Fox News Says Bulletstorm Could Make You a Rapist


New member
Sep 2, 2009
The fact that people take news networks seriously makes me sad. Yes, unfortunately there are people that will believe this since they have "experts" who back it up. Most of them I'm sure are mocked in their fields of study, but still.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
Anarchemitis said:
Just because I don't agree with such a disreputable news group from having such a large audience, doesn't mean I agree with such violent video games having a large audience. There are so many other things we could use game engines for apart from depiction of guns and boobs.
But seriously, why can't we use game engines for guns, boobs, AND science?

OT: Fox News is gonna have a field day making shit up with Duke Nukem'. Maybe they'll report it turns you into a baby-seal killing terrorist!


New member
Jun 12, 2008
Well, people who say that associating guest speakers' comments as opinions of the news agency is wrong are completely correct. However, Movie Bob made a video a while ago that summed it up quite nicely: fair play is stupid. It can be outright dangerous at times. If something is downright fallacious and you do not describe it as such, even give it airtime and exposure,you are not doing your job right. A news agency is supposed to inform, not place everyhing on a simulated balance and give validity to something that's false just to appease some interest group. That's why agree that even though FOX dind't itself state "bullestorm=rape" it is endorsing that kind of backwards thinking by not decrying the falseness of what people say. Whoever is achoring that show is moronic and guilty of the worst kind of "journalism" available.

Slick Samurai

New member
Jul 3, 2009
This is the point where I usually state that a game like this will have no harm on the kid. But, I've been doing some thinking and I've come to the conclusion that this kind of game can indeed harm a kid's morality.

In a 9 year old.

This is what ratings are for. This is why the ESRB is not a failure, they put M +18 on the cover, they list why it earned that rating, and they leave the judgement up to the parent. It is the perfect system, informing the parents on their decisions without impairing freedom of choice or freedom of speech.

If you let your 9 year old play a game that's rated M for all the things that Bulletstorm is rated M for, then that's your decision. But common sense dictates that you must know the ramifications of your actions, and what may happen to that child's mind. That's why I think they should teach basic psychology in high school, so these people are informed that their actions towards their children have a direct effect.

When it comes down to it, it's not the game maker's fault for making a violent game, it's the parent's fault if they decide to let their kids play the game and don't like the outcome.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
"Hay boi. U got a pirty mouth. It'd be a shame if i wrapped some o mai flailgun ammo 'round it and shot you in the d*ck with a Screamer Flare for some massive points...."

Now, i could understand if they said, "it could give children divent tendacys". But rapist? Seriously? Most of the nerd i know scream and flail theyer arms around at the sight of a spider.
Most of them can barly talk to a women, let alone touch one.

How about insted of bashing a game thats not even out, you remove beer, cig, and penis advertisements from TV. Follow that up by removing porn, and accually having parents talk to theyer kids about sex, and we might accually live in decent world where rape, murder and assault rates are at an all time low.

New Troll

New member
Mar 26, 2009
Only Fox newscasters would let thier children play M-Rated games. They do whatever it takes to make.. errr... get a story.


New member
Oct 26, 2010
Andy Chalk said:
"The marketing is clearly aimed at children and young adolescents," said Professor Melanie Killen of the University of Maryland.
The marketing.... is clearly aimed at children.
The marketing of Bulletstorm... is aimed, clearly apparently, at children ?

American children must be the most scary underaged motherf*ckers on this earth.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
(Insert Fox generic "Videogames are bad" speech here. Insert normal typical response "Parents shouldn't let their kids play M-rated games anyway" here).

Well, I think I've covered it. Moving on...although, you have to wonder. Do the people at Fox even realize that they lie, or have they done it so much that they have become immune to the fact?


New member
Dec 5, 2010
This has stirred up memories of all those games that openly feature rape scenes.

Oh wait...


New member
May 16, 2009
This is awesome i can blame video games for everything now according to fox news why did you park your car on double yellow lines umm video games made me do it.Why did i not i turn up to work well video games made me do it.Why did not pay my taxes of course video games made me do it.

Come on fox news can you just give up i can not see how the "news" station is still running when it just makes things up as it goes along that is not the news that is story telling.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Well I say watching Fox news can make you an idiot and I have waaaaaaay more proof on my side than they do.


New member
Mar 19, 2010
Because when I see a virtual man get his man hood blown away in a blood spray, that instantly makes me want to rape people rather than blow away more virtual manhood.
Culture Nazis...


New member
Feb 10, 2007
"None of these facts are in question, yet Fox continues to ignore them. Is it just making this stuff up as it goes?"

You have obviously NEVER watched Fox News prior to this or you would see that this is how they operate on a daily basis.


New member
May 24, 2009
I'd love to see how Bulletstorm will transform me into a rapist, because unless it can magically change my gender from female to male (or turn me into Alma), I don't see it happening. Anyway, I was already thinking about getting Bulletstorm at some point; this just sealed the deal. Also, this may be the most amazing headline I've seen for any news article ever. I don't know why, it just is :D


Nov 1, 2009
Fox News.. just shut the fuck up already. I mean.. just do it. Your "logic" is as solid as a Lara Croft game map (ruins and canyons) when it comes to video games.

..Also, I'm surprised Dead Space 2 Necromorph "babies" didn't get there first. I had 3 dollars on that, damnit! >_<

"In other news, Dead Space 2 teaches you how to "properly" deal with rebellious children.. with mining tools." - Faux News


Atticus113 said:
..its not like we can blame free internet porn for rape can we? *sigh*
Not unless you want to make the inference that 3/4's of the Escapist posters are potential rapists for it, no..


New member
Sep 28, 2010
I chose to write a large paper on this topic last semester, more specifically the whole supreme court case on ratings, and it never fails to mkae me laugh, oh fox news. I mentioned the ratings system and argued that parents need to be more aware of their children's involvement with media and the lack of correlation between violent games and real life violence. Not saying let 5 yr olds play this game but at a suitable age. O dumb people.