Fox News Says Bulletstorm Could Make You a Rapist


New member
May 19, 2010
The Wykydtron said:
Lol i'm glad they're all the way over in America, that much stupidity from one channel seems disquieting
uhh, can you help dilute the stupid. It seems to have concentrated in the southern part of our nation.....HELP!


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
In other news, Bill O'Reilly still isn't sure where the moon came from.
Oh snap! XD

OT: meh, usual Fox's scare mongering, nobody outside of America really takes Fox seriously anyways, we generally just point and laugh at the silly Americans and their silly ways :p


New member
Apr 21, 2009
I played the Bulletstorm demo and felt ashamed for playing it.
My impression was that it was like watching a drooling retarded child who has been told to run around and chant a curse word at an inappropriate time.
Yeah I got a cheap laugh out of it but afterwards I had to pick up a book in hopes of undoing some of the damage I feared had been done to my brain.

Bulletstorm is stupid and its stupidity is beyond words, which is saying a lot because my tolerance for stupidity is really quite high, I have 2 younger brothers and one of my favorite games is House of the Dead: Overkill.

I honestly don't care most of the time what FOX news says, But I am worried that the controversy will end up making the game sell more copies, But oh well maybe the inevitable Bulletstorm-shitstorm will take some of the heat away from Duke Nukem Forever (A game I'm looking forward to) which by what I have seen opens with Duke receiving Fellatio while playing an Xbox ......... outstanding (^_^)

Edit: I did however feel that Bulletstorm had some very homo-erotic overtones. like when I was told to guide my "Foot up someones Poo Passage" and I thought to myself "WOW!! big muscle bound men doing things to other mens "Poo Passage" thats kind of gay."

Note: I mean no disrespect to ANY gay people and am only making an observation.
Also my gay friend Chris agrees with me (^_^)


New member
Jun 2, 2009
MrSnugglesworth said:
Well if videogames aren't the cause of violence, tell me where it comes from.

You can't can you?
Violence has been around since even before man has. It's "Cause" is still a mystery, but allow me to speculate.

Anger, hatred, greed, and fear. Four of some of the oldest emotions, and some of the most dangerous.


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
I repeat my (very dignified and thought out) response from the other thread about this: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


Media Snob
Mar 19, 2010
Anarchemitis said:
There are so many other things we could use game engines for apart from depiction of guns and boobs.
But why would we when we can have guns and boobs? Seems like a waste of effort to me.

I love how Lieberman says the increase in rapes is gaming's fault as if rising rape rates were a given and we've just now uncovered the cause. It's amazing how terrible you can make something sound when you're willing to twist the truth into something completely unrecognizable.

SlainPwner666 said:
Violence has been around since even before man has. It's "Cause" is still a mystery
Species 1: Hi! Would you like to be friends and pick some flowers with me?
Species 2: RAWR! HULK SMASH!

One of these two species will continue procreating and expanding while the other will not. Can you tell which it is?


Pee Eye Em Pee Daddy
Apr 4, 2010
Fox news the point, looks like another point fox news missed. The game has a rating of M for lets guess Mature right? I mean here we go again with them bitching about a violent game thats totally no meant for little kids in the first place hence the M rating, so maybe they should say this: parents fail at monitoring thier childrens games or fail at paying any attention to the rating on a game to see if its suitable for thier children, then blame the companies that make and sell the game. I swear fox news needs to stfu already.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Ah People Can Fly. I think I'll go play Painkiller now while laughing at Fox News now.


Goes "Ding" When There's Stuff.
Aug 14, 2009
Honestly, if there's one game I don't mind getting attacked, it's this one. It seems like it was tailor-made to attract this kind of attention. Like Oscar bait, but for Fox News.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
So, Bill O'Rielly wasn't mentioned anywhere in the article at all, so I'm not sure where you are coming up with that, plus I am quoting this directly from the article.

?Between a great ratings system, parental controls on the consoles and the major retailers inhibiting the
sale of Mature-rated games to minors, the matter is really one for parents and adults to consider, individually,? Hal Halpin, the president of the similar Entertainment Consumers Association, told ?I respect the creative rights of game developers to make a game like Bulletstorm in the same way that I appreciate Quentin Tarantino's right to make over-the-top movies like Kill Bill."


New member
Dec 23, 2007
sunburst313 said:
Anarchemitis said:
There are so many other things we could use game engines for apart from depiction of guns and boobs.
But why would we when we can have guns and boobs? Seems like a waste of effort to me.
The way I see it see one space gun you've seen em all.
There has yet to be a single video game that pays homage to the greatest adventure that actually happened, for example
[img_inline caption="It has 6,000,000 horsepower, it makes Superman look like a pansy weakling.
Its the same size as a 30 story building and can travel faster than sound. What is wrong with you people"][/img_inline]


New member
Apr 4, 2010
So shooting the testicles of zombies, makes you go and force sexual intercourse on people?

That is a very interesting theory...


New member
Jun 7, 2010
lets see, what would be a good counter-argument, which is on the same level of intelligence of fox? hmmmmmm... 2+2=5 and i have proof of it. serious, its is a discussion that always really interrested me, why doens't antigame poeple like fox, never see the right facts? i mean, we can see it and we are the the idiotic children who only can fight en rape.


New member
Feb 2, 2008
If this is what Bulletstorm does, I'm looking forward to the Shitstorm the Dukes gonna bring.