Fox News Attacks Environmentally Conscious Games


New member
Nov 16, 2009
Heeman89 said:
I think I can see the "point" Fox News is trying to make here "keep your politics out of our videogames" which to a certain extent I can agree with


For a company that claims to be "Fair and Balanced" like usual their debates are very one sided, also there are other factors that come into play in regards to this issue (the age range the games our targeting, parental intervention, etc) Fox News again does the job of making themselves out as villain.

BlackWidower said:
Here's the problem. These people think everything is a political issue. To be honest, I don't see how the environment is a political issue. Why is there any debate!? We need to protect the environment. That's not a question, that's a declarative statement. Not to protect the planet, but to protect us. It's just a distraction issue, and a vibrant display of what I think I'll call goal-based arguing. Where you debate with someone with an agenda in mind, and will lie to support it.
See some people don't see things your way, some people don't see that as a statement. Some don't believe the environment is in any danger or trouble and some believe that people who claim that they are protecting the environment are not doing so for the sake of the environment they are doing so for the sake of their own wallets, purses, pocketbooks, etc. Now you can point to research and photos of areas that have been affected and say "There is your proof" and they will point to research and photos and say "Then how do you explain this?" As much as you think it is a statement it really still falls in the realm of one side vs another side.
Apparently there was a time when the Republicans didn't deny Global Warming was a problem. I recently heard McCain and Palin had a cap and trade proposal during the election. That's what I'm talking about. At some point everything turned into a debate.

There's another issue. You are assuming you know what I think. Some people think the environment isn't in danger. I'm one of them. But we still need to protect it. I want you to give me an argument as to why we should allow people to dump toxic substances into our groundwater.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
Outlaw Torn said:
Does Tetris have a Communist agenda? If so then I might as well paint myself red and streak through Red Square. If only Fox had used their expert researchers to find out then I wouldn't be in such a pickle. I'll book a flight to Moscow just in case.
You sir should be ashamed of yourself, as I finished reading your comment I spat tea all over my keyboard as I could not stop laughing. I dislike tea stained keyboards :(.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
WHat do those communist muslimhippies dare to use that " fear and guilt tactics" . Fear and guilt is the very foundation of fox and the republicans, stealing their methods is unfair.Everyone using the same methods clearly is communism . right? right`?


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Doom972 said:
Fox news makes it seem, to the eyes of a non-US citizen, that the US is officially without any real problems worth discussing.
Fox doesn't worry about real problems, they act as the mouthpiece for the Christian Ultra-conservatives

Sizzle Montyjing

Pronouns - Slam/Slammed/Slammin'
Apr 5, 2011
Bit late on this one Escapist, one member beat you too it.
But anyway this is stupid yeah blah blah blah fox news blah blah blah face-palm balh blah blah...
I'm not even suprised anymore, Fox News haven't even tried to conceal the fact that they are massive dick-blisters, so just let them have what they have, a blind following of people to be picked off by nature.


New member
Dec 7, 2010
Rocklobster99 said:
Clonekiller said:
Fox and Friends? Your judging a news network based on a sunday morning cable version of talk radio, which is quite separate from actual news. That's like me judging the reporting of ABC by watching This Week or MSNBC by Meet the Press. I'm really getting sick of all these stories condemning a perfectly good and reasonable news channel, simply because they host opinion shows that talk about stuff you disagree with. Was this a stupid argument? You betcha. That's why it's called a talk show. People come on and TALK their OPINIONS, regardless of how shallow and uninformed they are.
the problem with that is that the opinion shows are completely indistinguishable from the actual news shows. case in point

this is from one of their "news" programs, not an opinion show.
As you will probably notice in this example you provided, the biased opinions came from the air-headed academics that show up on as guests in the show. Once again, this is an example of opinionated debate, not news reporting. Try harder.

Sylveria said:
Fox doesn't worry about real problems, they act as the mouthpiece for the Christian Ultra-conservatives
So, is this the voice of experience after watching several hundred hours of Fox News, or are you just regurgitating the "information" given you by others? Judging by your terminology, I would guess your opinion is based solely on hearsay.

