Fox News Begins Two-Part Series Linking Games to Mass Murder


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Pretty funny how they say Adam Lanza was competing with Anders Breivik when companies like Fox "news" were the ones advertising Anders' actions, quoting him, showing provocative pictures and putting him at the center of everyones fucking attention.


New member
Nov 2, 2007
Eh, good thing the viewerbase of Fox News is so old on average. You can only keep pointing at the scary, unknown, new things for so long until your audience that still buys into that crap starts to die off.
Now, don't get me wrong, there'll always be a scary, unknown, new thing to point to and scare people with, so there'll always be folks doing what Fox News does here. But it won't be games for much longer, I'd say.


New member
Jan 11, 2012
Hey? Hey Fox News, ever think about how it's not the video games being fucked up it's the people? Just bat shit crazies are attracted to violent video games?
Cause and effect?
Fucking retards.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
erttheking said:
That's certainly a good point. I still think it's a possibility though, I love Bioshock Infinite but it sure as Hell wasn't subtle. It even shows in the advertisements.
That could still be too subtle. They might actually think it's supporting their line of thought. :p

I've known more than a few viewers who didn't see why Andrew Ryan is the bad guy in Bioshock.

Or, should I say, didn't really see him as a villain.

MCerberus said:
So you're saying The Milk Man works for Fox News?
I...I don't know. After that post I started to swallow my tongue and needed to be sedated.

Do you know how hard it is to type this message with my nose on a Galaxy S4?


Noble and oppressed Kekistani
Nov 8, 2010
You know, with all this bashing of Fox, who are in the wrong on this issue (but no more than "paragons of journalism" like MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, etc.), I think everyone's forgetting that these people can't do any damage to gaming or gamers because they have no power to enact their stupid misunderstandings of gaming. The real enemies of gamers are more than happy to just go about their business, knowing that no one in the media (gaming or otherwise) will report on it. Rather amusing and shockingly truthful link provided.

Mid Boss

Senior Member
Aug 20, 2012
They know their main viewership are technophobic old people. Compound that with the fact that many gamers are young (young = high chance of being democrats) and that the video game industry doesn't have any powerful lobbying groups paying the government off with "campaign contributions". All this makes gamers the PERFECT target for a quick scare piece with little to no chance of political or financial backlash.


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2010
FOX News posted an online poll in conjunction with this; asking people whether they believe that video games cause people into committing violent crimes.

The []


New member
Apr 19, 2011
Does this really surprise anyone on here? We just need to ignore them and wait till the viewership dies out for Fox and maybe they will go away... When I mean viewership dies out I mean that the majority of Fox news viewers are near deaths door and are welcome to go to the light if they can't think for themselves.


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
MCerberus said:
Zachary Amaranth said:
MCerberus said:
Taum said:
Fox News doing its part to try and blame computer games rather than the real enemy of contrails! :p
Except the fluoride CHEMICAL in the water mind controls you into forgetting about chem trails faking Obama's birth certificate.
God, I am so SICK of this conspiracy theory bull! There is nothing to fear from fluoride!

...It's a distraction ploy by the reptile people. It's MILK you have to worry about! MILK keeps you from making the connection between reptiles, chemtrails, and Obama's secret Martian army!


...Wow. That was...Interesting. Did I write that?
So you're saying The Milk Man works for Fox News?
Yes, for he is The Milk Man, his milk is delicious, and his deliveries must be completed.



Can't Stop the Bop
Jan 2, 2011
Can we just ignore these pathetic attempts at generating controversy? What are you worried that people will actually believe this dribble and take away your violent games? Based on how much money games like Call of Duty make and how many people play them, that's never going to happen.

The best way to get rid of these idiotic stories is to ignore them and just go play your violent games.

Ldude893 said:
FOX News posted an online poll in conjunction with this; asking people whether they believe that video games cause people into committing violent crimes.

The []
Hahahahahahahaha that is awesome!


New member
Aug 17, 2008
Why do they need 2 parts, aren't they a 24 hour network? Trying to spread out the bullshit to not be as noticeable?

Oooh Doom, how long has it been since that was trotted out. id have made other games you know.


Noble and oppressed Kekistani
Nov 8, 2010
drummodino said:
Can we just ignore these pathetic attempts at generating controversy? What are you worried that people will actually believe this dribble and take away your violent games? Based on how much money games like Call of Duty make and how many people play them, that's never going to happen.

The best way to get rid of these idiotic stories is to ignore them and just go play your violent games. that I think about it. Since CoD is the biggest game on the market and each launch of the latest bucket full of drivel is hailed as a holiday to the people who play it...maybe we could use Fox News and the like to go after the spunkgargleweewee games. Hey, if it could put a dent in Activision's undeserved Scrooge McDuck money pit, then I'd almost consider it a fair trade to have the new outlets blame video games for the Black Plague.


Can't Stop the Bop
Jan 2, 2011
LysanderNemoinis said:
drummodino said:
Can we just ignore these pathetic attempts at generating controversy? What are you worried that people will actually believe this dribble and take away your violent games? Based on how much money games like Call of Duty make and how many people play them, that's never going to happen.

The best way to get rid of these idiotic stories is to ignore them and just go play your violent games. that I think about it. Since CoD is the biggest game on the market and each launch of the latest bucket full of drivel is hailed as a holiday to the people who play it...maybe we could use Fox News and the like to go after the spunkgargleweewee games. Hey, if it could put a dent in Activision's undeserved Scrooge McDuck money pit, then I'd almost consider it a fair trade to have the new outlets blame video games for the Black Plague.
One could dream. However the masses of casual gamers would never accept it. As much as I dislike the spunkgargleweewee, they are the most popular because the most people are willing to pay for it. Something about a free market?


New member
Jun 18, 2012
Can't say I'm surprised, though I really am getting tired of this. Seriously, bash on something else for a change. Or better yet, start being competent for a change.

Whoops, I'm asking for too much.
Ldude893 said:
FOX News posted an online poll in conjunction with this; asking people whether they believe that video games cause people into committing violent crimes.

The []
That's both hilarious and encouraging.

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
Fox News is okay if you treat it as a parody network. As for this special I'd like to see their research.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
You know, if it turns out that Castro fellow was a huge Sims fan, then maybe I'd give some credence to this sort of garbage.


Ruining videogames
Feb 3, 2011
Yes, yes this is moronic and we all knew it the second we saw the headline, I'm not sure why this was even posted other than to make yet another pointless self congratulatory "lets bash FOX" thread. I honestly feel the need to point out: absolutely none of the other major american TV news channels are any more unbiased or trustworthy, they just beat different dead horses. (tell me again about how bush is secretly Hitler, or better yet, make a Sarah Palin joke, I'm sure it will become funny after the 50000th time)