I somehow doubt they care what we do. They're out to scapegoat us, but our input is otherwise completely unnecessary.lacktheknack said:Ooh! Ooh! Can we do the same to MSNBC?Dr.Awkward said:You know what? The only way we're going to get Fox News to shut up is if we get together, buy them out, and shut them down permanently. If we can do that, it would show just how tired we are of the sensationalist shit we have to deal with every day that comes from them and other news outlets.
Or... we could just ignore it. You know, like they don't want us to.
Except the fluoride CHEMICAL in the water mind controls you into forgetting about chem trails faking Obama's birth certificate.Taum said:Fox News doing its part to try and blame computer games rather than the real enemy of contrails!![]()
Really? I'd like to see that, if it's ok to share it.TheScottishMexican42 said:I actually wrote an essay on why violent video games are not harmful for children for school. Got an A for it. I think I still have it saved as well.
I didn't, but from what you said there, it's even worse than it sounded at first glance. They admit there's no real link, but then say VIDJYA GAYMS R EBUL anyway?Chaosian said:I'm beginning to wonder how many people actually looked at the article before coming down and hating on it?
For what it's worth, it's not all that bad at all. There's a lot of editorializing, and Fox's position is quite clear with the sequence of quotes, but most of what's there is fact. To be a fair, a good amount of time is spent on admitting that there's no one answer, and that if there is a connection, it needs to be studied a lot more.
I forget: what sim/air combat game DID they try and blame 9/11 on?Creator002 said:Good thing I play Microsoft Flight Sim all the time. I think I'm ready to be a pilot.
That would require they 1. played them and 2 took the message.erttheking said:Why is it I get the feeling that they hate games because of games like Fallout and Bioshock?
Guns don't kill people. Crazy people kill people. And video games kill people. With guns. But we don't want to restrict crazy people or video gamers from having guns.tf2godz said:Remember guns don't kill people, video games kill people. wait that doesn't make any sense.
I'd say "young people like something" is the older and more traditional.MCerberus said:I can't tell if Fox News is going: "YOUNG PEOPLE LIKE SOMETHING. YOU SHOULD BE MAD."
or if they're doing a more traditional
Also, I bet 100% of the mass murderers have watched or been around someone that watched a yellow-journalism 'special'. Cable news kills babies.
Not as long as it's big money with another group. Say the scared old white people who are their demographic bread and butter.crimsonshrouds said:If we ignore the trolls they will eventually go away. That's what i hope anyways.
God, I am so SICK of this conspiracy theory bull! There is nothing to fear from fluoride!MCerberus said:Except the fluoride CHEMICAL in the water mind controls you into forgetting about chem trails faking Obama's birth certificate.Taum said:Fox News doing its part to try and blame computer games rather than the real enemy of contrails!![]()
That's certainly a good point. I still think it's a possibility though, I love Bioshock Infinite but it sure as Hell wasn't subtle. It even shows in the advertisements.Zachary Amaranth said:That would require they 1. played them and 2 took the message.erttheking said:Why is it I get the feeling that they hate games because of games like Fallout and Bioshock?
They thought Mass Effect was a virtual rape simulator.
Makes me think of Mike Birbiglia's joke about cable news. "I really like Fox News, because at least with Fox News you know it's not true. It's like playing a murder mystery. So if that didn't happen, and that didn't happen, then what diiiiid happennnn?"ClanCrusher said:Fox News, an ongoing work of fiction. Tune in every day to see what wacky misadventures they get up to next.
So you're saying The Milk Man works for Fox News?Zachary Amaranth said:God, I am so SICK of this conspiracy theory bull! There is nothing to fear from fluoride!MCerberus said:Except the fluoride CHEMICAL in the water mind controls you into forgetting about chem trails faking Obama's birth certificate.Taum said:Fox News doing its part to try and blame computer games rather than the real enemy of contrails!![]()
...It's a distraction ploy by the reptile people. It's MILK you have to worry about! MILK keeps you from making the connection between reptiles, chemtrails, and Obama's secret Martian army!
...Wow. That was...Interesting. Did I write that?