Fox News Says Bulletstorm Could Make You a Rapist

Dylan Bonnett

New member
Feb 21, 2011
Dawkter said:
New ITT:
Post about any normal kid you know that plays violent vidya gaems.
+500 points if you post a story of a morally good deed he did recently
my sister Nicole 11 years old she has been playing violent video games for 2 years now,
as for the story, a week ago she voluntiered to help and tutor the special needs children (i was there as she roped me into it) she helped the children with most patience and kindness ive ever seen even when obe of them deciced to run away cause he appartently didnt like math when we found him she took him back to the classroom and talked to him with nothing but care and calmness. The same girl has played such brutal games that even i had to turn away at the gore presented on the tv.

Dylan Bonnett

New member
Feb 21, 2011
Dawkter said:
New ITT:
Post about any normal kid you know that plays violent vidya gaems.
+500 points if you post a story of a morally good deed he did recently
my sister Nicole 11 years old she has been playing violent video games for 2 years now,
as for the story, a week ago she voluntiered to help and tutor the special needs children (i was there as she roped me into it) she helped the children with most patience and kindness ive ever seen even when obe of them deciced to run away cause he appartently didnt like math when we found him she took him back to the classroom and talked to him with nothing but care and calmness. The same girl has played such brutal games that even i had to turn away at the gore presented on the tv.


New member
Apr 9, 2010
So wait using innuendos suddenly makes you a rapist *Looks at his "That's what she said" shirt* YOu better hide yer kid, hide yer wife, & and hide yer husband cause I'll be raping errbody out there

Dylan Bonnett

New member
Feb 21, 2011
Dawkter said:
Dylan Bonnett said:
Dawkter said:
New ITT:
Post about any normal kid you know that plays violent vidya gaems.
+500 points if you post a story of a morally good deed he did recently
my sister Nicole 11 years old she has been playing violent video games for 2 years now,
as for the story, a week ago she voluntiered to help and tutor the special needs children (i was there as she roped me into it) she helped the children with most patience and kindness ive ever seen even when obe of them deciced to run away cause he appartently didnt like math when we found him she took him back to the classroom and talked to him with nothing but care and calmness. The same girl has played such brutal games that even i had to turn away at the gore presented on the tv.
God of War, right? Ech. Kratos would've mattered more to me if he wasn't a violent little pile of aggressive shit.
close but she tends to horror games where you have to riff off everything and anythings head just so they will stop eating your face in the goreist of ways ever imagined.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Fox News is news the same way wrestling is a sport: it kind of looks like it, but mostly it's just there for entertainment.

Jacob Haggarty

New member
Sep 1, 2010
This makes me happy to live in the UK, where we are relatively safe from this sort of stuff.

The only problem we have is if enough people in the USA take this seriously, causing whatever brain-destroying disease the people who take this seriously have to become a highly contagious airbourne strain, and float across to the thickies in England.

Seriously, i feel for you americans. You have to put up with this shit for next to every release.

Jacob Haggarty

New member
Sep 1, 2010
Liquidacid23 said:
Jacob Haggarty said:
This makes me happy to live in the UK, where we are relatively safe from this sort of stuff.

The only problem we have is if enough people in the USA take this seriously, causing whatever brain-destroying disease the people who take this seriously have to become a highly contagious airbourne strain, and float across to the thickies in England.

Seriously, i feel for you americans. You have to put up with this shit for next to every release.
yes because no game has ever been talked badly of in the UK especially not enough to be banned or censored... cough*Manhunt 2*cough*Carmageddon*cough*the punisher*cough* sorry had something in my throat.. but I digress .. We have freedom of the press so of course some idiots will get up and blame video games for things that aren't their fault.. but in return no game has even been banned or forced to be edited.. So I say let them make false claims and point fingers all they want, it is their right after all, as long as I get my damn game unedited and uncensored I don't care
Thats why i said "relatively safe"... :D


Saviour In the Clockwork
Feb 2, 2010
I'm glad i live in Norway. Not a single time in any media have i ever heard anyone accuse video games of being the source of anything bad. Any input any ignorant parent might have gotten about video games, relating to rape and violence have come from elsewhere and now i've got a nice pointer as to where all that shit is coming from.


New member
Apr 17, 2011
That's the hilarious thing. They are totally against government regulation except for when it comes to self-expression. If you want to do something they don't agree with, they think you shouldn't be able to do it.