Fox News Begins Two-Part Series Linking Games to Mass Murder


New member
Oct 2, 2008
They must be out of things to complain about on the government side of things...because this seems like they are scraping the bottom of the barrel...

Fox News is adorable sometimes...but it is scary how many people take them seriously...


New member
Feb 13, 2010
So if these games really are all "training simulators", how about the next time we need to invade some middle-eastern country we just round up all the Call of Duty players and ship them out for active service?

Hell, if these games really are as realistic as the supposed "experts" Fox News dregs up claim, then a batch of CoD players should have Syria sorted out by Christmas.

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
GTA? Sure, the next game comes out soon.

Mortal Kombat? Niche, but there was a recent release.

DOOM? Wait a second...

Yeesh, its like the 90s is making a comeback.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Eh this sure is getting old fast. Honestly though it's Fox news, who's audience is nothing but older right leaning folk who don't understand technology and hate change. Anybody with a shred of common sense knows this is bullshit.

Awful to say but hopefully in 10-20 years those folk will die out and so will Fox.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Should I ever become a mass murderer, I'm going to blame fox news for my actions just to see their reactions.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
Dr. Gentile seems to the smartest one there maybe i'm giving him to much credit because of one quote


New member
Apr 2, 2008

Once again the media turns to their favorite scapegoat when ratings are down.

I can't even get worked up about this anymore. Let them rant and rave all they want, their audience is only going to shrink more and more as time goes by.


New member
Mar 19, 2013
Nobody needs to care or worry about this. At all. Let Fox release the series and the world will continue without giving a single fuck, I guarantee it.

If the gaming community wants to be taken seriously, they should at least let such reports be released before blowing their heads off at it. Once it's released we can simply criticize it for whatever it's worth (and it's not worth much) and then forget about it.

It's Fox for goodness sake. Also don't forget Obama's stance:

Trilligan said:
Vausch said:
There's a poll along with the story. The results:


I have a feeling that if this gets on TV, they're going to give it a margin of error of 99%.
Am I the only one who finds it utterly fascinating that 95% of those votes came from Texas? Like, most states have fewer than 10, a few states have about 1300, and Texas is like, 400000.

That's . . . weird.
That's called a DDOS/macro attack. I had seen that poll earlier and it was something like 40% yes / 45% no / 15% unsure. The chat was also flooded with DDOS/bots making it unusable, pretty sure they were trying to bring the site down or something.



Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
the title should read as follows:
"'Stupid simulation:' Braindead people often share obsession with Fox news".

BigTuk said:
Fox news... are they even allowed to call themselves News or has the definition be broadened since I last took up a dictionary?
Actually, somone was brave enough to sue them for this, and the court decided that "news" can be subjective and depend on the journalists opinion, therefore they indeed can call it news.

Abomination said:
It's reporting like this from Faux News that makes me want to go on a murder spree.

If I did, and because of the linking to me watching Faux News, it resulted in Faux News being canned would the loss of innocent life be a worthy sacrifice?
This is Fox news. no price is too high.
But then again, you are an abomination (a play on your nick).


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
The article on the whole isn't that mental. I mean there's a little bias I think where they've listed all the killers who played games for 90% of the article while it only has a little bit where it concedes that most professional psychiatrists don't think that video games are a main cause, at most a minor one along with a whole load of other ones like drugs and child abuse.


New member
Jun 19, 2010
karloss01 said:
Should I ever become a mass murderer, I'm going to blame fox news for my actions just to see their reactions.
Well, if you do leave us a message so that a bunch of us can go on the news and give interviews with soundbites like:

"Yeah, he always was a bit quiet"
"Seemed basically normal"
"Really loved Fox News though"
"Used to post an article a day from them, believed their every word"
"Maybe it inspired him"

Disclaimer so I don't get extradited [] or arrested []:
The above is facetious. No one here is planning mass murder.
Though if they were Fox News would almost certainly be to blame.
The previous sentence is also facetious.
(Kind of).
Also that bracketed bit.


New member
Jan 30, 2012
Let's completely ignore the insane gun laws in our country and run a two-part series on how to scare the fuck out of our technophobe, old-man viewers. Yeah, superb idea.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
OneCatch said:
karloss01 said:
Should I ever become a mass murderer, I'm going to blame fox news for my actions just to see their reactions.
Well, if you do leave us a message so that a bunch of us can go on the news and give interviews with soundbites like:

"Yeah, he always was a bit quiet"
"Seemed basically normal"
"Really loved Fox News though"
"Used to post an article a day from them, believed their every word"
"Maybe it inspired him"

Disclaimer so I don't get extradited [] or arrested []:
The above is facetious. No one here is planning mass murder.
Though if they were Fox News would almost certainly be to blame.
The previous sentence is also facetious.
(Kind of).
Also that bracketed bit.
just posting that comment made me feel like 50 armed police were going to jump through every entrance to my room and fill my comfort zones with live weapons. *sigh* the world takes everything too seriously these days.

nuba km

New member
Jun 7, 2010
Now I have a theory, fox news is run by a group of demons that feast on the rage of reasonable people. It just all adds up then.
Mar 9, 2012
Strazdas said:
Actually, somone was brave enough to sue them for this, and the court decided that "news" can be subjective and depend on the journalists opinion, therefore they indeed can call it news.
I'm somewhat sure the fully story was that they claimed the specific program that was being sued wasn't a "news program" but an "entertainment program", and that apparently gives you a free pass to make up pretty much whatever you want.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Oh it's just Fox.

The 65+ demographic is going to watch a show about how videogames kills people, after their parents watched shows about how television rots your brain. It's good that the stupid generation is still being entertained by fearmongering.