Fox News Attacks Environmentally Conscious Games


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Well, you can't expect the criticisms being made by Fox to go over well on this site given the massive liberal bias present here.

The point being made here is that the specifics that are being prevented to kids as facts as an early age are issues of major debate within society. Saying that wind and solar power are better/cleaner/more efficient than nuclear power (which is something the left wing has always hated) is a valid example. People are entitled to their opinions, but it's one issue where I personally disagree with the enviromentalists (I'm very pro-nuclear energy), and these games aren't presenting this information in the form of an opinion, as opposed to as a fact. This can be said about a lot of things in video games (and the media in general) where you generally see a very specific morality and world view of issues presented through video games as opposed to balance and multiple perspectives.

This goes too far when you see them talking about these games being played by 5 year olds (there is such a thing as rhetoric overkill), but even for teenagers I have an issue with games pushing things like a purely anti-nuclear agenda as part of the games.

It's one of those cases where if your already left wing and support what the games are saying (your attitude matches) you see the propaganda as being fine, if your on the other side it's a differant situation entirely.


As far as the jokes about Mario being a Fascist goes... well, there has been a lot said about him being a communist. There is stuff on the internet about it if your really interested, but the basic gist of it is that the guy who created Mario was allegedly recorded in China pimping Nintendo products through their cultural police by saying that Mario was a communist Icon and explaining how the entire game is one giant metaphor. Mario being Italian isn't so much an issue but the style of his Mustache (Stalin), Red wardrobe, the stars, what the flags look like, and other things all playing into it. It's rather complicated, but was a topic of debate at the beginning of the 21st century. The recordings got pulled, Nintendo denies it, and now you see rants about it every once in a while, with people forgetting how it started, and the lack of the initial evidence turning it into something of a video game urban legend.

I point this out not so much because I believe this 100% (though it's uncanny), but simply be because it's amusing that people use Mario as the "go to" for video game innocence so often, when really he's one of the characters most "tainted" by allegedly having a hidden message or agenda behind him.

Granted this isn't an urban gaming legend on the level of "Polybius" but it's a notable one.

I'll also say that when I say I don't 100% believe the story about Mario, I mean that I find it unlikely, but at the same time I wouldn't be shocked to find out it's true with all the imagery and stuff people put into movies and other media. Some of the breakdowns can be pretty... interesting in how they fit together even without the original source... and I mean this in a fashion that is consistant and doesn't involve humorous digging and exagerration. It's like the old saying about how once is luck, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy acion, The more things you can line up without getting totally insane the more likely it becomes that it's not an accident. I'm not sold, find it unlikely at this point, but I wouldn't be surprised, I'm pretty much at the "2" phase with Mario.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Fetzenfisch said:
WHat do those communist muslimhippies dare to use that " fear and guilt tactics" . Fear and guilt is the very foundation of fox and the republicans, stealing their methods is unfair.Everyone using the same methods clearly is communism . right? right`?
Beat me to it.

I imagine there was some conflict about criticising videogames like Modern Warfare because while a Mature rated game isn't suitable to 'be training your child to become a murderer', you get to shoot guns all the time and kill foreigners, ideally non Christian ones.

I'd suggest they're just against all videogames except the ones they actually make themselves), because they've seen that TV and print news is getting more and more irrelevant with each passing year and videogames are getting stronger and taking more and more people away from each demographic. On top of that, the internet allows free sharing of information, and people are, shock horror, finding out that not every moment of Fox News is divine fact from up high.

I was also amused by them using FPS footage to highlight their latest fiction based abuse of games like Sim City, for fark's sake. Yeah, Sim City, where you gun down hundreds of people.

Also, on a highly unfair and personal level, how punchable was that guy's smug stupid face? I realise I'm lessening the quality of my argument, but it needs to be said.

Spambot 3000

New member
Aug 8, 2011
We just need to pour fuel over that space of collected stupidity that they amusingly call a news station and cleanse it with fire.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
This. Right here. This is why Jon Stewart, a comedian and satirist with no pretenses of any fact whatsoever, is the most trusted name in news.

PS: captcha: ivicesse business. I don't know what that word is, but I'm going to assume it's slanderous. Thank you, Captcha.

Mr. Torture

New member
Jun 2, 2010
Do I think Global Warming is legit? No. (HELLO PEOPLE. HOW ARE YOU TODAY?)
Do I think Fox News is full of fucking idiots? Yes. (Hey, why'd you put out your torches? ): )
Do I think that the other news networks are better in any way whatsoever? lolno. (HELLO AGAIN FRIENDS!)

All I can really say at this point, at *any* network, is "Meh". Fox News will continue to fox its news (that doesn't make any sense ): ) and people will continue to complain. We've all danced this dance before, so yeah. Meh. I don't see why people still get so worked up over this stuff, when you'd expect that it's to be expected now. How unexpected.


New member
Dec 7, 2010
CarlMinez said:
Can't say that I'm surprised really. We are talking about a conservative news network of the most disgusting caliber.
So, have any fact to back that up, or are you making like a talk show pundit and formulating a statement based on hearsay? I'm gonna guess the latter.

Oh, and as for fact, try this:

Full article here:

You'll notice that the quoted website is an independent organization, making is a viable information source for college level research papers.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
I can't think of any game that would appeal to a 5-year old less then Fate of the World.....truly.


Make America Great For Who?
Oct 8, 2008
No. I disregard your logic as something completely fucking insane. Go to the asylum, all of you. You have no place in the new century.

Darth Sea Bass

New member
Mar 3, 2009
Please tell me chris morris is responsible for fox news it's the only way i can process such monumental stupidity.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Wow... if only I were on Fox, I'd serously go and hate on them... among other things.


New member
Feb 2, 2010
...So the new menace to society is... environmentalists? Well, it's not like anyone takes them seriously, right? Please say I'm right...

Daveman said:
BREAKING NEWS: Monopoly makes kids more ruthless property developers and Scrabble is un-American because "Quran" scores better than "Bible".
That made me crack up. Thanks.


New member
Apr 6, 2004
Well I don't care for environmental scare tactics in games myself (or environmental scare tactics period), the choice of games is laughable. Sim City Societies is a "create your own utopia" style of game, not an environmental scare tactic game. And British Petroleum, the ones responsible for some of the worst environmental disasters in the world, are the ones representing the eco friendly systems. Insert your own joke here.

Fate of the World is saying "okay, here's the situation and you have the power, fix this mess." The only "liberal environmental message being cast here is "Do something instead of just bitching about it" which is all fox and the republican cronies they back do. Wait a minute, it now makes sense why they hate it.

Flower. Really, do I even need to start with that one?

McDonalds: the game. Ah, so they hate the games because they paint the current corporate run focus in America as a BAD thing. Gotcha. They can't have the message out that corporations, if given even the slightest chance, will destroy the entire planet for the sake of a few bucks extra. THAT's why they hate these games.

Honestly, I'm not even surprised anymore. It's going to take something a heck of a lot more shocking than this to surprise me, considering that they supported republicans stalling the First Responders bill to get their own little payday tacked on.


New member
Jun 28, 2008
Warrr? Hurrr? Blurgh?

Of all the things they could throw at gaming, they fucking choose this?!

Damn you Fox news you freakish schizophrenic bastard child.