information about his policies displayed as "fact."

Believe whatever political philosophy you wish, it's your right, but at the end of the day you have to realize that Fox News is unreliable, untrustworthy, and run like a business. And right now, radical statements seem to make the most money.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
This is why I watch Al Jazeera.
I swear, there's a secret room under the FOX News studio where they use manatees to determine their news topics.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
No, see I understand what they're trying to do.

It makes sense for them to try and call this game out as pure evil for teaching environmental values. They support people who want to get rid of all the regulations businesses have to follow like not poisioning our water and air. They also support people that call global warming a complete hoax.

To teach the future generation about caring for the environment would be to undermine all their work about how the Earth is perfectly fine and how regulations aren't necessary and lead to a loss of jobs. They don't want that. They spend good money trying to get these people to believe them and they don't want anything to get in their way.

So yeah, I can totally see them trying to make this game look like Satan gave birth to it. I think it's wrong and horrible, but I can see why they do it. Hopefully, it gets them nowhere.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
LiquidGrape said:
With the risk of repeating myself, I have this bookmarked for occasions like this:

Dear Fox,

Best wishes,
//All of us who value common sense and critical thinking
I was dying of laughter watching this.

Anyway... Fox, next time you talk about game, how 'bout YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOUR REALLY TALKING ABOUT!?! Fox knows about video-games just about as well as I know about the DnD 1st edition rules. I haven't used anything other than 3.5. (And 4th for a bit, didn't last)


New member
Oct 10, 2009
The Rookie Gamer said:
winter2 said:
Good thing they don't know about the cheat code to unlock every issue of Pravda, and a Lenin background.
The KGB edition will have a background of Stalin driving a T-60 through the Red Square holding the USSR banner while the peace loving Red Army is in the background creating lasting world peace.

Wait... lol.. that almost sounds like a plausible cold war propaganda poster.. :D


New member
Dec 27, 2010
Those mental midgets think that everything is liberal propaganda and that is why most people view them as having no credibility, but those who believe that this man has credibility do are extremists who would follow this man on a long walk off a short pier, and that kinda scares me.l


New member
Nov 21, 2009
I am sooo surprised that Fox News is continued to air with such atrocious newscasts.

Are there no intelligent people looking at Fox and saying, "Why are we letting them do this shite?"