Rabid Chipmunk

New member
Nov 11, 2010
Why do we keep doing this? Yes, FOX News is crazy and fucked up. But it's not like any of the bile they keep vomiting is going to affect anyone's lives. Everyone who agrees with them will continue to agree with them regardless, and everyone who doesn't agree with them will keep going to college and getting jobs and shit, regardless.


New member
May 9, 2010
The credibility of the games was dubious because people were making money from them
This is the same network that railed against the government recognizing video games made not for profit and having a positive impact being elidgible for a government grant for funding, just as other forms of artwork are. So they're a FOX that's running after it's own tail.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
Sylveria said:
Doom972 said:
Fox news makes it seem, to the eyes of a non-US citizen, that the US is officially without any real problems worth discussing.
Fox doesn't worry about real problems, they act as the mouthpiece for the Christian Ultra-conservatives
Hey hey their not my mouthpiece, though I wouldn't say i'm a Christian ultra-conservative maybe a christian super conservative, but my conservative powerlevel isn't high enough to be Ultra yet.

As far as fox and the this, meh, why do you care, another reason to jab at fox. I don't agree with them, and even if I did, developers have the right to create whatever games they want to, also saying that a game like societies is promoting left agenda is like saying spore promotes evolution. It's just silly.

What frustrates me about this is not one but two people went out of their way to ***** about this, why? Fox does something you don't like so you blow up the internet about it, who the fuck cares. You know if people didn't ***** about little things like this, on both sides, maybe we could actually get something passed in Washington.

How bout you stop whining about, they have the same freedoms of speech as the developers making this game?

Oh and to the person who said they hope fox goes bankrupt, yeah right, you might not like them but their still the most watched network.

I think if people who didn't like fox stopped watching it, their viewing numbers would go down and we wouldn't see so many bitchy forum posts on the internets.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Well, I knew FOX hated sex and violence.

But flower pettles blowing in the wind!? They hate that now, too?

"Crazy as a fox" is starting to get one hell of a double meaning.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
Oh the bitter, cruel irony! Words cannot express the frustration felt!

In other news, Fox News continues to be Fox News.

The very fact that the organisation is called Fox News is ironic enough.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Part of me knew that Fox News wasn't "fair and balanced" like they claim to be. But another part of me wasn't 100% sure.

After hearing their comment about how these games promote a "liberal agenda" like it's a bad thing, I'm now sure that these guys are biased to the core.

Next thing you know they'll start bashing Final Fantasy VII for having an evil corporation that sucks life out of the planet in order to power the city of Midgar.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
uguito-93 said:
Really? Really? Are Fox news just extremist conservative idiots just for the sake of being extremist conservative idiots?
If you watch that interview they did with Jon Stewart when he made a visit, yes. In fact that's exactly what they have convinced themselves. They think that all the media is so liberal that they willingly admit they're bias towards the right to "tell the other side" of the story.

Something that falls apart when in the real world only a couple networks have a real liberal bias. None of which have the kind of exposure fox does. MSNBC maybe, but if they're heavily biased to the left then FOX is in the Anarchy department of so far right.


New member
Apr 13, 2011
I'm gonna go against the grain here and say this is an improvement.

Face it: Fox is a conservative network. So they're going to report conservative opinions. One of those is that environmentalists are full of crap and should shut the hell up (Personally i feel this way largely because even the extremely expensive environmental plans are largely ineffective) and another is that the second amendment is a good thing.

The fact they're moving away from gun-toting games or games with sex and towards environmental games (from the sound of it anyway - i've never actually played the games listed in the article) tells me they're not bashing games because they're GAMES, but because they promote a liberal/environmentalist viewpoint.

In other words, they're being conservatives, not game haters. While we can debate how good that is for the network, it tells me they're backing off of games in general.

(Also, i kinda agreed on SimCity being liberal... when i could get the thing to play on my crappy old comp -_-)


New member
Jun 6, 2010
Can't say that I'm surprised really. We are talking about a conservative news network of the most disgusting caliber.


New member
Jun 23, 2011
I got the feeling from the video fox thinks that games are made only for kids.
Fate of the world is funny because most kids wouldnt even know how to get access from it. it is not a game in the store. It is online whic means a kid has to search for it which means he has to know about it.